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Dansk Landbrugs rådgivning Landscentret | Planteproduktion. Making do with less. Senior adviser, Plant nutrition Leif Knudsen, DAAS. Making do with less: Nitrogen statistic for Denmark Trials with increasing amounts of Nitrogen Different types of nitrogen fertilzer in cereals,
Dansk LandbrugsrådgivningLandscentret | Planteproduktion Making do with less Senior adviser, Plant nutrition Leif Knudsen, DAAS
Making do with less: • Nitrogen statistic for Denmark • Trials with increasing amounts of Nitrogen • Different types of nitrogen fertilzer in cereals, • maize and potatoes • Starter fertilizers to maize • Manganese and other micronutrients • Reducing leaching of nitrogen
Nitrogen account for Denmark Imported Surplus Exported Kyllingsbæk, 2005
Input of nitrogen in Danish Agriculture Mineral fertilizer Animal manure Input reduced 35 pct from 84/85 to 04/05
Nitrogen in animal manure from cattle 1985 1996 2004 Milk yield, ECM per cow 6300 7600 8745 Excr. kg per cow 123 128 134 Excr. gr. per kg ECM 19,5 16,8 15,4 Dairy cows, 1,000 890 701 569 Kg N from cattle, 1,000 t 170 142 115
Nitrogen excretion from pigs Excretion of nitrogen per kg produced kg meat
Yield in winter wheat 1980-2006 100 90 80 Belgium Denmark 70 France Hkg per ha Germany 60 Netherland Sweden 50 UK 40 30 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
17 57,9 110 16 84,5 169 Results of trials with increasing amounts of nitrogen Ave. 2001-2005 2006 No. of tri. Yield, deci-ton/ha Opti-mal N, kg/ha No. of tri. Yield, deci-ton/ha Opti-mal N, kg/ha S.Bar-ley 54 58,7 130 Winterwheat 65 84,7 196
ENTEC NS 26-13 ENTEC fertilizer to spring barley, 3 tr. 2006 120 100 80 Reference NS 24-7 Kg N in grain per ha 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Kg N per ha
Sulfammo NS 23-18 Sulfammo NS 23-18 to winter wheat, 5 tr. 2006 180 Kg N uptake in grain per ha 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
4 trials with N-Plus to winter wheat 2006 20 N i N-Plus st. 37 20 N i N-Plus st. 51 12,5 2 x 10 N i N-Plus 12,0 11,5 Percent protein 11,0 10,5 10,0 9,5 150 175 200 175 175 175 -------NS 24-7------- --NS 24-7 + N-plus--
Table 12. Starter fertilizer to maize for silage Maize, silage N P kg per ha Trial no. 1 2 1. No fertilizer - - 113,5 79,0 2. 81 kg NS 24-7 19 - 5,6 13,8 3. 116 kg NP 17-9-0 m. S 19 11 4,4 18,2 4. 128 kg NP 16-8 20 10 8,6 9,7 5. 123 kg NP 16-5 m. Humifirst 20 6 9,8 22,8 6. 95 kg NP 16-5 m. Humifirst 15 5 0,1 17,9 7. 78 kg ENTEC (NP 25-7) 20 5 8,3 19,1 8. 160 kg ENTEC (NP 25-7) 40 11 13,9 24,8 9. 240 kg NP 17-9-0 m. S 40 22 17,2 32,9 LSD ns ns Nitrogen Phos- phor. Yield and response Units per ha
Winter barley without spraying with manganese sulphate Winter barley with 2 x autumn spraying with 2,5 kg manganese sulphate
Picture from trial no. 001 April 2006 Yield and yield response tr. 001 og 002 23,6 + 9,9 +21,1 -1,6 0 +30,7 +51,6 0 Untreated 2 x MnSO4 autumn sprayed 30 N in amm.sul-phate footplaced 30 N in calcium- nitrate footplaced 2 trials with foot placed fertilizer to prevent manga- nese deficiency in winter barley, 2006
Trials with micronutrients 2005-2006 Winter wheat Spring barley 2005 2006 2005 2006 6 trials, 4 trials 2 trials 3 trials Yield and yield response, dt per ha 67,4 68,2 62,2 56,5 Untreated Copper -0,2 -0,4 -0,3 2,0 Zinck 0,1 -0,2 -1,7 -2,4 Magnesum,sulphur -0,9 -0,9 0,0 1,6 Nutrimix (Mix) -0,6 -0,4 -0,7 -1,3 Epso Combitop (Mix) -1,4 0,1 0,5 0,2 Micro Mix. -0,7 -1,3 -1,7 -0,5 Manganese -0,4 0,6 -1,2 2,0 Selenium -1,5 - -1,5 - Boron - 0,4 - -1,4 ns ns ns ns
Effect of reduced N supply: 20 kg N reduced leaching = 30 pct. of N reduction Spring barley, with and without catch crops 80 70 Catch crops give more than a 50 per- cent reduction in leaching 60 kg N/ha 60 120 kg N/ha 50 Leaching of nitrogen, kg N/ha 40 30 20 10 0 Ploughed spring Without catch crop Ploughed spring with catch crop
Mustard as an intercrop between two winter wheat crops or sown together with winter wheat
Reduction of leaching in rotations dominated by winter cereals Winter wheat Sown at normal time N-min 98 kg N/ha Very early sown winter wheat, N-min 63 kg N/ha Mustard + winter wheat N-min 30 kgN/ha Mustard as intercrop N-min 70 kg N/ha 0-25 25-50 Depth cm 50-75 75-100 0 5 20 10 15 25 40 30 35 Kg N-min per 25 cm soil per ha
Root zone Root zone Clay soils, >10 pct. clay Upper ground water Upper ground water Mg nitrate-N per liter Sandy soils (<10 pct. clay 90/91 2004/2005 Does the Danish regulation of nitrogen work and does it have an environmental impact?