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Harmonization of donor reporting requirements for ARV’s and related drugs

U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Reporting Requirements and the Country Operational Plan and Reporting System (COPRS). Harmonization of donor reporting requirements for ARV’s and related drugs WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 10-11 October 2005

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Harmonization of donor reporting requirements for ARV’s and related drugs

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  1. U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Reporting Requirements and the Country Operational Plan and Reporting System (COPRS) Harmonization of donor reporting requirements for ARV’s and related drugs WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 10-11 October 2005 Xenophon M. Santas (xsantas@cdc.gov) Steven Yoon Global AIDS Program/Informatics Team Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  2. Emergency Plan • Launched in January 2003 • Participating countries “tiered” based on funding level • 12 African, 2 Caribbean, and 1 Asian focus countries • Report at 6 & 12 months on 41 program indicators • Report at 12 months on outcome/impact indicators • Beginning in FY06, five countries receiving more that $10 million annually (Malawi, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Russia, India) • Report at 12 months on the 41 indicators relevant to the activities they implement, and a subset of the outcome/impact indicators • 34 countries receiving $1 to $10 million annually • Report through agencies (USAID/CDC/DoD) to the U.S. Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) • Report at 12 months on subset of 26/41 program indicators and 5/6 outcome/impact indicators

  3. Emergency Plan • Targets determined by • 2008 targets set for U.S. government in-country teams by the U.S. Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator • Interim-year targets set by U.S.G in-country teams, in conjunction with national authorities

  4. Care and Treatment Outcome/Impact Indicators • Outcome • % of people with advanced HIV infection receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) • % of health care facilities that have the capacity and conditions to provide basic-level HIV testing and HIV/AIDS clinical management • % of health care facilities that have the capacity and conditions to provide advanced-level HIV/AIDS care and support services, including ART • % of adults aged 18-59 who have been chronically ill for 3 or more months during the past 12 months (including those ill for 3 or more months before death) whose households have received, free of user charges, basic external support in caring for the chronically ill person

  5. Care and Treatment Outcome/Impact Indicators • Impact • Percentage of people still alive at 6, 12, and 24 months after initiation of treatment • Proportion of all deaths attributable to HIV

  6. Achievements – March 2005 • Approximately 235,000 on ART • More than 230,000 on ART live in sub-Saharan Africa • 57% on ART are women and girls

  7. Botswana - 20,000 Cote d'Ivoire - 2,100 Ethiopia - 14,900 Guyana - 600 Haiti - 3,900 Kenya - 28,300 Mozambique - 10,300 Namibia - 9,600 Nigeria - 13,500 Rwanda - 10,300 South Africa - 44,600 Tanzania - 4,400 Uganda - 50,900 Vietnam - 300 Zambia - 22,000 Total - 235,700 Total number of people receiving U.S.-supported treatment in Focus Countries as of March 31, 2005* * From OGAC fact sheet, July 2005

  8. HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services Indicators (4 of 41 program indicators) • Number of individuals newly initiating ART during reporting period • Number of individuals who ever received ART by the end of reporting period • Number of individuals receiving ART at the end of reporting period • Total number of health workers trained to deliver ART services

  9. COPRS Overview • Strategic information – “targeted monitoring, evaluation, and surveillance data used to answer key questions about the … • state of the HIV epidemic • delivery and process of prevention, care, and treatment services • effectiveness of these services • capacity needed to improve programs, meet planning and reporting requirements, and reach goals for impacting the HIV epidemic”

  10. COPRS Overview • Strategic information key components • HIV/AIDS surveillance • Population-based bio-behavioral survey and facility surveys • Health management information system (HMIS) for facility-based reporting • Program level monitoring and reporting (non-facility based reporting) • Targeted evaluation studies

  11. Data flow I: Relationship to other systems President’s Emergency Plan Countries United States Surveys Country (BSS, AIS, Specific etc.) U.S. in - country Survey Results (e.g., MACRO) Offices Embassy USAID CDC CRIS+ or other system D.C. Headquarters System Washington, D.C. Facility- based service providers Ministries of Health Other services CRIS+ or (OVC , peer - Other other education, Databases system (e.g. BuCen) etc.)

