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2012-2013 Budget Presentation

2012-2013 Budget Presentation. June 4, 2012. Overview. Budget timelines Planning assumptions Major changes to budget Budget challenges Enrolment Budget consultation Budget risks Budget overview Revenue projections Expense determination Accumulated Surplus Staffing changes

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2012-2013 Budget Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2012-2013 Budget Presentation

    June 4, 2012
  2. Overview Budget timelines Planning assumptions Major changes to budget Budget challenges Enrolment Budget consultation Budget risks Budget overview Revenue projections Expense determination Accumulated Surplus Staffing changes 2012-13 Budget reductions Planning Areas Future Focus Summary and Motions
  3. Budget timelines Budget planning is a 5 month process Once the process begins, timelines are tight to satisfy stakeholder and budget holder criteria in order to meet the Ministry deadline The Ministry will impose penalties for late filings The BAC was engaged through this process, though the information we could give to them was limited due to our struggle to balance the budget
  4. Planning Assumptions Ministry Requirements The overall budget must be balanced and compliant (no unsustainable use of reserves) Targeted funds must be used for specific initiatives (e.g. Early Learning) Administration and Governance expenditures cannot exceed allocation Compliance with legislation
  5. Planning Assumptions Continued... Our Requirements Presented budget must be balanced While reductions must be made and the impacts felt by all, impact at the student desk will be minimized B5 Funding Memo from Ministry will be used for grant and expense calculations (wages, sick days, gratuities) A conservative enrolment projection will be used Compliance with legislation, accounting regulations and contractual agreements Compliance with Board policies, specifically IV 007
  6. Major Changes to Budget Efficiency and Savings Measures per Ministry Continued savings measures: 1.5% Administration revenue reduction Information Technology Professional Development 1% Student Transportation for Boards who do not receive a “high” efficiency rating
  7. Major Changes to Budget continued… New savings measures: Salaries frozen Reduction to sick leave plans and retirement gratuities Reduction in Curriculum and Teaching Specialists 2013-14 anticipated savings measures: Adjusting grants for small and under-utilized schools Implementation of a 4 year high school program School board amalgamations
  8. Major Changes to Budget continued… Increased funding in the following areas: Elementary teacher prep time (10 minutes) Elementary teachers to reduce class sizes in grades 4-8 Grade 7 & 8 Student Success and Literacy and Numeracy teachers Secondary programming OMERS contributions Utility costs
  9. Budget Challenges Challenges faced with the 2012-13 budget preparation: Ministry restraint measures - $2.4 M Reduced funding yet Board costs do not always decline Difficult to project impact of some changes (sick leave plan) Collective agreements Uncertainty surrounding unionized contracts open for bargaining Continued declining enrolment - $5.3 M Special Education needs increasing every year Balancing within available funds
  10. Enrolment The Board enrolment decline is slowly steadying in elementary but secondary will be affected for the next 4 years Enrolment is a key driver for most of the grants we receive from the Ministry Enrolment projections are difficult to anticipate as actual results will vary
  11. Enrolment continued… Projected enrolment for 2012-13 was: Prepared by our Planning Department with a high, moderate and low scenario Presented to the Budget Advisory Committee for final decision on which scenario to use The BAC decided to use a low scenario to ensure our budget would be prepared conservatively
  12. 2012-2013 Enrolment Board enrolment continues to decrease with a reduction of 665 students (3.3%) projected for 2012-2013 over this time last year. Note: Early Learning and VISA students are not included in above totals as they are funded outside of the GSN
  13. Enrolment trends
  14. Budget Consultation and Survey Results

  15. Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) BAC consists of Trustees, Senior staff and Principal representatives Work completed by the committee: Reviewed and decided on enrolment Input into budget presentation Provided budget reduction suggestions Provided a front line perspective
  16. Budget consultation Full consultation process is outlined in the binder Online survey was the only consultation tool used to solicit feedback 1055 responses received to targeted questions asked
  17. Budget Consultation Results Continued…
  18. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  19. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  20. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  21. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  22. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  23. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  24. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  25. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  26. Budget Consultation Results Continued...
  27. Budget overview Balanced Budget
  28. Budget overview continued…
  29. Revenue calculation 92.5% of revenue is generated by enrolment through the Grants for Students Needs (GSNs) We also receive Extra Programming Other (EPO) grants for specific Ministry initiatives Other revenues such as VISA student tuition, rental, interest income etc. are derived from known sources as well as projections based on historical trends
  30. Total Revenues
  31. Total Revenues by Planning Area
  32. Expense determination Expenses are determined from legislative and contractual requirements, the Board Improvement Plan, Strategic Directions, Board Policy and other known infrastructure needs Budgets are prepared based on a zero base meaning there are no flat-lined budgets from previous years – everything requires justification and review by others
  33. Total Expenditures
  34. Total Expenditures by Planning Area
  35. Total Expenditures by Category
  36. Accumulated Surplus (Reserves) *Note: 2011-2012 reflects Ministry adjustment of accumulated surplus
  37. Staffing Changes
  38. Budget Risks Enrolment projections vary from actual results Low risk given conservative approach applied Utility costs are subject to further pricing fluctuations Conservative approach taken in development of budget Proposed sick leave model impact unknown Impact on supply costs and salary costs Uncertainty of new collective agreements
  39. Budget reductions Budget reductions were necessary in order to balance the budget within available funding Reduced items include: Staffing reductions relating to enrolment decline Change in Special Education delivery model Overall professional development Deferral of technology projects and new resources Deferral of maintenance equipment renewal Cancellation of non-binding contracts and projects
  40. Budget reductions continued… Changes in current practice Shuttering classrooms not in use Shutting down phantom loads over breaks Elementary VPs teaching an additional section Restructuring of administrative staff Combining of consultant positions
  41. Budget Binder Dashboard report Summary of Revenue and Expenditures – Total allocation Summary of Revenue and Expenditures – By Planning Area Copy of Budget Presentation Monitoring Report on Board Policy IV007 – Financial Planning and Budgeting Copy of Stakeholder budget survey Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement Strategic Direction Ministry budget presentation Planning area details
  42. Planning Areas

