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School-wide PBS : Correcting Problem Behavior & Developing Self-Discipline

School-wide PBS : Correcting Problem Behavior & Developing Self-Discipline. November 15, 2013. Success Sharing. At your table, think of strategies that have been successful this year. Write strategies using a different piece of paper for each of these categories: Data use and sharing

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School-wide PBS : Correcting Problem Behavior & Developing Self-Discipline

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  1. School-wide PBS : Correcting Problem Behavior & Developing Self-Discipline November 15, 2013

  2. Success Sharing • At your table, think of strategies that have been successful this year. • Write strategies using a different piece of paper for each of these categories: • Data use and sharing • Teaching & Acknowledging Expectations • Buy-in for Students, Staff, Parents • Leadership Team Effectiveness • Include school name next to strategy.

  3. Solution Sharing • Hang strategies on wall under category heading; Note elementary vs. secondary areas. • Explore categories where you need additional ideas. • Debrief – Have participants ask for follow-up information on a strategy they are interested in knowing more about.

  4. DE-PBS Key Features for SW • Program Development & Evaluation • Problem-Solving/Leadership Team • Data • Professional Development & Resources • Developing SW and Classroom Systems to Prevent Problem Behavior • Expectations, Recognition and Teaching • Positive Relationships • Correcting Problem Behaviors • Consistent and clear procedures • Disciplinary encounters used as learning opportunities to teach problem solving strategies • Developing Self-Discipline

  5. Correcting Problem Behaviors

  6. Delaware Assessment of Strengths and Needs for Positive Behavior Supports (DASNPBS) • Staff perception survey designed to gain insight & input of school staffin DE-PBS implementation and planning • Aligned to Delaware’s Key Features of Positive Behavior Support • 4 sections, 10 items each - • School-wide Tier 1 - Program Development and Evaluation • Implementing Schoolwide & Classroom Systems • Developing Self-Discipline • Correcting Behavior Problems

  7. DE-PBS Key Features for SW • Correcting Problem Behaviors • Referral system • ODR form is clear – defines specific behavior problem, location, time (WHY – think about big 5) • Data entered in school system w/in 24 hours – ideal goal • Consistent and clear procedures • Major vs. minor • Defining behaviors • Disciplinary encounters used as learning opportunities to teach problem solving strategies • Staff response (minor) • Administrative response (major)

  8. Strategies to Support the Discipline Process • Consistent and judicious enforcement of rules • Awareness of rules and policies • Referral Form Components • Classroom vs. Office Managed • Defining Form Fields

  9. Referral System: Discipline Referral Form • Goal: Comprehensive yet easy to complete • Clarity on the referral form takes the guess work out of the data entry person’s job • Clear distinction between major (office-managed) vs. minor (classroom-managed) problem behaviors • Consistent data entry procedure

  10. Student Name Date Time of incident Grade Level Referring Staff Location Problem Behavior Possible Motivation Others Involved Administrative Decision Other Ideal Referral Form Components Remember to use checkboxes whenever possible and minimize writing which can be subjective.

  11. DE-PBS Key Features for SW • Correcting Problem Behaviors • Referral system • ODR form is clear – defines specific behavior problem, location, time (WHY – think about big 5) • Data entered in school system w/in 24 hours – ideal goal • Consistent and clear procedures • Major vs. minor • Defining behaviors • Disciplinary encounters used as learning opportunities to teach problem solving strategies • Administrative response (major) • Staff response (minor)

  12. Consistent & Clear Procedures:Classroom vs. Office Managed • Staff should know what problems are office-managed and what problems are classroom–managed • This process must be defined, taught, and agreed upon with all staff, and must include definitions for: • major discipline incidents • minor discipline incidents • a continuum of discipline procedures

  13. Staff Managed Behaviors • Tardiness (on 3rd tardy, enter student into Response System) • Non-compliance with staff direction • Classroom disruption • Bullying • Inappropriate language • Failure to serve teacher assigned reflection • Unprepared for class • Leaving the classroom without permission • Skipping class • Inappropriate hallway behavior • Inappropriate computer use • Inappropriate locker behavior • Dress code violation • Throwing objects • Eating/drinking in class • Academic dishonesty • Sleeping in class • Carrying backpack • Electronic devices/cell phones (visible and/ or on) • Office Managed Behaviors • Bomb Threat/False Alarm • Possession of a Weapon/Explosive Device • Threats of bringing/using Weapons • Fighting/Physical Aggression • Physical Assault/Harassment • Intimidation • Sexual Harassment/Sexual Offense • Loitering • Theft/Burglary • Verbal Abuse and/or Threat of Violence • Inappropriate Bus Behavior • Failure to Identify Oneself • Truancy • Vandalism/ Property Damage • False Fire Alarm or Arson • Possession/Distribution/Use of OTC Medication, Controlled Substance, Tobacco, or Alcohol • Leaving the Classroom without Permission • Forgery/Extortion

  14. Activity: Determining Major vs. Minor Behavior • Individually, brainstorm problem behaviors place them in a category. • Major • Minor • Need more Thought & Discussion • Compare lists with team members. How do you differ? Why do you differ? Are you on the same page? • Make plan to dialogue with fellow staff, problem-solve around behaviors for discussion, and develop a finalized list.

