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My Name is Maria Isabel by Alma Flor Ada

PAGEANT. Pa-geantNOUNA show based on stories or events from previous times. REHEARSALS. Re-hear-salsNOUNPractices for a play or other performance. RESTLESS. Rest-lessADJECTIVEUnable to sit still. TROPICAL. Tro-pi-calADJECTIVEFound in the warm, wet regions of the Earth, near the Equator. TROUBLESOME.

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My Name is Maria Isabel by Alma Flor Ada

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Presentation Transcript

    1. My Name is Maria Isabel by Alma Flor Ada

    3. REHEARSALS Re-hear-sals NOUN Practices for a play or other performance

    4. RESTLESS Rest-less ADJECTIVE Unable to sit still

    5. TROPICAL Tro-pi-cal ADJECTIVE Found in the warm, wet regions of the Earth, near the Equator

    6. TROUBLESOME Trou-ble-some ADJECTIVE Disturbing; getting in the way

    7. ATTENTIVELY At-ten-tive-ly ADVERB In a way that shows complete concentration; with concern

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