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Dimensions and parameters for the evaluation of e-learning

Dimensions and parameters for the evaluation of e-learning. Dr. Bernhard Ertl. To ensure the quality of the learning environment To ensure acceptance of the learning environment To learn about learners´ needs To prove the value and benefits of the environment to financers and participants .

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Dimensions and parameters for the evaluation of e-learning

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  1. Dimensions and parameters for the evaluation of e-learning Dr. Bernhard Ertl

  2. To ensure the quality of the learning environment To ensure acceptance of the learning environment To learn about learners´ needs To prove the value and benefits of the environment to financers and participants Why evaluation?

  3. Increased knowledge of learning processes Knowledge of the effectiveness of the learning environment Target-group-specific improvements Results of an Evaluation

  4. Formative Evaluation Takes place during the course Summative Evaluation Takes place at the end of the course Evaluation Forms

  5. Analysis of the learning process: Discovering problems Optimisation of the learning environment Formative evaluation

  6. Analysis of the outcomes: Knowledge gain Acceptance Summative Evaluation

  7. Learners Teachers Experts Internal External Evaluators

  8. Cognitive dimension – do the learners have the necessary strategies to work in the learning environment? Epistemological dimension the structure and implementation of the content Social dimension available facilitation, tutoring and sociability Technical dimension usability and technical support offered Dimensions of evaluation

  9. Learning prerequisites Does the learning environment allow learners to activate existing knowledge? Do the learners have required prior knowledge? Learning strategies Which strategies are encouraged in the environment? Are the learners supported in their use of strategies? Cognitive Dimension

  10. Appropriateness of content Who is the target group? Is the content up-to-date? Didactical design Based on a particular education theory? Which concrete learning goals? Acceptance Would participants recommend the course? Did it meet their expectations? Epistemological Dimension

  11. Facilitation To what extent do the users receive support in collaborative learning? Do tutors and pupils have set roles and tasks? Sociability Are the face-to-face and online elements well integrated? Is there a positive social environment within the groups? Social Dimension

  12. Usability Are the tools appropriate and adequate? Usability and design of the environment? Support Is the technical support offered to the users adequate? Technical Dimension

  13. Evaluation Model during Implementation Learning processes Learning strategies Sociability Technical Support Learning prerequisites Learning strategies Appropriateness Didactical Design Learning prerequisites • Learning results • Fulfillment of aims • Acceptance Aims Appropriateness Didactical Design Learning prerequisites formative summative Pilot Planning phase Implementation

  14. Evaluation during productive Use Learners in learning environment formative: summative: learning process outcomes acceptance Addition of necessary changes Analysis of test results

  15. Evaluation is key to any e-learning project Evaluation may take place continuously throughout a project A number of parameters must be considered in order to evaluate a learning environment as a whole Summary

  16. Thank you for your attention

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