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Adaptation Fund state of operationalization

Adaptation Fund state of operationalization. 27. 06. 2012. Alpha Oumar Kaloga Policy Officer - Adaptation to Climate Change/Development International Climate Policy Team Germanwatch. History. 1997: Origins under the Kyoto Protocol

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Adaptation Fund state of operationalization

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  1. Adaptation Fund state of operationalization 27. 06. 2012 Alpha Oumar Kaloga Policy Officer - Adaptation to Climate Change/Development International Climate Policy Team Germanwatch

  2. History • 1997: Origins under the Kyoto Protocol • 2001: Fund concept and financing further defined • 2007: Adaptation Fund established (Board, trustee, secretariat) • 2008-09: Development of operational procedures • 2010: First NIE/MIE accredited and project grants awarded

  3. Core mandate and priorities of the AF • Target the ‘particularly’ vulnerable’ developing country parties • provide international financial assistance to developing country parties to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and to meet the full costs of adaptation • “to support concrete adaptation activities that reduce vulnerability and increase adaptive capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change, including variability at local and national levels.”

  4. Institutional arrangement and responsibilities Governance Innovative funding Direct Access • 11 National Implementing Entities • 1 Regional Implementing Entity • 10 Multilateral Implementing Entities

  5. Results Based Management

  6. Consultative Process • A special attention is given to the needs of the most vulnerable communities and gender Groups • A strong consultative process with the involvement of all key stakeholders, and vulnerable groups.

  7. Financial Status of the AF • Status of resources: Current availability of funding is US $146 million • Level of need: A record 22 projects (including 18 fully-developed proposals amounting to US $110 million and 4 concepts) are up for consideration at the next Board meeting. • Supporting innovative, tried, and tested approaches to adaptation: Funding needed to contribute to the evolving area of adaptation. • Regional programmes: Recognizing the potential for synergies amongst countries with similar circumstances or that share borders,

  8. Status of Resources

  9. Tyes of the Projects funded by the AF • Protecting lives and livelihoods in the coastal zone of Senegal (rising sea level and increasing coastal erosion) • Combining scientific and traditional knowledge to help smallholders in drought-prone areas of Uruguay (reduced and less predictable rainfall) • Helping rural residents in Georgia to improve hazard mapping, insurance schemes, new building codes and other policies against landslides, mud and snow flows (increased flooding and melting glaciers) • Ensuring reliable and safe freshwater supply for communities in the Maldives (less predictable rainfall and rising sea level)

  10. Fundraising Strategy of the AF • The AFB set a USD 100 million fundraising target through the end of 2013. • The AF intends to work collaboratively with both the private and public sector in achieving this goal. • Work is ongoing to finalise an agreement with UNF to facilitate donations by individuals. • The AFB is open to discussing innovative options for fundraising tools and strategies.

  11. Benefits & Lessons learned • Empowers developing countries to manage their own funds • Recognizes the potential of strong institutions in developing countries • Improved institutional and operational processes through the accreditation proces • Need to further assist developing countries through the accreditation process

  12. Convention KP Green Climate Fund Adaptation Fund Funding windows request by the AFB concret projects and programmes (current mandate) Option 1 Mitigation xxx Adaptation forward resources to fill gaps policies, mainstreaming, capacity building etc. projects, programmes, policies, capacity building(expand mandate) Option 2 Mitigation xxx Adaptation forward ALL adapt. resources Option 3 Mitigation xxx Adaptation legally move AF to become Adapt window Legal and political (US?) barrier (governance etc.)

  13. Regional Distribution of Projects approved by the AF

  14. 50% Cap issues of MIEs projects • Were AFB18 to approve all full proposals, 80% of funding would go to MIEs, far exceeding the cap. • Distribution of Cumulative Funds if all proposals submitted to AFB 18 are funded

  15. Endorsement and Approval rate Endorsement/Approval rate consistent with the Fund’s strategic priorities of swift processes and disbursements: 81-86%

  16. Key questions for the discussion? • What could the Green Climate Fund learn from the AF? • What could be the future of the AF in relation to the Green Climate Fund?

  17. Thank you for your attention www.af-network.org www.germanwatch.org/klima/af Kaloga@germanwatch.org

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