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Enrollment Management Update Center for Pre-College Programs

Enrollment Management Update Center for Pre-College Programs. 49 teachers participated in Project Lead The Way (PLTW), Summer Training Institute. 20 Student attend the first year of Missouri Academy for Youth Advancement. 58 Educators attend the fall  Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Conference.

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Enrollment Management Update Center for Pre-College Programs

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  1. Enrollment Management UpdateCenter for Pre-College Programs • 49 teachers participated in Project Lead The Way (PLTW), Summer Training Institute. • 20 Student attend the first year of Missouri Academy for Youth Advancement. • 58 Educators attend the fall  Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Conference. • The Center for Pre-College Programs (CPCP) is fully staffed and operational. The center web site went live on Nov. 2, 2006. Please check the website for updates on pre-college programs. • 51 students attended the two Minority Introduction to Technology & Engineering (MITE) camps

  2. Enrollment Management UpdateWomen’s Leadership Institute and Student Diversity Programs • On November 3, over 550 7th and 8th grade girls will be on campus to participate in the Expanding Your Horizons conference. http://dce.umr.edu/NonCredit/PreCollege/2006_EYH.html • On November 4-6th, students from UMR’s National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) chapters will be attending regional conferences in Kansas City and Chicago, respectively. • On November 11, UMR will host its annual Diversity Showcase in conjunction with the second fall Open House.  This is designed to give underrepresented students in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas the chance to come to campus for the day and participate in Open House and visit with departments and faculty, and attend special student and alumni panels to discuss the highlights of a UMR education. • WLI/Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) and SDP/Minority Engineering & Science Program (MEP) hosted the largest “Night to Network” in the history of that program with over 200 UMR students and 100 industry attendees the night before the fall Career Fair.  This event is an opportunity for women and minority students to informally network with company recruiters to get to know them and learn tips about successful networking.

  3. WLI & SDP Update Cont. 5. On October 12-14, five UMR Society of Women Engineers (SWE) members and two UMR staff attended the national SWE Conference in Kansas City, MO. 6. On October 13, 3 UMR SDP staff members plus 14 UMR minority students visited 12 Kansas City area high schools as part of the Si Se Puede minority recruitment program to encourage underrepresented students to consider careers in the METS fields and to bring them to campus on November 9-11 to participate in the Si Se Puede portion of the Diversity Showcase. 7. On October 24, the Education Policy Institute conducted a research gathering visit to UMR on behalf of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME) organization to evaluate its block grant scholarship program, now in its fourth year at UMR.  Dr. Watson Scott Swail and Ms. Patty Shaffer visited with minority student participants, deans, faculty, and Student Diversity and Women’s Leadership Institute staff to gather information about such items as student climate and success, barriers or challenges to the program, graduation and retention rates of NACME scholars and best practices.  UMR was selected as one of 3 universities to be visited due to the programs successful growth in recruiting, retaining and graduating underrepresented students in math, engineering, science and technology fields.

  4. Enrollment Management UpdateNew Student Programs • PRO COUNT - 102 freshmen signed up for 2007 PRO dates • 9 transfer students signed up for SP2007 Transfer Orientation • 2. 2007 PRO Dates • Saturday, February 24 • Friday, March 9 • Saturday, April 14 • Friday, April 20 • Saturday, April 28 • Friday, June 8 • Friday, June 15 • Friday, June 22 • Saturday, August 11 • 3. 2007 Transfer Orientation Dates • Friday, January 5 • Thursday, August 16 • 4.2007 Opening Week Dates • August 11 to August 18

  5. New Student Programs Cont. • 5. PRO LEADERS • 9 new PRO Leaders hired • 11 Senior PRO Leaders returning • 1 Student Coordinator • PRO Leader staff shows a variety of majors and years • Annual PRO Leader Leadership Retreat scheduled for November 4th • 6. FRESHMEN PRO ADVISING • Training sessions for advisors scheduled for January 29 & 30, 2007, from • 3:00 to 4:30, location to be announced (all faculty are invited). • 7.ID Office • ID card with 2nd stripe on back is in the process of being phased in to • coordinate with the Library’s Copy Center.

  6. Enrollment Management UpdateAdmissions 1.Admit stats Freshmen FS2007 Admits: 712 compared to 614 in FS06, 16% increase Spring 07 Transfer Admits: 52 compared to 54 in 06, down 2% Spring 07 Grad admits: 141 compared to 164 in 06, down 14% CAS Freshmen Admits: 106 compared to 84 last year (up 26%) SMIS Freshmen Admits: 15 compared to 8 in 06 (up 88%) 2.Campus visitors up in every category: Individual visitors 413 compared to 374 last year (up 10.4%) Miner Days up 6% 3. Upcoming Events Transfer Advising Day, Nov 10 Fly-In Weekend, Nov 9-11: 20 students signed up representing: Germany, SC, NY, CT, FL, TX, IL, NE, CO, OH, TN, MI, MA (7 women and 13 men-the one from Germany is a girl!) 2nd Fall Open House (and Diversity Showcase and Si Se Puede): Nov 11, over 100 students signed up to date Scholars Day: December 2: Chancellor Scholarship Interviews (Rolla)

  7. Admissions Cont. 4. Telecounseling and Mailing Subjects: Congratulations on admits, encourage attendance at Special Events, confirm special event and HS visit, Scholarship Deadline, Apply, Visit, 5. Completed events: First Fall Open House, Sept 22 AUC Reception, Atlanta, Sept 27 Rolla Night (St. Louis)  Oct 5 Emerson Dinner, Oct 11 Transfer Conference at UMR, Oct 12 Transfer Advising Day (Rolla), Oct 20 NACAC Fair, St. Louis, Oct 22 East Central Math & Science Night, Union, Oct 24 Transfer Day (Rolla), Oct 27 Forest Hills, Oct 27 3 October Miner Days UMR Night in Springfield, Oct 30 Hundreds of High School visits by Counselors, over 100 fairs by Staff or Alumni (non-Missouri Fairs) Visits to five of the key Math/Science Academies:  Missouri, Oklahoma, Illinois, Arkansas and Texas

  8. Enrollment Management UpdateRegistrar’s • Preregistration for Spring 2007 is underway.  By the fourth day over 1,300 • students had self-registered using Joe’SS. • 2. Commencement information is being distributed to Fall candidates.   • Visit http://campus.umr.edu/registrar/commencement/ . • 3. Last day for students to drop a class or withdraw from school is November 10. • 4. This will be the first semester of no classes the week of Thanksgiving.

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