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Software Overview

Software Overview. Andrew Liu, Joe McIntyre Draft 10/05/04. Software Overview. Installation onto separate R2WS hard drive in the default flight load OS environment. In case of system/driver conflicts, install on a separate bootable hard drive with custom OS environment.

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Software Overview

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  1. Software Overview Andrew Liu, Joe McIntyre Draft 10/05/04

  2. Software Overview • Installation onto separate R2WS hard drive in the default flight load OS environment. • In case of system/driver conflicts, install on a separate bootable hard drive with custom OS environment. • Three main groups of software programs. • VEE software for tracker operation (Joe McIntyre) • Session Manager for crew interaction, protocol selection, & file management (Douglas Alan) • E085/507 software to present stimuli, collect data. (Andrew Liu, Joe McIntyre) • Mix of COTS and PI-developed software

  3. Software Overview HRF Common SW Update file downlink information Launch VOILA Session Manager Launch Launch E507 Experiment Manager E085 Experiment Manager VOILA Configuration Files Create new data files Create new data files VOILA Data Files Update file downlink Information in closure record Update file downlink Information in closure record Tracker data (broadcast from VEE) VOILA Downlink List Tracker data (broadcast from VEE) VOILA Diagnostic Tools Diagnostic Application Web Browser VOILA Help Files Ethernet Ethernet VEE Internal Software Commands from Expt Mgr For VOILA Tracker Server Commands from Expt Mgr For VOILA Tracker Server

  4. Overview: VEE Internal Software • CODA tracker hub (Kontron SBC w/ Win2k SP4) • Intersense IS-600XL (Pentium w/ DOS 5.1) Ethernet (Windows Mailslot) Intersense 600XL firmware VOILA Tracker server RS-232 Vizard sensor Plug-in Ethernet (UDP) Mrkr Select CODA data RS-232 R2WS Tracker client CODA server R2WS CODA client R2-422 Ethernet (TCP/IP) Kontron Board VEE R2WS Windows File Sharing Ethernet (Windows File Sharing) Tracker Bar Inertiacube LED markers Tracked Object (x3)

  5. Overview: VEE Internal Software • Applications and OS required in VEE • CODA drivers and SDK (Charnwood) • IS600XL firmware (LPPA/Intersense) • Marker selection/serial output to Intersense software (LPPA) • VOILA Tracker UDP Server (LPPA/CSR) • Windows 2000 including TCP/IP, Windows File Sharing • Software/drivers for installation on R2WS • VOILA Trackerr UDP client (static library, LPPA/CSR)

  6. Data Files Log Files Overview: VOILA Session Mgr Select corresponding task_*.cfg file Default protocol selection from prioritized list (master.cfg) Manual protocol selection from complete set of protocols (exper.cfg) OR ExperimentManager VOILA Session Manager: Written in Python using Tk/Tcl (GUI) Filenames Closure File Filenames HRF CSW File Server VOILA Session Manager File Downlink List

  7. Align or skip? Confirm? Task_vection.cfg Check closure status Overview: VOILA Session Manager Launch VSM from CSW “pythonw.exe sm.py” Set-up: Select task alignCodasGUI.exe Align checkTrackerAlignment.exe Start task Set-up: Select crewID Skip Check Subject Camera Position Select Help Button N HRF CSW Select Photo Button Y Uses CSW DLL to pass downlink files information in file location file. Internet Explorer Select Diagnostics Button Pythonw process suspends while Expt Mgr launched testTrackerBar.exe Experiment Manager “winviz.exe vection.py closure.clo” “catching.exe config.dat closure.clo” alignCodasGUI.exe testHandSwitch.exe winviz.exe testHMD.py testAccel.exe testJoystick.exe

  8. Overview: VOILA Session Mgr • Configuration files (*.cfg) are ASCII text format • Data files are ASCII and binary format • Text and Audio note capabilities • Requires Snack audio libraries for Python • Hardware diagnostics for peripherals • Joystick (Game controller Control Panel) • Accelerometer/handswitch (via A/D toolkit) • Tracker diagnostics • Help capabilities • Help materials will be in HTML format viewed through Internet Explorer

