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The Role of Grid in the IT Landscape

The Role of Grid in the IT Landscape. Robert Fogel Intel Corporation, Principal Education Architect OGF Vice-President. Overview. Enterprise IT Pain Points: Total cost of operation Operational & energy efficiency Business alignment and delivery of business value

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The Role of Grid in the IT Landscape

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  1. The Role of Grid in the IT Landscape Robert Fogel Intel Corporation, Principal Education Architect OGF Vice-President

  2. Overview • Enterprise IT Pain Points: • Total cost of operation • Operational & energy efficiency • Business alignment and delivery of business value • Virtualization has struck a loud chord • Grid extends the familiar concept of virtualization • Increased utilization of IT assets • Break-down of silos • Federation of data and infrastructure Grid and virtualization work together in the IT datacenter and beyond 2

  3. 3

  4. