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Interactive Displays of Air Quality Information : Status of the Ozone Plume in Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic. Duc Nguyen Michael Woodman David Krask Presented at: 2009 National Air Quality Conferences Addison, TX March 5, 2009.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Interactive Displays of Air Quality Information:Status of the Ozone Plume in Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic Duc NguyenMichael WoodmanDavid KraskPresented at:2009 National Air Quality ConferencesAddison, TXMarch 5, 2009

  2. Authors are not Responsible for Accuracy of Non-Maryland Data.In Addition, Data SHOULD ONLY be USED for Outreach, Educational, and Analysis! Before We Start … WARNING

  3. Outline • Project Overview • What Was Learned • Live DEMO

  4. Project Overview • Estimate the Areal Extent of the Ozone Nonattainment in Maryland and Mid-Atlantic. • Demonstrate the Sustained Reduction in Ground-Level Ozone Since 1990. • Make Data Easily Understandable for the General Public, Legislators, and Others Interested in Tracking Ground-Level Ozone Pollution. OBJECTIVES

  5. Dissemination Creating Contents AQS ESRIArcMap Information Center& Community Interaction Google Earth DataProcessing Program via GIS Toolsand Beyond MSAccess GE-Graph Project Flow Chart

  6. What Was Learned … • Google Earth / Virtual Globe has become Extremely popular due to its developmental approach (User User interaction). • Being utilized by everyone: private sectors, commerce, media, non-profit organizations, government agencies, universities, etc. • BAD & GOOD: Contents in Google Earth are SATURATED! Let Someone else create the “Bad” contents! CHALLENGE

  7. Resourcesfor Creating Google Earth Contents • GPSVisualizer: Online software developed by Adam Schneider to generate maps and Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files. Thus far, this is probably the best resource ever developed, which fully exploits the power of Google (map API, Google Earth, KML, etc.), environmental data (satellite data), and other interesting items. • GEGraph: Stand-alone freeware written by Dr. Ricardo Sgrillo to generate 2D or 3D graphs in the form of a KML file. • Additional software packages that will work with ArcMap: Shape2Earth and KMLer. • Text editors for viewing and editing KML files: PSPad (free) and UltraEdit ($50). • Other tools: Excel, Access, Other Spreadsheet software, Illustrator, etc.

  8. Live Demo http://www.mde.state.md.us/Programs/AirPrograms/Monitoring/historicaldata/

  9. Questions/Comments

  10. Contacts Duc Nguyen, Senior MeteorologistMichael Woodman, Chief of AQ Measurements, Modeling, and Analysis DivisionDavid Krask, Program Manager Ambient Air Monitoring ProgramAir and Radiation Management Administration dnguyen@mde.state.md.us410-537-3275 Maryland Department of the Environment1800 Washington Boulevard | Baltimore, MD 21230410-537-3000 | TTY Users: 1-800-735-2258www.mde.state.md.usMartin O’Malley, Governor | Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor | Shari T. Wilson, Secretary

  11. BACK UP SLIDES Back up slides forLIVE DEMO!!!

  12. Data Layers

  13. Project Overview

  14. Time Slider and Settings

  15. Recommended Usage

  16. About the Data

  17. Spatial Interpolation Techniques

  18. Known Errors

  19. Lindenworld~15 miles SE of Philadelphia, PA. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Slight over-interpolation persists through the years. Magnitude varies depending on raw data.

  20. 30 miles SE of Knoxville, TN 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Slight over-interpolation persists through the years. Magnitude varies depending on raw data.

  21. Toledo, OH Prior to 2003 1991 1990 1992 1993 Some under-interpolation persists prior to 1994. Areas of under-interpolation shrink over time, probably due to more data coverage.

  22. Maine in 2003 Over interpolation due to low data coverage

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