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Unit 10: Hollywood ’ s Marketing Machine

Unit 10: Hollywood ’ s Marketing Machine. This is a report about the marketing of Hollywood films. Hollywood.

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Unit 10: Hollywood ’ s Marketing Machine

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  1. Unit 10: Hollywood’s Marketing Machine This is a report about the marketing of Hollywood films.

  2. Hollywood • Hollywood is a world famous tourist destination in the city of Los Angeles. One of the most famous areas in the Southern California, Hollywood is packed with attractions and world famous landmarks. • Hollywood, in Northeast Los Angeles is known for Hollywood Boulevard and the famous bronze stars with the name of famous Hollywood actors on them on the Walk of Fame.

  3. Hollywood • Just west of downtown Los Angeles, Hollywood, CA is home to historic places like the big Hollywood sign. The first motion picture studios opened in Hollywood in 1911, and just twelve years later, the sign was erected to announce the new Hollywoodland residential area. 18 blocks of bronze stars with famous movie stars names is embedded in the cement sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard.

  4. Los Angeles • Second in size only to New York, Los Angeles is a large, bustling metropolitan area in Southern California. Everything is on the grand scale in Los Angeles. This city is situated in an area that has worldwide for its entertainment industry, high-end shopping areas, and theme parks, making this area the setting of the best highlights of a Southern California vacation.

  5. The Walk of Fame • The Walk of Fame has the stars in the cement of Hollywood Boulevard, which is an honor for any actor in Hollywood. The stars on Hollywood Boulevard have been here since 1960. Great achievers in Music, radio, television and theatre receive their own bronze star.

  6. bustling metropolitan • Landmarks: 里程碑 • Embedded:嵌入 • Bustling adj. 熙熙攘攘的, 忙乱的 • Metropolitan adj. 主要都市的, 大城市 • Highlight: 精彩地区

  7. Bruce Lee

  8. Hollywood Boulevard • 好莱坞林荫大道

  9. Hollywood Star Avenue

  10. Big Hollywood sign

  11. Before You Watch 1 • What factors do you think Hollywood takes into account when marketing films in different countries? • How do they market films? • What are the threats that Hollywood faces?

  12. Before You Watch 2 • A campaign: the advertising for a film • A territory: a geographical area, often the responsibility of a particular sales team • Box office: ticket sales for a film • Counterfeiting: illegal copying (of films) • Marketing machine: all the elements a business uses to market its product • Overseas market: market abroad

  13. Before You Watch 3 • Piracy: illegal copying (of films) • Promotion: advertising and marketing • Release date: the tome when a film is first shown • Revenues: money that a business receives from its activities • To customise: to make changes for a specific market

  14. Stephen Moore • We usually say 50% of the revenues come from international. But there are many occasions, the biggest of all time, Titanic, for example, where the international market…can…can contribute double the domestic market. And, not only in the cinema business, but throughout the film’s life through home entertainment: DVD and video and television…

  15. revenues • Yield from property or investment; income. 收益,来自财产或投资的收益;

  16. CNN Reporter • Big stars, big action flicks, and characters that tug at the heartstrings typically do well around the world. • Flick: 轻弹 • Tug at: to pull hard • tugged at her boots. • Heartstring n 心弦

  17. Child • Yeah, I’m going to see Star Wars! • Star Wars: 星球大战 • Won 6 Oscars.

  18. CNN Reporter • Still, all agree, a big global payday can be elusive. So the industry turns to its legendary marketing machine to hedge its bets. When it comes to international marketing, there’s no such thing as “one size fits all”. 一刀切

  19. payday • The day on which employees' salaries or wages are paid. • elusive :Difficult to define or describe • Legendary: based on, or of the nature of a legend • hedge :To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.

  20. Dick Cook(Richard Cook) The Walt Disney Studios(影视部)董事长,负责掌管迪士尼公司所有的影视制作、发行和营销业务,并直接向迪士尼公司CEO罗伯特艾格汇报。 Dick Cook 也被认为是接替艾格的第一人选,并且很有可能担任迪士尼公司的总裁和CEO。 • I can’t think of a single campaign that we’ve done in the last ten or fifteen years that has been exactly the same.

  21. 罗伯特艾格 • 罗伯特艾格(Robert A. Iger, 也称 Bob Iger)是华特迪士尼公司现任首席执行官(CEO)兼总裁。

  22. CNN Reporter • These films may be made in Hollywood but, in most cases, local staffers—in important markets around the world—help customize their campaigns.

  23. staffer • A member of a staff: 雇员中的一员: • White House staffers.白宫的工作人员 • Customize:To make or alter to individual or personal specifications: • 定做:按照个人的规格制作或改制:

  24. Dick Cook • You have to check your own ego and really, rely upon what your people are telling you. Time and time again, they’ve been right, and our instincts would have been completely wrong. Ego: The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves. 自我,自己

  25. CNN Reporter • Studios also schedule a film’s release date with the local calendar in mind. A room or building for movie, television, or radio productions.

  26. Dick Cook • The holidays are different. We want to schedule them when the families are available—when kids are available. And that can differ from country to country…

  27. CNN Reporter • One thing that’s as important in Trenton as it is in Tokyo…promotion, promotion, promotion… 特伦顿 [美国新泽西州首府]

  28. Joe Roth • A star’s appearance in an overseas market has an unbelievable, uh-uh, benefit.

  29. CNN Reporter • Roth’s Revolution Studios—a high-profile, two-year-old startup—sent the star of Triple X [XXX],Vin Diesel, a relative unknown around the world, on a twelve-country promotional tour. 启动

  30. Vin Diesel • 列兵卡帕佐《拯救大兵Rein》

  31. Joe Roth • I know he went to twelve different cities in Europe alone. And he went to Japan. And he went to Hong Kong. CNN Reporter And the result of all those frequent flier miles for Vin Diesel

  32. Joe Roth CNN Reporter • It makes him a star But all that money and all that marketing may not matter as Hollywood faces a potentially deadly opponent to its global dominance: piracy! 票房, 票房收入 box office

  33. Stephen Moore • We have an epidemic DVD counterfeiting problem at the moment. And, on the top of that, we have an emerging—and potentially explosive —problem of internet piracy. 流行的, 传染的, 流行性 爆炸(性)的, 爆发(性)的 伪造, 假冒

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