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Tdyn. Tdyn is a multiphysics analysis environment Tdyn includes a fully integrated pre/postprocessor based on GiD system, incorporating advanced CAD tools (NURBS importation, creation and edition)

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  1. Tdyn

  2. Tdyn is a multiphysics analysis environment • Tdyn includes a fully integrated pre/postprocessor based on GiD system, incorporating advanced CAD tools (NURBS importation, creation and edition) • Data insertion (control volume generation, physical properties, boundary conditions, etc) is guided by the use of wizard tools • Mesh can be automatically generated from the CAD information within the system. It also allows elements size assignment and quality check of the resulting mesh • System also includes a set of postprocessing options and tools for automatic report generation

  3. Easy to use (wizards) Advanced pre/postprocessing system Fully integrated pre/postprocessor Main Characteristics

  4. RANSOL Module • Ransol module of Tdyn is able to solve incompressible or slightly compressible fluid flow problems (based in the FIC formulation), including turbulence effects (RANS equations). • It is also able to solve porous media flow (Stokes) problem in solid materials. • Physical properties used in this module can be defined in terms of any other variable of the problem. • Ransol module offers a choice of 13 predefined turbulence models, as well as the possibility for the user of defining new models. • This module includes a specific wizard for creation of 3D geometry, data, mesh, postprocessing and generation of reports for wind tunnel tests. • Fully integrated with the Prepost module, based on Tdyn system

  5. RANSOL Module • Characteristics of the scheme: • Stable (convective terms - equal order velocity-pressure interpolations). Physical basis. • Implicit and monolithic (higher time step) • Second order accuracy (theta scheme) • All the problems to be solved are scalar (less CPU and memory requirements)

  6. RANSOL Module: Sailing hydrofoil

  7. RANSOL Module: EADS Aircraft

  8. RANSOL Module: Sailing yacht

  9. RANSOL Module: Applications

  10. NAVAL Module • Naval module of Tdyn is able to solve free surface equations, based on the transpiration technique. This module is specially adequate to simulate towing tank tests. • It is optimised for working with unstructured meshes of tetrahedral elements, allowing analysis of complex geometries including appendages. • This module includes a specific wizard for creation of 3D geometry, data, mesh, postprocessing and generation of reports for towing tank tests. • Linear module is able to solve potential flow problems for ship hydrodynamics simulation (wave resistance problem).

  11. NAVAL Module FIC method can be directly applied to the free surface equation. Transpiration technique is used to couple free surface condition with RANSE solver. This technique is based on imposing pressure at free surface obtained by stress continuity as: Being g the surface tension coefficient and R the average curvature radius. Above condition is applied on a reference surface. FS eq. is also solved on this reference surface not necessary being the exact free surface. In order to improve accuracy of the solver a mesh updating procedure is applied.

  12. NAVAL Module Dynamic sinkage and trim angle are calculated by where z is a correction of the sinkage at the center of gravity,  is a trim angle correction, Fz and My are a net heave force and a trim moment. Awp is the water plane area, and Iy is the corresponding moment of inertia about the y axis. In order to take these changes into account a mesh updating process is carried out automatically several times during the calculation process. This process is based on a strategy of nodal displacement diffusion through the mesh. Nodal displacements are due to free surface deformation and sink and trim effects. However only sink and trim effects are taken into account close to the ship body.

  13. NAVAL Module • Finally a new calculation is performed with the real geometry. This is done in four steps: • New free surface NURBS definition, taking the resulting deformation into account, is generated: • NURBS Cartesian support grid of MxN points is created. • Z coordinate of the points, representing the wave elevation, is interpolated into the grid. • Finally, the NURBS surface based on the support grid is generated. • Geometry of the vessel if moved according to calculated sinkage and trim angle. • New control volume and mesh are automatically generated • New calculation is carried out with fixed mesh

  14. NAVAL Module: IACC yacht

  15. NAVAL Module: IACC yacht

  16. NAVAL Module: KRISO VLCC2

  17. NAVAL Module: KRISO VLCC2 Numerical Experimental Experimental Numerical Cuts 2.71m and 2.34mfrom fore pp.

  18. RANSOL Module: IZAR 2558

  19. HEATRANS Module • Heatrans module is able to solve heat transfer problems. Physical properties used in this module can be defined in terms of any other variable of the problem. • Jointly with Ransol module it allows to solve conjugate heat transfer problems (CHT), where calculations of thermal conduction through solid materials is coupled with the calculation of the temperature in the working fluids.

  20. HEATRANS Module: Ventilation

  21. HEATRANS Module: Mould design

  22. ADVECT Module • This module allows to solve problems of advection/diffusion of species in fluids. It is also able to solve species diffusion problems in solids. • ADVECT allows to define and track a number of new species, being the physical properties and behaviour of the fluid flow defined in terms of the species concentration. • Tdyn incorporates finite increment calculus (FIC) algorithms to increase stability and accuracy of advection / diffusion problems.

  23. URSOLVER Module • Ursolver module is able to solve used defined PDE problems in fluids and solids. • This module allows to define a number of new variables (φ-phi problems) and specify and solve the differential equation that reigns its behaviour. • New user-defined problems can be coupled among them or with any other variable used in Tdyn (i.e. velocity, pressure, temperature, …). • In particular Ursolver module can be easily adapted to simulate free surface (level set type), new turbulence models, electromagnetics, …. problems.

  24. URSOLVER module: Slamming analysis

  25. ALEMESH Module • Alemesh module include all the necessary capabilities to solve problems with mesh updating techniques or moving (rotating) frame of reference, including arbitrary lagrangean eurelian (ALE) algorithms for solving systems of equations. • Several mesh movement strategies are available: prescribed surface movement with automatic mesh updating, body(-ies) movement due to fluid-structure interaction (FSI) forces and explicit 3-D mesh movement via user functions, remeshing with topology change, and combinations of these strategies.

  26. ALEMESH Module

  27. ALEMESH Module

  28. LINEAR Module • FS - Potential flow equations are integrated by panel method • The algorithm uses structured meshes of quadrilateral panels for free surface calculations • Boundary conditions are easily defined and automatically transferred to the mesh • Potential solver has been fully integrated within the multi-physics environment Tdyn

  29. Application: IACC example 9 kn

  30. Application: Rioja de España 9 kn

  31. RAMSOLID Module • If required, solid stress analysis may be performed by means of RAMSOLID module. In those cases, the structural analysis may be coupled with any other variable of the problem. • This module includes a simple and accurate method for analysis of thermo-mechanical problems.

  32. RAMSOLID Module

  33. OPTIMAL Module • Optimal module (beta version) is able to automatically deform body shapes (with C2 continuity) on selected areas by using a parametric scheme and detect improvements of the objective function (i.e. drag forces).

  34. OPTIMAL Module

  35. http://www.compassis.com email:info@compassis.com

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