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Assessment Report Department of the Earth Sciences School of Science and Mathematics

Assessment Report Department of the Earth Sciences School of Science and Mathematics. James Zollweg Chair + Assessment Coordinator. What was Assessed SLOs - All Majors. A1: Interpret Earth science data, including both qualitative and quantitative analyses.

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Assessment Report Department of the Earth Sciences School of Science and Mathematics

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  1. Assessment ReportDepartment of the Earth SciencesSchool of Science and Mathematics James Zollweg Chair + Assessment Coordinator

  2. What was AssessedSLOs - All Majors • A1: Interpret Earth science data, including both qualitative and quantitative analyses. • A2: Employ the scientific method with competency and precision. • A3: Locate, evaluate and interpret scientific literature. • A4: Effectively express earth science concepts and research results both orally and in writing.

  3. What was AssessedSLOs - Earth Sciences • E1: Explain the processes that affect the solid earth and the time scales in which they operate; describe how these processes have shaped earth history. • E2: Explain the hydrologic cycle, and analyze it using standard quantitative methods. • E3: Explain the physical laws governing atmospheric phenomena.

  4. What was AssessedSLOs - Water Resources • W1: Interpret the structure and physical properties of hydrostratigraphic units and explain how they influence the movement of water. • W2: Evaluate and analyze, for natural and anthropogenic influences, hydrological systems and processes for the purpose of water resources assessment and management. • W3: Quantify and interpret the hydrologic cycle using standard tools and techniques (field instrumentation, GIS, mathematical/computer models).

  5. What was AssessedSLOs - Meteorology • M1: Interpret the physical laws governing atmospheric phenomena. • M2: Explain the principles behind, and use of, meteorological instrumentation. • M3: Use critical and analytical skills to interpret and predict weather systems using weather information (model data, maps, remote sensing imagery). • M4: Describe the physical controls of the climate system.

  6. What was AssessedSLOs - Geology • G1: Be familiar with the geological time scale including explain how it relates to major events in the history of Earth and life on Earth. • G2: Explain the larger-scale physical processes of the Earth including plate tectonics and crustal deformation and apply to new problems. • G3: Explain the Earth’s processes that shape the surface and near-surface environment; Apply these concepts to real-world problems. • G4: Evaluate the physical and chemical properties of rocks and minerals and explain how these properties reflect their behavior in the geologic environment.

  7. Assessment Methodology(How was the assessment done) • Student Work Assessed: What assignment in what course, test, etc. • Measurement strategy: score, rubric, etc. • Number of students (sample or all eligible students)

  8. Assessment Methodology(How was the assessment done) • Student Work Assessed: What assignment in what course, test, etc. • Measurement strategy: score, rubric, etc. • Number of students (sample or all eligible students)

  9. Assessment Methodology(How was the assessment done) • Student Work Assessed: What assignment in what course, test, etc. • Measurement strategy: score, rubric, etc. • Number of students (sample or all eligible students)

  10. Assessment Results • Insert numbers, tables, graphs or descriptions about student attainments

  11. Assessment Results • Insert numbers, tables, graphs or descriptions about student attainments

  12. Assessment Results • Insert numbers, tables, graphs or descriptions about student attainments

  13. Lessons Learned

  14. Action Plan/Data Driven Decision: • How the department did or plan to“close the loop.”

  15. What resources were applied or are needed to close the loop

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