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Lunch and Learn

Lunch and Learn . ECRT and Effort Reporting Effort Certification and Reporting Technology. As of 09/01/08 UT Arlington discontinued use of Personnel Effort Reports (PERs) that certified time and effort on a monthly basis. UT System led the group implementation of ECRT

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  1. Lunch and Learn ECRT and Effort Reporting Effort Certification and Reporting Technology

  2. As of 09/01/08 UT Arlington discontinued use of Personnel Effort Reports (PERs) that certified time and effort on a monthly basis UT System led the group implementation of ECRT at 7 UT System Institutions – 5 additional campuses are switching to ECRT in the near future

  3. Why is Effort Reporting Important? Effort Reports are the mechanism used to provide a sponsoring agency with a reasonable assurance that salaries paid from a grant are appropriate and reflect a reasonable estimation of the time spent working on the project.

  4. Effort Certification – Basic Concepts Salary appointments are approved before or as services are actually performed. UT Arlington’s effort reporting system provides an “after-the-fact” confirmation that the salaries paid to individuals reasonably reflects the actual amount of effort expended on a project. Time & Effort Reporting is a reasonable confirmation that funds charged to the federal government are allocated appropriately to the activities they benefit (separate projects, university activities, or other)

  5. Effort Certification – Basic Concepts For determining “reasonableness”, OMB Circular A-21 states “In an academic setting, teaching, research, service and administration are often inextricably intermingled. A precise assessment of factors that contribute to costs is not always feasible, nor is it expected. Reliance, therefore, is placed on estimates in which a degree of tolerance is appropriate… The payroll distribution system will … (ii) reasonably reflect the activity for which the employee is compensated by the institution…”

  6. For example: A faculty member is appointed 20% to a sponsored project for 3 summer months and 0% time during the academic year.  At the time of Effort Certification (October), the faculty member would review their effort for the 6 month period (March to August) as being 10% effort based on the appointment data averaged over the entire certification period (6 months).  In this case, the average effort equates to 10% (60% total effort over 6 months).  If the certifier agrees 10% is reasonably accurate in relation to their 100% effort (time spent towards instruction/service/administrative duties/other projects) for this period of time, they can certify their effort.  If they certify their effort was actually 5% during this effort reporting period a change to the appointment (PAF/salary charged) will need to be processed in order to correct the salary charged to the sponsored project.

  7. Overall, Effort Reporting is a mechanism to confirm that the salary charged to sponsors was reasonably allocated for the actual time devoted.  Additionally, Effort Reporting is used to certify cost share commitments.

  8. Who Should Certify? These effort reports must be certified by individuals who have first-hand knowledge of 100 percent of the employee's compensated activities. In most cases, that would be the employee or the employee's direct supervisor.

  9. ECRT will facilitate the Effort Certification Process at UT Arlington • Benefits of ECRT: • Certification is required on a bi-annual (6-month) basis vs. monthly basis • ECRT allows administrators to view personnel commitments by person or account • On-line access (via VPN connection) allows for constant monitoring capability • Close to “real time” – (DEFINE payroll information is uploaded on a weekly basis)

  10. Navigating to ECRT

  11. Connecting to ECRT • ECRT can only be accessed • On Campus • Off Campus if you are connected to UT Arlington network via VPN

  12. Select UT Arlington and length of time to remember your selection

  13. Login using your NetID and Password (what you use to login to your computer each morning)

  14. New feature! Select “View Effort Card” to go right to your information

  15. Certification Preview Screen Where do the percentages come from? Use the Certification Payroll Report

  16. Certification Payroll Report- Payroll Expenditures in DEFINE

  17. Don’t forget to certify your support staff ! All faculty members (PIs, CoIs, Is) certify their own effort Non-faculty/support personnel need to be certified by the PI

  18. Department Coordinators Home Screen View

  19. Department Coordinators Department Dashboard – Quick view of the status of effort cards within a Department

  20. Scroll Down for a Detailed View

  21. More information?

  22. Need to generate a paper card?

  23. Common Pitfall #1 – Cost Share

  24. Commitment of Cost Share must agree with Actual Cost Share

  25. An error message will appear if the two columns do not match

  26. To add/change effort to the Commitment of Cost Share Column – select the note icon

  27. Add the 4% to the pop up window and press submit

  28. You are now ready to certify

  29. Common pitfall # 2 - Certifying is a two-step process

  30. Step #2 – “I Agree”

  31. If you have not already done so, please certify your effort for the 03/01/10-08/31/10 period. The next certification period is 04/13/11 - 05/13/11 for the 09/01/10-02/28/11 time frame.

  32. Questions? Thank you

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