  15. Appropriate Definitions of Problem Behaviors • Develop a clear set of definitions for all categories on the office discipline referral form • Problem behaviors must be operationally defined • Once behaviors are defined, all faculty, staff, administration, students and families will need to be trained on the definitions • All problem behaviors are covered and none of the definitions overlap • Consistent definitions make data collection much more accurate and reliable

  16. Defining Behaviors – Minor Examples

  17. Defining Behaviors – Major Examples

  18. Activity: Webster Time • Make a group of 2-3 team members • Pick a problem behavior (subjective in nature) from your ODR form, or a behavior for discussion • Operationally define the problem behavior • When cued, pass the draft to another group at your table • Revise, or ask questions if something is not clear

  19. Observe problem behavior Find a place to talk with student(s) Is the behavior major? Ensure safety Write referral & Escort student to office Problem Solve Determine consequence Problem solve Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented procedure Etc. Etc. General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors No Yes Adapted from procedure 2.0 A. Todd U of Oregon

  20. Define Behavior Expectations Model Appropriate Behavior Observe Problem Behavior Use the following teacher consequences: (Must be documented prior to writing office referral for Teacher Managed Behaviors.) Parent contact is a MUST! NO YES Decide: Is the behavior office managed? Write referral to the office Administrator Restates Behavior Expectation with Student 1st Offense:Student/Teacher Conference (Warning) 2nd Offense: Teacher determined consequence (i.e. lunch or after-school detention, seat change, loss of privilege) + Administrator Issues Appropriate Consequence + Administrator Contacts Parents 3rd Offense: Teacher determined consequence+ Parent Contact + Administrator Provides Teacher Feedback 4th Offense: Office Referral Per Marking Period

  21. Activity: Response Procedures • Individually, draft your current response procedures based on your experience (e.g, as teacher, as administrator, etc.) • When cued, please share with other team/table mates to look for consistency & differing procedures/responses • Discuss steps for developing school-wide systems for response

  22. DE-PBS Key Features for SW • Correcting Problem Behaviors • Referral system • ODR form is clear – defines specific behavior problem, location, time (WHY – think about big 5) • Data entered in school system w/in 24 hours – ideal goal • Consistent and clear procedures • Major vs. minor • Defining behaviors • Disciplinary encounters used as learning opportunities to teach problem solving strategies • Administrative response (major) • Staff response (minor)

  23. Key Feature • Recognize the critical importance of correcting misbehavior using a combination of evidence-based techniques for increasing appropriate behavior and decreasing use of inappropriate techniques.

  24. Disciplinary encounters: 2-part problem solving process • Part 1 focuses how the student might think and act differently • Student centered: Guided by problem solving with student. • Part 2 focuses on what the teacher or school should do, beyond punishment, to prevent the problem behavior from recurring and to foster self-discipline. • Teacher (or school) centered: Guided by changes in the student’s environment.

  25. Part 2 - Preventing Reoccurrence of Problem Behavior Table adapted from Rose Iovannone presentation in Delaware 11/2011 and 4/2012

  26. Staff-Managed BehaviorsGeneral Reminders • Be consistent – Have classroom expectations and routine response when expectations are not met • Active Supervision – Continuously scan for appropriate and inappropriate behaviors • A calm immediate response – respond in a composed voice tone an volume to minimize continued misbehavior and not escalate • Specific, yet brief – Use specific description of inappropriate behavior and restate expectation. Be concise and move on. • Quiet, respectful contact with the student. – Use proximity to be private and respectful; preserve relationship • Refocus class if needed – Student focus is to be on activity and not correction interaction; staff response should not differ from academic correction to preserve respect for student and learning environment http://pbismissouri.org

  27. Managing and Responding to Minor Problem Behavior

  28. Activity – Classroom Behavior Strategies • Refer to “Dealing with Problem Behaviors” worksheet • List common behavior problems occurring in your classroom (left column) and brainstorm strategies to respond to these problem behaviors

  29. Part 1 – Student Centered Support in Discipline • Focus on how the student might think and act differently • Support student in understanding impact of their behavior • Discuss student supports needed to succeed • Strategies to support problem solving with student • Student reflection (written and/or discussed)

  30. Reflective Action Plan This Reflective Action Plan is written to help _________________ (student’s name) to be responsible for his own behavior and not to_____________________ (the problem behavior). This is why I did it: ___________________________________________ It is understood that there are several good reasons why it is important not to _________________ (the problem behavior). They are: The punishment this time is: ___________________. The punishment next time will be: __________________. What are 3 more good reasons why this behavior is wrong? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

