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John Steinbeck & Grapes of Wrath

John Steinbeck & Grapes of Wrath. Made by 黄宝玲 史莉萍 常琳 颜丙凤. 1902----1968 Pulitzer Prize Nobel Prize. John Steinbeck. Life & Works. 1902, born in Salinas, California 1920, enrolled in Stanford University 1925, went to New York.

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John Steinbeck & Grapes of Wrath

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  1. John Steinbeck&Grapes of Wrath Made by 黄宝玲 史莉萍 常琳 颜丙凤

  2. 1902----1968 Pulitzer Prize Nobel Prize John Steinbeck

  3. Life & Works • 1902, born in Salinas, California • 1920, enrolled in Stanford University • 1925, went to New York

  4. 1929, Cup of Gold, the first novel • 1937, Of Mice and Men • 1939, The Grapes of Wrath • 1940, Pulitzer Prize

  5. World War II war correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune • 1947, The Pearl • 1952, East of Eden

  6. 1961, The Winter of Our Discontent • 1962, Travels with Charley • 1962, Nobel Prize for literature • 1967, Went to Vietnam • 1968, Passed away

  7. Thoughts • the writer is delegated to declare and to celebrate man's proven capacity for greatness of heart and spirit—for gallantry in defeat, for courage, compassion and love. In the endless war against weakness and despair, these are the bright rally flags of hope and of emulation. I hold that a writer who does not believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor any membership in literature • 人类已被证明具有伟大的心灵和精神——面临失败的勇气,勇敢无畏的精神,宽恕和仁爱之心。作为一名作家,必须宣扬和赞颂这些。我认为,一个作家如果不能热忱地相信人类有自我提高的能力,就不会献身于文学,也不能算是文学界的一员

  8. Writing characteristics • Settings: American land and people • Focus : speaking for the oppressed and suffered • Characters: sympathetic and humanity • Authentic descriptions of his times

  9. Grapes of wrath • Background information • 俄克拉荷马州,长期以来,农业在该州经济中占有重要地位。西部主产小麦和高梁,东部盛产玉米、蔬菜和浆果。大部分地区水草丰足,适宜放牧。20世纪30年代,一场大旱使美国俄克拉荷马州及其附近地区赤地千里,许多农民举家逃离这片灾难的土地。有些人选择迁居东部,但大多数人则向西迁往加利福尼亚州 • The Great Depress

  10. Theme • Embodying the mass misery of farmers • Praising the spirit of love and unit • Advocating fight and struggle for better life

  11. Meaning of title • Hope to despair • Wrath of people • Indications of revolution

  12. Grapes of wrathvsCheut ai kup gei • Plot • Character • Deep meaning

  13. Characters analysis • Consideration and discussion: • One character that impresses you most

  14. The film • 这部美国电影史上的不朽杰作由导演John Ford根据john Steinbeck的作品改编而成,曾获最佳导演、最佳女配角两项金像奖。1973年在全美影评人选举下入选“十部美国最伟大电影”之一;其后1977年又被“美国电影协会”选为“美国十大佳片”之一。

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