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NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION “APELE ROMANE”. Institutional aspects & cooperation in WFD implementation in Romania. Bucharest, 6 - 7 November 2008. IMPLEMENTATION OF WFD IN ROMANIA.

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  1. NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION “APELE ROMANE” Institutional aspects & cooperation in WFD implementation in Romania Bucharest, 6 - 7 November 2008

  2. IMPLEMENTATION OF WFD IN ROMANIA • Legislative: - Water Law 107/1996, amended by the Law 310/2004 and 112/2006 • Competent authorities: - Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - National Administration “Apele Romane” • Organizatorical: - River Basin Management Plans and International Cooperation Department - AN “Apele Romane” - RBMP Bureau in all Water Directorates • Technical: - Staff training - Endowment with software - GIS database - Lab device endowment


  4. Ministry of Environment and Water Management The International Commission for the European Commission Protection of the Danube River Water Directors Committee Interministerial Council of Waters with neighbouring countries Expert Group on Water Management Making concordance of plans of the European Union Secretariat Specialized institutions : National Administration “Apele Romane” MAFRD, MEC, MAI, MH ICIM,Aquaproiect,ICDD,ICPA, ISPB, ICBBIOL,etc RBM Plan Division RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA.Dobro - Somes-Tisa Jiu Olt Arges - Vedea Buzau- Ialomi ta - Siret Prut gea Litoral Crisuri Mures Banat RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - RBM Plan - Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau Basin Committee Basin Basin Basin Basin Basin Basin Basin Committee Basin Basin Basin Somes - Tisa Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Jiu Olt Arges - Vedea Buzau- Ialomita - Siret Prut Dobrogea Crisuri Mures Banat Litoral Organizational structure for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Romania

  5. BASIN COMMITTEE In each river basin there is a basin committee which is made up of the main “actors” from the water management field : state, local communities, water management units, representatives of industry and agriculture, NGO`s. PRESIDENT 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SECRETARIAT Health Ministry A prefect from the river basin National Administration “Apele Romane” N.G.O. 2 City Mayors 1 Town Mayor President of the County Council Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Office for the Protection of the Consumer Water users BASIN COMMITTEE REPRESENTS THE INTERESTES OF ALL THE PEOPLE

  6. Participation in the EU Common Implementation Strategy and ICPDR activities • Working/expert groups • Intercalibration exercise • Pilot River Basins

  7. BILATERAL COOPERATION • Romania has bilateral agreements in the field of water management with all its neighboring countries: Hungary, Serbia-Montenegro, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine. • Activities: • up-dating the bilateral agreements with neighboring countries; e. g.: Romania and Hungary has updated the agreement in order to meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive • harmonization of activities from the River Basin Management Plan for transboundary rivers regarding typology, water bodies, monitoring, etc.

  8. PROJECTS FINANCED BY EU/PHARE • Ecologisation of Danube River and transport facility: • Danube River water quality monitoring equipment • Integrated monitoring of Black Sea between Midia and Vama Veche: • Endowment of laboratory equipment • Endowment of speed boat for intervention in case of accidental pollution • Implementation of the new Water Framework Directive on pilot basins: • Procurement of monitoring equipment • Technical assistance for implementation of WFD on 2 pilot river basins Somes si Arges • Water resources quality monitoring equipment acquisition: • Endowment of regional laboratories • Investment supporting the Information System and Database for Water Management (WIMS project)

  9. WIMS project objectives Improvement of IT&C infrastructure capability through implementation of: Servers of applications, geo-database and special storage equipments Software Services Improvement water integrated management approach through implementation of web applications Water Geo-Cadastre Models: ArcHydro and Mike Basin Internal organizational portal Management of documents and working fluxes Reporting Integration with existing applications (Dispatcher, Economic, Water permits, Water balance) Assuring public access to water information and to other relevant reports in this field External portal extern Improvement of communication and organizational performance Virtual collaborative spaces Training and knowledge transfer Integration in a coherent IT system

  10. National Reports to EC • Report 2003 -Information required according to Art. 3 (8) and Annex I: • competent authorities and coverage of the River sub-basins/sub-units for the elaboration of the RBMP; • Report 2004 - River basin characteristics, impact of human activities and economic analysis (Article 5, Annex II and Annex III), and inventory of protected areas (Article 6, Annex IV); • Report 2006 – Water Monitoring System(Article 8).

  11. Activities already done (2007 – 2008) Implementation of the monitoring system Stream typology revision WBs re-delineation (SWBs, GWBs) Register of protected areas Inventory of basic measures (agglomerations, industry, agriculture) Identification of possible measures which will address hydromorphological alterations (longitudinal and lateral connectivity) Application of methodology on cost recovery for water services

  12. On-going activities • Filling in and reporting ICPDR templates • Elaboration of the classification system (ICIM) • GWBs characterization, status assessment (INHGA) • SWBs risk assessment • HMWBs designation • Consultation with stakeholders on PoM • Drafting the RBMP

  13. Next activities • Identification of additional measures • Application of cost effectiveness methodology • Exemptions • Public information and consultation process • Finalization of RBMP • Reporting to EC

  14. THANK YOU !

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