  43. Planning Areas
  44. Planning Areas continued… Further details can be found in the binder for each of the areas: Administration Transportation Operations Capital Learning Services
  45. Capital

  46. Capital
  47. Capital continued... $12.0 M in depreciation $6.1 M in interest costs related to capital spending
  48. Capital continued... School Condition Improvement funding ($1.5M) will be received again in 2012-13 to address renewal needs in older schools (built prior to 2007) Board continued commitment to dispose of surplus real estate assets: Sacred Heart, St. Joseph K, Monsignor Gleason, any ARC closures Continued Full Day Kindergarten implementation – more sites now requiring capital in order to accommodate program Board has applied for Capital Priorities Funding from Province
  49. Capital continued... Areas of focus for the upcoming year: FDK capital renovations* Guelph Avenue school* Our Lady of Fatima addition* St. Paul renovation School Condition Improvement and renewal spending to address system infrastructure needs Solar projects Accommodation reviews *Note: project costs are not included in the budget as they will be financed once complete
  50. Administration

  51. Administration
  52. Administration Significant items in Administration: 1.5% reduction to funding = $91,600 3% non-unionized staff salary funding withdrawal = $111,000 Staff restructuring
  53. Student Transportation

  54. Student Transportation
  55. Student Transportation Significant changes in Student Transportation 1% reduction in funding due to E&E rating Consortium E&E rating pending finalization Grand River Transit fees continue to increase Bell Time consultation not considered for implementation
  56. Facility Services

  57. Facility Services Detail
  58. Facility Services Significant changes in Facility Services 2% utility cost increase, 7% increase for electricity Review of funding for under-utilized schools pending Reduction in custodial staffing ratio Reduction in administration Reduction in contracts Energy savings measures
  59. Learning Services

  60. Learning Services Learning Services is comprised of: School Budgets Program Services Student Services – Special Education Continuing Education
  61. Learning Services
  62. Learning Services:School Budgets

  63. School Budgets
  64. School Budgets School budgets have decreased slightly due to enrolment School Budget allocations should: Cover resources, materials and supplies for school Supply teacher costs Library resources Replacement furniture Reflect the school needs and improvement plans
  65. Learning Services Learning Services comprises about 80% of entire budget allocation Within that, 94% of the budget is salaries and benefits – leaving only 6% in discretionary funds Salaries included: teachers, principals, vice principals, support staff such as EAs, CYCWs and administrative assistants EPOs are usually directly beneficial to Learning Services initiatives. (i.e. 50% Early Learning)
  66. Learning Services The Learning Services budget with respect to the Board Ends: 1. Learners: a) Live their faith I. where faith practice forms an integral part of their daily lives as members of the school community. II. where they have knowledge of the history, teaching, values and doctrines of the Catholic faith. III. where they are contributors to society, dedicated to the common good. b) Achieve academic success I. which is reflected by WCDSB results that significantly exceed provincial standards as measured in EQAO and literacy tests. II. where they have knowledge and skills to pursue suitable career and life paths.
  67. Learning Services 2. Learning communities: a) are lived models of our Catholic faith I. where all are welcomed. II. where all are treated with respect. III. where all are caring stewards of their world. b) are inclusive: I. where everyone understands that our faith calls us to inclusion. II. where there is a continual renewal of commitment to the inclusion of all. III. where all students experience instruction and assessment that is differentiated based on their needs. IV. where all students are entitled to be in their home school in age appropriate classrooms. c) act as a part of a greater whole, recognizing their interdependence within the home, school and parish triad
  68. Learning Services Areas of focus for the upcoming year: Catholic Graduate Expectations addressed through the work School Effectiveness Framework (K-12) (knowing your students; knowing your staff and knowing what matters) Learning For All (K-12) Growing Success Inquiry based learning Monitoring & increasing success of students on IEP’s and English Language Learners Assistive technologies (Word Q) Literacy, Numeracy, Pathways, Community, Culture & Caring Credit accumulation & graduation rates Targeted Ministry funding: Aboriginal Education, Equity and Inclusion, Mental Health, etc.
  69. Learning Services Continued implementation of Early Learning Program: Year 1 – 8 schools Year 2 – 11 schools 3 extended day Year 3 – 22 schools 13 extended day
  70. Learning Services Three Key Ministry Priorities for Education High levels of student achievement. Reduced gaps in student achievement. Increased public confidence in public education.
  71. Learning Services Our Priorities within Learning Services: Maintain our focus on schools working with schools to provide professional learning for staff. Administrators to continue to provide ongoing professional learning at the school and system level and within system portfolio responsibilities.
  72. Learning Services Our budget priority reflects our commitment to our Catholic distinctiveness. Budget is allocated and protected to support: Pastoral Care Teams Chaplaincy leaders Safe schools Poverty
  73. Learning Services:Program Services

