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Starter – news.... 1 Can you name the symbols above?

28 th F eb 2011 What is the right thing to do? LO: To Understand different types of government. To recognise the importance of a free media To understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN. Starter – news.... 1 Can you name the symbols above?

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Starter – news.... 1 Can you name the symbols above?

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  1. 28thFeb 2011What is the right thing to do?LO: To Understand different types of government.To recognise the importance of a free mediaTo understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN. Starter – news.... 1 Can you name the symbols above? 2 Using the pictures to help you– can you explain the big news story?

  2. Where?

  3. LO: To Understand different types of government. Different systems of Government Autocracy – These are countries with a powerful autocratic government eg a single leader (autocrat) or single party eg the Chinese Communist party. Autocracies do not offer people the right to vote in a government of their choice as they often fail to hold free elections or if they do they offer only one political party to vote for eg their own as they ban other parties. Many Human rights are often denied to the citizens in autocracies. Sometimes autocracies may be called dictatorships and their leaders dictators eg Hitler in Nazi Germany. Democracy – a country where people freely elect or vote for their leaders & government of their choice and are generally granted human rights eg freedom of speech etc . • Task :Now copy out the definitions and... • 1 Give 3 examples of a democracy • 2 Give 3 examples of an autocracy. • 3 Now try to work out what the following types of government mean: • An absolute monarchy • A theocracy (Hint: theo = theology)

  4. The Power of the Media... Q1 – What is the mass media – can you give examples and explain what it does? Q2 – Why would it be dangerous in a country if the government had complete control of the media? Think about it what would be the consequences? Q3 In which types of countries do you think the media is highly controlled by government eg democracies, autocracies , absolute monarchies or theocracies? Hint: there is more than one answer! Q4 - Have you ever heard of the word propaganda? – If so explain what it means? LO :To recognise the importance of a free media

  5. Propaganda LO: To recognise the importance of a free media Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviours of large number of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively to encourage a particular belief or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented.

  6. Radio Propaganda 1994 Rwanda • A large majority of the population were illiterate & used the radio as the main media source. The main radio station RTML continually sent out cockroach messages 1993 -94 against the Tutsis asking Hutus to crush them and stamp them out. • Between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days. • Most of the dead were Tutsis - and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus. • Listen carefully to this short radio message..... Colonel Gadaffi in Libya has already used similar tactics and language via state TV! . LO: To recognise the importance of a free media

  7. The United Nations An International Organisation that tries to encourage peace, cooperation and friendship between countries.The UN also campaigns for Universal Human Rights. LO: To understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN.

  8. The Role of the UN After the slaughter of 9 million people in WW1 and 55 million in WW2 (of which 6 million were Jews) the United nations was set up to try and prevent such mass killing ever taking place again. The UN was established to promote a culture of peace and security in the world. The UN works in the following key areas: Peacekeeping Intervention Economic and Social development The Respect of Human Rights Worldwide The fight against world poverty and hunger LO: To understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN.

  9. What power does the UN have? • They can intervenemilitarily. • Intervene peacefully eg a a peacekeeping force. • Mediate (eg call for a ceasefire) • Make threats. • Use sanctions against the country either by arms embargos, air and sea embargos, trade and financial embargos and diplomatic isolation. HOWEVER –All members have to agree to take action and all 5 members have a veto! LO: To understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN.

  10. The Importance of State Sovereignty Historically the UN has refused to intervene in another country’s affairs for fear of disrespecting the right of state sovereignty which means often they have not intervened in Internal wars within a country eg civil war or ethnic tensions. However since the end of the Cold War the UN has increasingly got involved in internal conflicts although some have criticised it for taking to long to decide and doing very little when there. Can you Remember Task - Which 5 countries do you think make up the 5 permanent members of the UN security Council? Hint: It was set up post WW2 – 1945 – which countries would have been involved? LO: To understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN.

  11. The 5 Permanent Members of the UN..... LO: To understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN. The following 5 countries are the permanent members of the Security Council and make all the important decisions with reference to intervention in other countries affairs: China The Russian Federation France USA UK

  12. The UN TaskRole PlayShould the UN intervene in Libya? Chinese President Hu Jintao • In groups of 5 you must take on the role of the country that you have been given. • You cannot act as yourself – eg what you believe but as the leader of the country. • You must use your remit to understand what sorts of factors might make or prevent you from voting for military intervention in Libya. • Finally – if you do not want to vote eg as you do not want to let others know what you would vote you can always use your veto which means you refuse to vote on the issue. • ALL countries MUST agree to take action. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev US President Barack Obama French President Nicolas Sarkozy UK Prime Minister David Cameron LO: To understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN

  13. Plenary1 What did you learn from the last task?2 A game of Knowledge - What did you learn from today’s lesson? Have you met your LO today? LO: To Understand different types of government.To recognise the importance of a free mediaTo understand the role of the UN and the limited power of the UN.

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