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Research Finance Training

Research Finance Training. How to manage your grant and process paperwork. Objectives. To help faculty members understand the basic rules of research finance. To help faculty members understand how to process different kinds of expenses.

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Research Finance Training

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  1. Research Finance Training

    How to manage your grant and process paperwork
  2. Objectives To help faculty members understand the basic rules of research finance. To help faculty members understand how to process different kinds of expenses. To explain the need for compliance with internal and external regulations around research funding.
  3. General Principles The expenses must be necessary for the research for which the grant was awarded. There is a spot on most forms to explain the relationship of the expense to the research being funded by the grant.
  4. General Principles (Cont’d) Agency guidelines must be followed for all grants. Researchers have a responsibility to familiarize themselves with guidelines. Where no agency guidelines exist, follow University policy. If you’re not sure if something is eligible, ask.
  5. Types of Expenses Compensation Travel & subsistence Equipment Stationery and office supplies Computers and phones Research Participants
  6. Compensation The most difficult type of expense when it comes to paperwork. Forms differ depending on whom you want to hire. There is a difference between student and non-student help. External contractors must truly be external.
  7. Compensation (Cont’d)
  8. Travel & Subsistence Can pay using a P-card or use personal funds and be reimbursed. Must submit a travel form (or P-card travel form) per trip, or if prepay some expenses prior to trip, reference previous travel form(s) on final travel form Must attach all original receipts or use per diems.
  9. Travel & Subsistence (Cont’d) Must attach conference program or prospectus or, if not a conference, details of trip. For claimants other than the grantee, the affiliation with the grantee’s research group must be specified. Must indicate how the travel relates to the research program. Must include air ticket receipts and boarding passes.
  10. Equipment Generally allowed under Tri-Council grants. For CFI grants or NSERC RTI grants, must only purchase the equipment specified. All equipment must be justified in terms of the research project.
  11. Stationery & Office Supplies These are only eligible if they are part of the research design (e.g., costs of printing and mailing surveys, chemicals for laboratory work). All other office supplies are part of the university contribution to the research.
  12. Stationary & Office Supplies (Cont’d) Tri-Council have a specific directive regarding this category. Refer to http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/FinancialAdminGuide-GuideAdminFinancier/index_eng.asp for a list of Eligible and Non-eligible Expenses for Stationery and Office Supplies
  13. Computers & Phones Must be dedicated to research use, as a basic office computer is the university’s responsibility. Cellular phones or smartphones costs are eligible only when they are necessary for data collection, and/or personnel safety reasons with adequate justification.
  14. Computers &Phones (Cont’d) Home internet costs are eligible only when necessary for the research and must be documented on the expense form. If claiming internet costs, must always disclose what proportion of the cost is directly related to the research
  15. Research Participant Advance As Principal Investigator I certify that I or my delegate: Did use the funds for the purpose of remunerating research participants in accordance with the research plan outlined in the research ethics application for which ethics clearance was received from the Office of Research Ethics;
  16. Research Participant (Cont’d) Do create and maintain a master list of research participants in the study including research participant id #, name, address and amount remunerated; Will retain the research participant master list in a secure and confidential manner under my jurisdiction at the WLU for a minimum of 7 years following completion of the study
  17. Research participant (Cont’d) Will make the master list available on request in the event of an audit (e.g., by the university, government or granting agency); Did obtain a signed “Research Participant’s Acknowledgement of Receipt of Remuneration and Self-Declared Income” form from each research participant who received remuneration; and Am returning all unspent monies to Laurier
  18. Completing Forms Must be done as soon as possible after the expense, and definitely within the fiscal year. Must be signed by the grant holder, with one-up signature for reimbursement. Provide enough detail to describe: What the expense was, and The relationship of the expense to the research.
  19. Establishing an Account The Research Finance Office will set up an account based on the following items: Notification of grant/contract from the sponsoring agency. A copy of the sponsor's terms and conditions concerning the award, including regulations for administering the funds such as a contract or a letter of agreement, and any other reporting obligations to the agency when work is completed. A research proposal or description of the research project, including a line-by-line budget. Certifications (i.e. human subjects, animals, biohazards) if required. Date of attendance at research finance training session. Expected completion date.
  20. Finding the Forms Payroll http://www.wlu.ca/forms.php?grp_id=2459 Financial Resources http://www.wlu.ca/forms.php?grp_id=1165 Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies http://www.wlu.ca/forms.php?grp_id=12644 https://www.wlu.ca/forms_detail.php?grp_id=36&frm_id=2110 Research Services https://www.wlu.ca/forms_detail.php?grp_id=157&frm_id=1969 Procurement Services https://www.wlu.ca/forms.php?grp_id=167
  21. Monitoring Your Accounts Mistakes can happen when posting expenses (incorrect amounts, incorrect index codes). Consider keeping your own spreadsheet of expenses to check against the on-line account. Get a log-in for Banner/Millennium: https://web.wlu.ca/its/bannerAcctForm.php Get training on how to use Millennium Check your accounts monthly to make sure expenses are what you expected
  22. Balances & Deficits Balances are brought forward from year to year, unless agency guidelines prohibit this. Deficits are only allowed in exceptional cases, where expenses are invoiced in arrears by the Research Office. Even if you are getting another installment, you will not be permitted to go into a deficit position.
  23. Timelines NSERC Discovery – 5 years, index code stays the same if grant renewed. SSHRC – Usually from 3 to 5 years plus 1 year to finish the grant. New index code given if new grant awarded.
  24. Timelines (Cont’d) Spend in the time-frame provided. Grants can be extended if you’re going on leave. If you need an extension (apart from the automatic 1-year SSHRC extension), contact the Office of Research Services before the grant expires.
  25. Web Resources Tri-Council use of funds http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/FinancialAdminGuide-GuideAdminFinancier/index_eng.asp University Policies http://www.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=157&p=2114 Research Finance page http://www.wlu.ca/homepage.php?grp_id=1444
  26. Questions? In the Research Office: - Jeanette Uri, juri@wlu.ca, x4983 - René Soto, rsoto@wlu.ca, x2695 - Theresa Leung, tleung@wlu.ca, x2326 - DatevDodkelian, ddodkelian@wlu.ca, x2494 In the Finance Office: - Ed Linder, elinder@wlu.ca, x6451 - Nicole Gerry, ngerry@wlu.ca, x6348
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