  31. To correct or fix the problem now, ___________ I will: __________________________________________________ Instead of doing the same thing next time, _______________, I will: Think this: _________________________________________ Do this: ___________________________________________ Please check one of the following: __ I need to be taught or shown how to do this. __ I already know how to do this. Other than not getting into trouble again, here’s why it is important not to do what I did before and instead do the following: __________________________________________________ Here’s what others might do to help me: _____________________________________________________

  32. Social Behavior Map Strategy developed by Michelle Garcia Winner of Social Thinking® Helps students learn to connect how his or her behavior impact how others think and feel, and the consequences that arise. Connects how students feel about themselves Used to map out behaviors that are either expected or unexpected Can be used for a variety of behaviors like working in a small group, time between classes, going to a party, or watching an assembly program Focus is on the expected side of the map to teach and reinforce students for using expected behaviors

  33. www.socialthinking.org

  34. www.socialthinking.org

  35. Activity: Problem Solving Practice • Divide into groups of 2-3 • Determine the following roles • Educator • Student • Observer (if team has 3) • Select index card with behavior scenario • Educator to facilitate discussion with student using resources • Reference: • Form 10.1 “Multiple ‘Tests’ for Guiding Behavior and Decision Making” • “Problem Solving Questions”

  36. Reminder - Disciplinary encounters: 2-part problem solving process • Part 1 focuses how the student might think and act differently • Student centered: Guided by problem solving with student. • Part 2 focuses on what the teacher or school should do, beyond punishment, to prevent the problem behavior from recurring and to foster self-discipline. • Teacher (or school) centered: Guided by changes in the student’s environment.

  37. Key Feature Status Tracker • Prevention: Implementing School-wide & Classroom Systems • Correcting Problem Behaviors • Status • Discuss as a team if components are: • In Place, Partially in place, Not in Place • Action Plan • Discuss as a team the items Partially in place or Not in Place • Note activities to be completed, who will do them and when

  38. Developing Self-Discipline

  39. DE-PBS Key Features for SW • Program Development & Evaluation • Problem-Solving/Leadership Team • Data • Professional Development & Resources • Developing SW and Classroom Systems to Prevent Problem Behavior • Expectations, Recognition and Teaching • Positive relationships • Correcting Problem Behaviors • Consistent and clear procedures • Disciplinary encounters used as learning opportunities to teach problem solving strategies • Developing Self-Discipline

  40. Self-Discipline is more than learning concrete behaviors “…teachers often think of school demands in fairly simple and concrete terms: paying attention in class, making comments in a discussion, talking with friends in the cafeteria, filling in answers on a worksheet. But demands like these actually represent a considerable range of behavior that students must learn to negotiate proficiently. To perform well in school, students must be able to moderate and shape their behavior to fit changing circumstances, to judge the effects of what they do, and to determine the proper times and places to display their actions. They must also be able to persevere in their behavior, weigh alternative ends, track progress toward desired outcomes and draw incentive from both the immediate and the long term results of their performance.” (Dennis Knapczyk, 2004, emphasis added)

  41. Mini-Filmshttp://www.whocaresaboutkelsey.com/about/the-mini-filmsMini-Filmshttp://www.whocaresaboutkelsey.com/about/the-mini-films Latoya Fletcher Latoya Fletcher, an inmate at the NH State Prison for Women, discusses the life events and school circumstances that led her into the juvenile justice system, and what type of interventions might have put her on a different path.

  42. DE Assessment of Strengths and Needs: • Developing Self-Discipline

  43. PBS Key Feature • Schools recognize the importance of developing self- discipline, implementing evidence based programs in character education and social and emotional learning, and/or infuse lessons throughout the curriculum that teach social-emotional competencies.

  44. DE’s approach to SWPBS • Although similar to the SWPBS approach found in many other states, Delaware’s approach (DE-PBS) places much greater emphasis on integrating common features of SWPBS with those of the Social and Emotional Learning approach (SEL; see www.CASEL.org). • In integrating these two popular approaches, the primary goal of DE-PBS is to create safe and caring learning environments that promote the social-emotional and academic development of all children.

  45. Bullying and Self-Discipline DE-PBS Inservice, 12 14 2012

  46. What does the research say regarding integrating the two approaches? In the areas of school discipline, classroom management, and childrearing, the best approach is that of Authoritative Discipline (combination of structure and support), which blends strategies of SEL and SWPBIS • Best for achieving compliance • Best for promoting self-discipline and resilience • Best for effective prevention and correction • Best for school climate • Best for preventing bullying

  47. Brief Definition of Self-Discipline Self-discipline is the ability to take responsibility and ownership for one’s behavior. (Dennis Knapczyk, 2004)

  48. What is Self-Discipline? Consists of 5 key Social and Emotional Learning skills: Self-management skills Social awareness and empathy Social connectedness and relationship skills Responsible decision making Positive sense of self

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