  12. COPRS Overview • Also known as the headquarters or the central U.S. government data system • Used for U.S. missions country planning and reporting to agency headquarters and the Department of State, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) • Used for OGAC to review country plans and generate reports of activities • Designed to provide a single system to capture Emergency Plan data from all USG activities • Only U.S. government staff will be able to access the system • Information is tracked by funding mechanisms which are a unique combination of prime partner, implementing agency, accounting source, and mechanism type

  13. COPRS Overview • Used by U.S. missions in focus countries to submit • Country Operation Plans (program activities, targets, and budgets) • Names and characteristics of U.S. partners (e.g., local, community, regional, national, multi-national, and/or faith-based organization; populations served; services provided, etc.) • Progress reports (program level indicators, obligated funds, success stories) • Annual reports (program level indicators, obligated funds, success stories, outcome and impact indicators)

  14. COPRS Overview • Used by OGAC and agency headquarters to • Conduct the COP review process • Generate reports for Congress, others • Pre-formatted (canned) reports • Export to Excel, Access, or other data files • Ad-hoc analysis • Complete budgets • Track U.S. mission progress in meeting proposed program targets

  15. Definitions • Mechanism Type • Headquarters procured, country funded (e.g., field support, MAARDs, buy-ins, TASC orders, etc.) • Locally procured, country funded (bilateral contract, bilateral cooperative agreement, bilateral grant) • Headquarters procured, centrally funded (Track 1 activities only)

  16. Definitions (cont.) • Funding mechanism name is the name of a project, not the name of the prime partner • e.g., POLICY Project, Synergy Project, CORE Project • Prime Partner Name is listed separately • Prime Partner Type can be faith-based organization (FBO), non-governmental organization (NGO), private contractor, university, other U.S. agency • Sub-Partners are also listed, with their type, whether they are local or new, and their funding amount

  17. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission Abstinence/Be faithful Blood safety Injection safety Other prevention Basic health care and support TB/HIV Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) Counseling and testing Antiretroviral therapy: drugs Antiretroviral therapy: services Laboratory infrastructure Strategic information Other/policy analysis and system strengthening Management and staffing Definitions (cont.) Program areas

  18. Training Human resources Policy and guidelines Logistics Commodity procurement Quality assurance and supportive supervision Linkages with other sectors and initiatives Information, education, and communication Infrastructure Development of network/ linkages/referral systems Local organization capacity development Workplace programs Health care financing Needs assessment Strategic information Definitions (cont.) Activity categories

  19. Information Requested • Breakdowns of • Each funding mechanism used in the country • Partner names, amount of funding, whether the partner is local, or new, any sub-partner names, and the organization type for any sub-partners • Each program area to be addressed under the funding mechanism

  20. Information Requested (cont.) • For each funding mechanism, in each program area, includes: • the planned funding amount • the activity categories • the % of the planned funding for each activity category • the targets (based on April 14, 2004 indicators list) related to that program area • each target populations

  21. Information Requested (cont.) • For each funding mechanism, in each program area, includes (cont.) • the coverage (i.e., national level, or the names of provinces where service is to be provided) • any key legislative issues address (gender, stigma and discrimination, twinning, and volunteers) • a brief narrative that summarizes the activities listed

  22. Input from Partner Organizations CRIS+ or system other Internet (web browser entry) COPRS Approval by Ambassador Reports Reports Data Flow II: within COPRS Headquarters (OGAC, USAID-Washington, HHS/CDC-Atlanta) U.S. government offices in-country (Embassies, USAID, HHS/CDC) Reporting Planning D.C. System Approval by OGAC

  23. Modified web-based approach • Accommodates iterative data collection process • Produces paper data collection forms • Blank, partially filled, with financial data redacted • Produces rich text format (RTF) files, which can be read by MS Word, Excel, or other software • Web access needed for data entry, not throughout the data collection process • Supports import of text data via file import and via cut and paste from the Windows clipboard

  24. Training and technical assistance • SI Advisors and headquarters staff to be trained in the system to assist countries with COP entry • Comprehensive training sessions • Country staff who are in the U.S. invited to participate • Warm-line: 5am – noon EST, Monday-Friday, beginning September 20th

  25. Training and technical assistance (cont.) • Web-based trainings available • On-site assistance. Contractor and USG staff have been trained to provide in-country assistance. • User’s guide • General usage • System administration • Advanced user’s cheat sheet

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