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What is language?

What is language?. - There is no comprehensive definition of language . The only answer to the question “What is language?” is “Language is language”. - Language is a very complex human phenomenon. - In a nutshell, language is an organized voice used in actual social situations.

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What is language?

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  1. What is language?

  2. - There is no comprehensive definition of language . The only answer to the question “What is language?” is “Language is language”. - Language is a very complex human phenomenon. - In a nutshell, language is an organized voice used in actual social situations. - In the Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.13., language is defined as “ a system of conventional, spoken or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participant in its culture, communicate.” What is language?

  3. Some other definitions which are currently popular in linguistics circles are cited below: 1. “ Language is a primarily human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols.” Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 2. “ Language is a symbol system based on pure or arbitrary conventions…infinitely extendable and modifiable according to the changing needs and conditions of the speakers”. R..H. Robins, 1985

  4. 3. “ Language is a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.” Noam Chomsky, 1957 4. “ Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol by means of which a social group cooperate.” Wardaugh, 1972

  5. - It is clearly evident from all these definitions, none of which completely defines the term “Language”, that is not possible to have a single definition that brings out all the properties of language. - On the basis of these definitions one can, however, list out the various characteristics of Language.

  6. Characteristics of Language: - Language is a means of communication

  7. People can communicate their ideas, emotions beliefs or feelings to each other, as they share a common code that makes up the language. Language is so important form of communication between humans that it is difficult to think of a society without language. Language is a means of communication

  8. There is no inherent relation between the words of a language and their meanings or the ideas conveyed by them. Language is Arbitrary

  9. Lg. is not a chaotic combination of sounds. Sounds are arranged in certain fixed or established, systematic order to form meaning full units or words. Similarly, words are also arranged in a particular system. Language is a system of systems.

  10. Lg. is primarily made up of vocal sounds. It must have appeared as vocal sounds only. Writing must have come much later. Language is vocal

  11. It differs from animal communication in several ways. Humans convey and receive an infinite number of messages through space where as animal com. System is extremely limited and developed. Language is human.

  12. Lg. has to be learnt in a society. A human child learns to speak the lg. of the community of the group in which he is placed. China, America, etc. Language is a form of social behavior.

  13. A symbol is a concrete event, • object or mark that stands for something relatively abstract. e.g. ball ,+ cross Language is a symbol system

  14. Human language and Animal Communication

  15. Linguistic Knowledge • Knowledge of the Sound System: Knowing what sounds are in that language and what sounds are not. • Knowledge of Words: Knowing the sound units that are related to specific meanings. • Knowledge of Sentences: Knowing how to form sentences.

  16. See you next class Dr. Khader T. Khader That’s all for today

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