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How do you feel right now??

How do you feel right now??. Is there anything bothering you? Is there something bothering you that others don’t know about? Is there something bothering you that you want to share with the class? Is there a problem you need to discuss with someone?

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How do you feel right now??

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How do you feel right now?? • Is there anything bothering you? • Is there something bothering you that others don’t know about? • Is there something bothering you that you want to share with the class? • Is there a problem you need to discuss with someone? • Do you need to talk to a counselor, parent or friend? • What is the cause for your feeling the way you do? • Is it external or internal?? • (Parents, friends, sports, relationship, teachers) • Fight, argument, rumors, poor tests grades • Don’t like yourself (appearance, something you’ve done)

  2. Self-Esteem The way you feel about yourself. Refers to confidence and pride you have in yourself. Self-Concept The view that you have of yourself. An awareness of your strengths and weaknesses. Self-Esteem Vs.Self Concept

  3. How to improve your Self-Esteem • Focus on your strengths. • Send yourself positive messages. • Set realistic goals for yourself. • Ask people for help when you need it. • Learn from your mistakes.


  5. SCORING FOR SURVEY • 0-11: You're not too stressed now, but there are things you should be watching out for: ADVICE - Take time to relax; don't over work yourself!You could be on the verge of being stressed out! • 12-23: You're very close to being one stressed out personADVICE - Take time to relax; don't over work yourself! Set priorities and organize your time so that you can spend it on what is most important to you. • 24-35: You are in a progressing stage of serious stress: ADVICE - Take time to relax and organize your mind and soul. Get rid of junk food and try to exercise when you have free time. Ask people for help if you need it and talk with someone you trust and care about. • 36-45: At this stage stress could be threatening to your physical and mental well-being. Be Aware!ADVICE - Learn to take care of yourself. Take time and relax! Exercise regularly, eat well, get enough rest, schedule some quiet time for yourself. Talk to someone you trust and ask for help. • *Being stressed out happens to everyone! Don't be alarmed. Take a deep breath, calm down and organize your mind. Ask someone for help if it's needed and learn to address and recognize situations that cause you to have stress!

  6. STRESS Your bodies response to changes around you.


  8. Symptoms • Headache • Nervous • Stomach Ache (Butterflies) • Increased Heart Rate • Increased Breathing • Sweating/ Perspiration Chronic Stress (long term stress) can lead to serious illness.

  9. FIGHT OR FLIGHT • More blood directed to muscles • Your heart beats faster. • Muscles tighten & are ready for action. • You become more alert. • Ability to take in more air. • Blood sugar levels increase. ADRENALINE: Increases the level of sugar in your blood stream, which gives your body more energy.

  10. A presentation Performing in a play Running a race Playing in a big game A recital Fighting with friends Divorce Doing poorly in school Death Positive Vs. Negative Stress

  11. STRESS & FATIGUE • TYPES OF FATIGUE: • PHYSICAL: Extreme tiredness of the whole body. Usually occurs after vigorous activity. • PSYCHOLOGICAL: Extreme tiredness caused by your mental state. This is brought on by stress, boredom, or depression.

  12. TIME MANAGEMENT 1. Set Priorities • Which activities are obligations & which are choices. Of the ones that are choices which are most important to you. 2. Make a schedule • Set a time table for doing each activity and leave time for yourself to relax. 3. Learn to say NO. • Know your limitations & when to say NO.

  13. COPINGWITH STRESS PLAN: Think ahead to avoid the stress of being late. Don’t procrastinate. TALK: Talking with someone not directly involved to the situation can often see solutions to your problems that you cannot. REDIRECT: Your body reacts to all stress by making ADRENALINE which raises your energy level. Channel that energy into something positive. RELAX: Stretching, Yoga, and/or meditation are ways to relax and empty your mind of troubling thoughts. LAUGH: Spend time with people who enjoy a good laugh.

  14. DistressNegative stress or a negative way of dealing with stress. A stress that keeps you from doing things you need to do or causes you discomfort.

  15. Coping with Stress Defense Mechanisms Short term ways of dealing with stress. Denial: Refuse to accept reality. Rationalization: Justifying behavior to avoid guilt or to gain acceptance. Repression: Blocking out unpleasant thoughts. Displacement: Having bad feelings towards someone not really related to the problem. Projection: Blaming someone else for your problem.

  16. Physical Causes Injury to the brain High Fevers Certain Drugs Certain Illnesses Emotional Causes Neurosis (anxiety, phobia) Psychosis (paranoia, schizophrenia) Other (clinical depression, manic-depressive disorder) Understanding Mental Disorders

  17. Mental Disorders • Neurosis: When fear gets in the way of a person’s ability to function in daily life. • Anxiety Disorder: When real or imagined fears keep a person from functioning normally. • Psychosis: A condition in which a person is not able to function in the real world. • Schizophrenia: (Split Mind) A person turns inward and completely lose touch with reality.

  18. Mental Disorders Continued • Clinical Depression: A feeling of sadness or loneliness and a feeling of hopelessness that continue for more than a few weeks. • Manic-Depressive Disorder: (Bipolar Disorder) People who experience extreme mood swings on a regular basis and take unnecessary risks during their high periods. • Hypochondria: Constantly feels aches and pains

  19. Suicide • Teen Suicide Links: • Teen Facts • Teen Suicide | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

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