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How to write F r Q

How to write F r Q. The two frqs makes up 25% of your Score. Basic Information. There will be 2 FRQs on the Test You will Respond to One Question from a Group of Three And then you will respond to another one from a different group of three

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How to write F r Q

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  1. How to write FrQ The two frqsmakes up 25% of your Score

  2. Basic Information • There will be 2 FRQs on the Test • You will Respond to One Question from a Group of Three • And then you will respond to another one from a different group of three • You will have about 5 minutes to plan and thirty minutes to write

  3. Step 1 • READ THE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!! Ask yourself: What is this Question Asking me to Do • List any ideas about question or history that come to mind. Anything could become Relevant • Re-READ Questionand re affirm what is this Question Asking me to do

  4. Step 2: Construct an outline • Take you initial thoughts and begin to organize them • Think PERSIA- (Politics, Economics, Religion, Social, Intellectual, Artistic) • Think about the Major ideas and specific people that developed/ were involved with idea

  5. Step 3: develop thesisThesis= your argument and roadmap for essay (should outline your paragraphs) • ANSWER THE QUESTION!!! Be certain that you read the question carefully and then clearly answer each part of the question in your thesis and paragraphs. • Clearly and specifically relate each main point you make back to the question. • Clearly answer the question in your THESIS. The thesis should take a stand on the question. • The thesis should outline your paper! I should be able to know exactly what you are talking about in your paragraphs

  6. Step 4: Write Introduction • Set the Stage: Your 1stand maybe 2nd sentence should answer the question: where and When are you discussing in your paper. Europe is not specific enough • 1st and 2nd sentence Include broad generalities about the time period and where in Europe you are discussing. Basic facts on gender, race, culture, art, etc. should be included • 3rd sentence your thesis

  7. Step 5: Body • Write Your Body: 3 Paragraphs (unless compare and contrast) • Begin with your strongest point in your thesis • Continue to write 3 Paragraphs

  8. Step 6 conclusion • If there is time • 1st sentence Re state your thesis in different words • 2nd and third Highlight major points/ arguments of your essay/ make clear connections to first sentence of essay • NEVER END THE ESSAY “AND THAT WHAT MAKES Europe the great country it is today”

  9. Formal Writing • Never use I, you, we, • Use they only after you state the name or group of people you are discussing about • Don’t use semi-colons • Do not conjugate words such as don’t is do not • Never just say Europe, northern, western, southern, eastern, or specific countries

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