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Neuropad: An Identified Neuron Database for Insect Segmental Ganglia

Neuropad: An Identified Neuron Database for Insect Segmental Ganglia. Christopher Comer John Dowd. Motivations:. Store anatomical records* (with some functional data) Facilitate comparative studies. *experimental observations, but also canonical descriptions of cells.

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Neuropad: An Identified Neuron Database for Insect Segmental Ganglia

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  1. Neuropad: An Identified Neuron Database for Insect Segmental Ganglia Christopher Comer John Dowd

  2. Motivations: • Store anatomical records* (with some functional data) • Facilitate comparative studies *experimental observations, but also canonical descriptions of cells

  3. Background: 1. 2. Workshop 1994 Jacobs et al. Target: Orthopteroid Insects

  4. Example of record for classic insect neuron DCMD (from prototype version of Neuropad)

  5. Search records by: • Genus or species • Name or ID of cell • Sensory modalities • Anatomical properties Soma position Decussation Neurite pattern (similarity)

  6. How schematic anatomical summary is entered: 1. specify soma location within ganglionic grid

  7. How schematic anatomical summary is entered: 2a. Point and click to render main neurites

  8. How schematic anatomical summary is entered: 2b. Point and click to render main neurites

  9. How schematic anatomical summary is entered: 2c. Point and click to finish rendering neurites

  10. Finished Product (Sa = supraesophageal ganglion (brain), Sb = subesophageal ganglion, T1 = first thoracic ganglion etc. P, D, T = proto- deutero- and trito-cerebrum)

  11. Example of record in current version of Neuropad: Has schematic anatomy and hi-res version from published description

  12. Using Neuropad schematics to summarize DCMD Anatomy (and suggest hypotheses about functional correlations):

  13. Result from comparison: Cerebral anatomy of cricket DCMD similar to cockroach, not locust: (data from Leung and Comer) Perplaneta Locusta Gryllus

  14. Ultimately….. Design of Neuron Databases should allow us to: • Enter experimental observations easily • Test ideas on circuit design • Understand the evolution of neuronal circuits

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