  9. Finished Trials? R2WS Graphics card Overview: Experiment Managers Command line format specified in task_*.cfg file winviz.exe exptscript.py 0 <argfiles> closurefile.clo Initialize callback routines to collect data from peripherals and draw virtual scene Initialize objects in virtual environments for experiment trials Process arg files to set stimulus conditions No Perform rendering and data collection for one trial Write status to closure file Wait for trigger event Yes USB DirectX HID calls (Vizard) Joystick Exit process Left+Right eye signals via OpenGL Upon exit, the Session Manager process becomes active Intersense control packets→ (via Mailslot) Tracker Server ←Tracker data records (UDP broadcast)

  10. Overview: E085 Expt Manager • Vizard (WorldViz Inc., Santa Barbara, CA) • Python interface to user sits over C/C++ and OpenGL libs • PI developed plug-ins to interface with the tracker and peripherals • Separate scripts for of the 5 protocols • 5 protocols (TILTED, TUMBLING, VECTION, OBJECTS, and SHADED) • Required R2WS interfaces • Graphics card, Ethernet • USB/Human Interface device driver • Logitech camera drivers

  11. Overview: E507 Expt Managers • PI-developed programs • OpenGL based graphics • Written in C/C++ with MS Visual C++ v6. • Direct interfaces to tracker and peripherals • Separate executable programs the two E507 protocols (Interception and Grasping) with varied configuration files • Required R2WS interfaces • A/D board • Graphics card, Ethernet • Logitech camera drivers

  12. Overview: Disk Space • Session Manager and Experiment apps • 100Mb disk space • Items in SYSTEM32, Program Files, and $VOILA_ROOT • Experiment Data (Nominal session of 60-90 min) • 540-3150 files using approx. 12-85 Mb total. • Individual file sizes are 20-40 Kb each. • Estimate <2 Gb data/subject over the 6 mo increment.

  13. Overview: Downlink/Uplink • Data Downlink • Desirable to receive data as soon as possible, however no need for real-time (RT) or near RT downlink. • Would not downlink all experiment data files. • Data Uplink • Analysis of test session data may result in changes to desired test protocols. In these cases, we might wish to change the future tests by uploading new master.cfg and task_*.cfg files. • Anticipate 10Kb for master.cfg and 1Kb for other files with a total of 15Kb per uplink. • Do not anticipate regular use of this capability.

  14. Overview: Display Review Status • HRF Internal Review • Iteratively reviewed ops flow (decision action diagrams) and Session Maanger screens for usability and compliance to the Display and Graphics Commonality Standards (SSP 50313) • Completed Feb. 2004 • Payload Display Review Team (PDRT) Initial Review • Displays submitted June 2004 • Review completed August 2004 • Less than 20 comments received • Most comments related to compliance with Version B of DGCS (which was just baselined) • Outstanding issue is the rounded command button; waiting on Payload Office approval to begin seeking exception for VOILA.

  15. Overview: Remaining Work • VOILA team will incorporate PDRT comments • Conduct usability test with crew • Training hardware and software will be needed • Anticipate NET mid-2005

  16. Overview: SW Deliverables • VOILA “Baseload” package: Apps and drivers that must be integrated into the HRF Baseload, i.e., they are installed into the Windows OS folders or make registry or environment variable changes. • Vizard application (license required) • ActivePython application (freeware) + libs • Drivers for VOILA Subject Camera (Logitech) • VOILA “Experiment” package: • Session Manger • E085 software and E507 software • Tracker system software • Delivery with Flight Hardware

  17. Overview: Configuration Control • Separate development efforts on varied platforms for the 4 experiment packages. • Developers maintain numeric versions for distribution to other VOILA developers. Version history is kept by developer in accompanying VDD. • Versions ready to include as part of the VOILA “Experiment” package will be tested by the Science team then designated with a Revision A initial release. • Alphabetic revisions of the Baseload” and “Experiment” packages will be distributed to JSC. • Software releases will be available from the VOILA Configuration Database.

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