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Birth and Death of Calvin Coolidge

Birth and Death of Calvin Coolidge. He was born on July 4,1872 at Plymoth,Vermont as John Calvin Coolidge. He died on January 5,1933 at Northampton,Vermont . He was president on 1923 through 1929. Calvin Coolidge was the 30 th President of the United States.

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Birth and Death of Calvin Coolidge

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  1. Birth and Death of Calvin Coolidge • He was born on July 4,1872 at Plymoth,Vermont as John Calvin Coolidge. • He died on January 5,1933 at Northampton,Vermont. • He was president on 1923 through 1929. • Calvin Coolidge was the 30th President of the United States

  2. Information about Calvin Coolidge • Calvin Coolidge is of the Republican Party.

  3. Fun Facts • Pet(s): Peter Pan, a terrier; Paul Pry, an Airedale; Calamity Jane, a sheepdog; Boston Beans, a bulldog; King Cole, a shepherd; Palo Alto, a birder; collies named Rob Roy, Prudence Prim, Ruby Rough, and Bessie; chows named Blackberry and Tiny Tim; canaries named Nip, Tuck and Snowflake; cats named Bounder, Tiger and Blacky; raccoons named Rebecca and Horace; Ebeneezer, a donkey; Smokey, a bobcat; Old Bill, a thrush; Enoch, a goose; a mockingbird; a bear; an antelope; a wallaby; a pygmy hippo; some lion cubs. • His nickname is Silent Cal. • He had an electronic horse installed in the White House.He was the first president to be sworn in by his father.He was the first president to be born on July fourth.

  4. Works sited • http://www.presidentsusa.net/coolidge.html • http://www.google.com/images • http://millercenter.org/president/coolidge • http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312172/coolidge.html

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