  74. Program Services Detail
  75. Program Services Program Services is primarily responsible for the curriculum delivery side of the system that ensures student success.
  76. Changes in Program Services Reduction of Consultant Positions: 0.5 ESL / 0.5 FSL / 0.5 Arts 0.5 Healthy Living and Outdoor Education Combined 21st Century Learning/I.T. 2 Literacy/Numeracy Coaches funded through Ministry Grant (specialize in grades 7 & 8) Numeracy Elementary Consultant also funded through a Ministry Grant Reduced P.D. support for schools – transfer to a focused approach
  77. Learning Services:Student Services – Special EducationMeeting the needs of all Learners

  78. Special Education Detail
  79. Student Services Student Services is primarily responsible for the Special Education side of the system.
  80. Special Education Detail
  81. Student Services Funding Student Services Support Staff:
  82. Student Services Funding
  83. Student Services
  84. Student Services Budget Allocation of Education Assistants and CYCW’s: Data driven decision Data collection tool to identify current and anticipated pupil need Meetings with all schools
  85. Student Services Data indicates: support for students who need assistance with self-regulation, and support for resolving conflict is key “Self-regulation is the ability to control your mental, emotional and physiological state to the task at hand.”
  86. Student Services We discovered that many of our students needed support with resolving conflicts and in developing their social skills. We need the skill set of Our Child and Youth Care Workers deliver proactive one to one, small group and classwide instruction on topics such as conflict resolution, anti-bullying and social skills.
  87. Student Services We have shifted staff allocations to provide the support of a Child and Youth Care Worker. This would allow the staff at a school to have the Child and Youth Worker work with these students throughout the day based , it will provide in class support for students, classroom teacher and the Special Education teacher. We will continue to have 5 Family of Schools Child and Youth workers to assist schools with students.
  88. Student Services We have selected 13 schools to work with this model of support for our students. With this support for students, there has been some change with our staffing levels. We will have a reduction in the number of Educational Assistants at the Elementary Level.
  89. Student Services We will be reducing the number of Educational Assistants from 226.5 to 201.5 at the elementary level. There will be 55 Educational Assistants in our secondary schools. We had 62.5 Educational Assistants working in secondary schools this year. We will have 65.5 Child and Youth Care Workers working to support students in elementary and secondary schools for 2012-2013. This is an increase of 13.5 CYCW’s.
  90. Student Services We will continue to meet student learning needs with programs such as: - Corrective Reading - Empower - Learning Language and Loving It - Autism Pro - Assistive Technology - Differentiated Instruction
  91. Student Services There will be a focus on Mental Health and Addictions. We will continue our work with Learning for All. We will continue our Internal Review of IEP’s. We will continue to look at Transition Planning for our students. We will continue to renew our Vision of Inclusion. We will continue our work with SEAC.
  92. Learning Services We are working towards a seamless model between Program and Student Services. We recognize that what is necessary for some is good for all.
  93. Learning Services:Continuing Education

  94. Continuing Education Detail
  95. Continuing Education Items of note within Continuing Education: Increase in students in ESL programs; despite provincial decline Continual monitoring of all programs to ensure they are cost recovery Increase in correspondence students & lessons marked Decrease in SSC courses in Cambridge Reduction in PSW classes offered and hospitality classes due to business model decisions
  96. Continuing Education continued… Items of note within Continuing Education: Re-location of St. Joseph programs Continued marketing and promotion of St. Louis
  97. Future Focus

  98. Future Focus Addressing continued declining enrolment Finalizing employee contracts Elimination of full funding for ‘victory lap’ year Increasing utility costs Increasing incidence of identified students Accommodation Reviews Moving toward financial sustainability Amalgamation
  99. Summary and Motions

  100. Summary The budget is balanced. Question period for Trustees: June 4 – 22, 2012 Budget Submission Date – June 29, 2012. The budget is compliant with board policy and Ministry requirements. There is inherent risk in some areas of the budget.
  101. Proposed Budget Motions That the Board of Trustees approve an operating budget of $226,059,518 for the 2012-2013 school year. That the Board of Trustees approve a capital budget of $18,091,703 for the 2012-2013 school year. That the Board of Trustees directs Administration to file a balanced budget with the Ministry of Education before the deadline of June 29, 2012.
  102. Survey Completion Survey will be sent to Trustees on June 5th to enable feedback on the budget process To be completed by June 22nd, 2012
  103. Questions? Questions can also be submitted to: budget@wcdsb.ca by June 22nd
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