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EACPR General Assembly

EACPR General Assembly. President’s Report. Stephan Gielen. Projects over the past two years.

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EACPR General Assembly

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  1. EACPR General Assembly President’s Report Stephan Gielen

  2. Projects overthepasttwoyears The ESC/EACPR Textbook of Preventive Cardiology- First volume on preventivecardiology in clinicalpractice in production, due forpublicationduringthe ESC Congress at Barcelona 2014.- Second volume on sportscardiologyneedstobevigourouslyaddressedandmanuscriptsshouldbecollectedbythe end of 2014 tokeepupthemomentum. Improvedcollaborationwiththe Working Groups on- Hypertension- Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology- Thrombosis- Peripheral Circulation with the aim of merger between the working groups and EACPR to increase the scope of EuroPRevent. A friendly relation is now developed, however, merger talks need to be started. S. Gielen

  3. Projects overthepasttwoyears Creating a Global Alliance forCardiovascularDiseasePrevention- Reach-out Task Force created in responsetochallengesfrom Canadian groups, whointendedtolead global collaboration in prevention/rehabilitation.- Extensive effortstoincreasethe global visibility of EACPR as an international leader in CVD prevention- Significantpoliticalconflictwith WHF regardingthepoliticalhome of the Global Alliance, weakening of the EACPR positionbyDavid‘scandidacyfortheposition of WHF President-elect-> conservativeandrealisticgoal of maintaining international collaboration on a bilateral basiswhiletransferringthe Global Alliance to WHF. S. Gielen

  4. Projects overthepasttwoyears Coveringtheentirescope of cardiovasculardiseaseprevention in clinicalpracticewith EACPR- Myeffortstoquicklyaddressthenamechange of theAssociationtoalignthebrand of theAssociation, themeeting, thejournalandthetextbookfailed. However, I believethatthestrategicpositioning of EACPR forthenext 5 to 10 yearscriticallydepends on achieving such an alignment.- An area of preventionwhichiscurrently not included in thescope of thesectionsiscardiometabolichealthandnutrition. I stronglyrecommendtofillthisgap. Antonio and I meet Prof DoehnerThursdayafternoon, whosubmitted a proposaltogather an expert groupasfoundingnucleusfor a futuresectionon thistopic. S. Gielen

  5. Challengesahead Transforming EACPR into a financiallystable professional society • EuroPRevent 2014 islikelytoclosewith a financialloss due tolowerthanexpectedparticipantregistrations. • A productivemeetingwith F. Pinto and I. BardinettookplaceduringEuroPReventtoaddresstheunderlyingstrategicissuesrelatedtoourprofitability. Agreement was reached on thegeneralstrategytomovemoreintocardiovascularhealthprovision. • The initiation of anynewprojectneedstobesupportedby a business plan thatdocumentsthefinancialshortand medium-term sustainability. • EACPR needstocapitalise on itsassets (positionpapers, recommendations, educationalcourses, expert opinionforbusinesspartners) • EACPR needstobroadenitsbasis of enthusiasticself-motivatedvolunteers, which turn ourstrategicobjectivesinto real achievements. S. Gielen

  6. Goodluck, Antonio! S. Gielen

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