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Earth Observation Mission data transfer experiment plan by using GEANT and APAN

Earth Observation Mission data transfer experiment plan by using GEANT and APAN. JAXA/EORC Osamu Ochiai, Isao Nakanishi APAN 2005 @ Taipei August 25 th 2005. Contents. JAXA Earth Observation Mission status & plan Data exchange scheme for each Mission Purpose of the experiment

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Earth Observation Mission data transfer experiment plan by using GEANT and APAN

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  1. Earth Observation Mission data transfer experiment plan by using GEANT and APAN JAXA/EORC Osamu Ochiai, Isao Nakanishi APAN 2005 @ Taipei August 25th 2005

  2. Contents • JAXA Earth Observation Mission status & plan • Data exchange scheme for each Mission • Purpose of the experiment • Experiment detail • Future Plan

  3. ADEOS-II / AMSR JAXA Earth Observation Mission status & plan 2002 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 ~ JFY ALOS 【Optical Sensor】 Disaster Monitoring And Resource Management MOS-1,ADEOS (87~95) (96~97) 【Optical & SAR】 Geo-Stationary Earth Observation Mission JERS-1 (92~98) Disaster Monitoring constellation Mission Global Warming And Global Water Cycle Observation 【Precipitation Radar】 TRMM/PR GPM /DPR (97~) 【Microwave Sensor】 Water Cycle Observation ADEOS-II follow on MOS-1 (87~95) Aqua / AMSR-E 【Sea Surface Wind Vector, SST】 GCOM-W/ AMSR F/O Note: This chart includes NOT authorized plan 【Optical Sensor】 【Cloud, Aerosol, Vegetation】 MOS-1, ADEOS ADEOS-II / GLI Climate Change Observation GCOM-C/ GLI F/O (87~95) (96~97) Legend Symbol 【Cloud, Aerosol】 【Cloud Radar】 Planned Project EarthCARE/ CPR Approved Project 【Spectrometer】 ADEOS/ILAS CO2 【 】 Greenhouse Gas Observation After Operation Period (96~97) ADEOS-II / ILAS-II GOSAT

  4. EMSnet Abilene 10 gbps Data exchange scheme for each Mission- Current Operational Mission - 10 Gig NYC 5 Gig 25 mbps SInet JAXA DC Tsukuba TRMM, science data 10 Gig College Park, MD MAX 25 mbps 2 mbps ATM 6 mbps PVC GigE OC-12 JPL GSFC JAXA-EOC Pasadena CA Greenbelt MD Hatoyama TRMM, AMSR-E Mission data Operations Flows Science Flows

  5. Abilene 10 gbps Data exchange scheme for each Mission- Transit Operational Mission (use SInet case) - 10 Gig NYC 5 Gig TBD mbps SInet JAXA DC Tsukuba 10 Gig TRMM, AMSR-E, mission and science data College Park, MD MAX TBD mbps GigE JAXA-EOC GSFC Hatoyama Greenbelt MD Combined Operations and Science Flows

  6. Abilene 10 gbps Data exchange scheme for each Mission- Transit Operational Mission (use APAN case) - TransPac 10 gbps Chicago, Il Tokyo, JP Star Light TXP TransPac 10 gbps TBD m 10 gbps College Park, MD 10 gbps Pacific Wave 10 gbps MAX JAXA Los Angeles, CA GigE TRMM, AMSR-E, mission and science data TBD mbps GSFC JAXA-EOC Combined Operations and Science Flows Greenbelt MD Hatoyama

  7. ASF CNES/ESA NOAA JAXA Asia Region GA Europe and Africa Region North and South America Region Australia and Oceania Region Antarctica : JAXA in association with National Institute of Polar Research Data exchange scheme for each Mission- Future Mission (1/2) - ALOS Data Node framework to enhance to use the data more efficiently. • Each Node is associated with a • geographical zone which defines • the extent of its area of activity • (supporting the physical residents • therein as potential ALOS users) • as an ADN partner. • ESA: Europe and Africa • NOAA/ASF: North and South America • GA: Oceania • JAXA: Asia • GISTDA: Asian Sub-Node • JAXA will receive global ALOS (to be launch in 2005) data via Data Relay satellite. • JAXA to send the ALOS Level 0 data to each Node (Currently media (SONY/DTF-2) shipment.) • JAXA and Nodes are discussing to move the High Speed network transfer. • Data Volume totally 600GB/day • (ESA: 146GB/day, ASF: 180GB/day, GA: 58GB/day, GISTDA: 61GB/day, other: 91GB/day). • Each Node to receive the data in 24hours -> necessary STABLE/RELIABLE bandwidth • 20Mbps/Node.

  8. Data exchange scheme for each Mission- Future Mission (2/2) - High Latitude data receiving station and network transfer to Japan. ALOS (backup usage) GOSAT (nominal usage) SSC @ Sweden, Kiruna Or KSAT @ Norway, Toromso/Svalvard • High Latitude receiving station capture the GOSAT (and ALOS) data each 100min interval. • Data Volume is 44GB/day for GOSAT and same level or more for ALOS. • Receiving the data in 100min/orbit -> necessary STABLE/RELIABLE bandwidth over 20Mbps.

  9. Purpose of the experiment • Based on the JAXA EO satellite plan, data exchange volume will increase. • Data exchange and distribution are also encouraged as near real time base. • In terms of current mission (TRMM, AMSR-E), JAXA is planning to transit from leased line to APANorSInet. • In terms of future mission (ALOS, GOSAT,...), data volume is huge and we need STABLE, RELIABLE and REASONABLE network. • This Japanese Fiscal Year, JAXA is planning to evaluate the network performance, transfer protocol and security by using APAN before future mission become operational.

  10. GEANT APAN a pan-European multi-gigabit data communications network Asia Pacific Advanced Network Abilene an Internet2 high-performance backbone network Experiment detailSys. Configuration (1/3) Kiruna/SWEEDEN Tracking Station Tokyo/JAPAN NOC Area-B Area-A

  11. Experiment detailSys. Configuration (2/3) Protocol Layer Configuration Northern Europe JAXA/JAPAN APAN + Abilene + GEANT AP AP FTP FTP TCP XTP TCP IPv4 (IPv6 into the future) • XTP (Xpress Transfer Protocol) : • Eliminates the impact of high latency due to distance delay, and accelerates all TCP based applications (especially large flow, e.g. large file transfer via intercontinental links). • Eliminates high packet loss and unnecessary retransmissions. • Establish communication pass immediately. (XTP:1 packet, TCP:3packets) • Supports multicast.

  12. Experiment detailSys. Configuration (3/3) Configuration for The Data Transfer Experiment (FY2005) Tokyo/JAPAN Terminals (FTP Server/Client) Console for XTP Router Kiruna/SWEEDEN HUB APAN/GEANT XTP Router Router Router(FireWall) XTP Router HUB Terminals (FTP Server/Client)

  13. Experiment detailTest Overview • Before we begin: • Verify by ping command that a healthy network exists end-to-end. • The Test: • Transport mission data files (MAX size:1GB) via several FTP/TCP and FTP/XTP links. • Monitor the throughput of FTP/TCP and FTP/XTP traffic. • Verify that APAN network and XTP supplies efficient mission data transmission.

  14. Future Plan FY2005 The Data Transfer Experiment FY2006 ALOS Mission Data Transfer The future projects

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