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HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT. What is HRM?. Human Resource Management in general. It is managing the process of getting things done by the staff. Motivating staff to enjoy doing things well. Developing the staff into more competent workers for the department.

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  2. Human Resource Management in general • It is managing the process of getting things done by the staff. • Motivating staff to enjoy doing things well. • Developing the staff into more competent workers for the department. • Preparing them to manage themselves.

  3. Functions of HRM

  4. STAFFING • It is identifying various parts of total job & job description of each part • Engaging the best suitable work force & Supervisors (Team) on various parts of the total job with reference to their knowledge & skills (Right person/team for the right job) • When large no. of members of staff is needed, manager is to know- who is doing what & when? to coordinate & control their efforts • Objective is to achieve:- • Prescribed efficiency, effectiveness, production targets & the overall performance • satisfaction of the employees & customers

  5. Assessment & motivation • It is assessing & hiring subordinates to relieve you of some duties so you can perform others • Areas of assessment are:- • Personal qualities (Initiative, leadership positive attitude etc.) • Skills required for a job ( Manual & machine skills) • Accuracy ( accuracy of assessment standards)

  6. Assessment & motivation contd…. • Motivation • The main concern in motivation is that you need to motivate yourself & your employees every day • There are two aspects of motivation- Satisfaction & recognition • As per satisfaction, staff need to feel good about what they do? • As per recognition, they love to be recognized for their contributions

  7. Assessment & motivation contd…. • Real motivators • A sense of personal satisfaction on job • A sense of achievement • A potential for growth & mastery • Recognition among co workers • Task to be pleasurable & challenging • A sense of personal responsibility

  8. Assessment & motivation contd…. • Recognition • To praise highly successful staff whenever they cross their goals & targets • To praise moderately successful staff whenever they reach their goals & targets • To praise less successful staff whenever they almost reach their goals & targets

  9. Development of self & staff under control • Development of self • Knowledge of Rules & procedures • Acquire managerial skills needed • Soft skills required • Technology management • Monitoring of services & Projects • Marketing skills & CRM • Liaison • Development of staff • Build KSA profiles of staff • Assess the staff as A/B/C/D category • Train on soft skills • Training for Postal Assistants for optimizing operations & BD • Training for Postman / MTS Group C on operations, Marketing & Personality development • An element of training on Customer Care and Customer Delight • Continuous appraisal and monitoring

  10. Exercise 1.3.1 • All trainees to answer the following question individually in their note books. Q. – What are the four functions of HRM. Write few examples of each function related to the job of ASP/IP. • Trainer to check the answer selecting & calling some trainees at random.


  12. PERIODICAL REVIEW OF THE WORK OF OFFICE AND SECTIONS Periodical review of Post Offices and RMS offices should be carried out, as per schedule, to ensure availability of man power to commensurate with the amount of work in each case. The periodical review is carried out in the best interest of the Department and of the staff concerned. (Rule 538 of Postal Manual Volume IV Part I)

  13. PERIODICAL REVIEW OF THE WORK OF OFFICE AND SECTIONS Periodical review will be carried out in the interval as shown below: (a) Kolkata, Mumbai and all GPOs / HOs / MDGs - Every year (b) LSG/HSG SOs - Every three years Class I SOs – Every three years Other T/SOs – Every three years (c) Branch Offices – Every three years (Rule 539 of Postal Manual Volume IV Part I)

  14. PERIODICAL REVIEW OF THE WORK OF OFFICE AND SECTIONS Periodical review will be carried out in the interval as shown below: (a) Revision of Allowances of GDS GDS BPMs – Every three years Other GDS – Every three years (Rule 539 of Postal Manual Volume IV Part I)

  15. PERIODICAL REVIEW OF THE WORK OF OFFICE AND SECTIONS On receipt of the statistical returns, the Head of the Circle will after satisfying himself that the figures are reliable, consider the question of retaining the staff of the office or section concerned. Special statistics must be taken between the periodical reviews if an abnormal rise or fall in traffic makes such a course available. (Rule 541 of Postal Manual Volume IV Part I)

  16. Know how? PO Est-2 • 3 consecutive days figures to be taken for Mail, Sorting & Delivery branches & total to be divided by 3 to get the daily average • For rest of the branches four months figures as proposed to be taken & the sum to be divided by 100 to get the daily average • Coefficient of Misc. work items for Mail branch is 10%, Sorting is 14 %, and that for Delivery is 20 % • Statistics to be obtained from the software modules in case of computerized branches & from statistical registers in case of manual branches • Staff hours for one staff member is 450 minutes in case of one stretch duty & 435 in case of split duty • Norms for the various branches are given in the exercise




  20. Exercise 1.3.2 • Trainees to calculate the work hours of a computerised SO for the given set of statistics & prepare a comparison tally of the staff hours & work hours. • Trainer to ask for their calculations for each branch & to note the result on the board so that every one can tally his/her calculation.


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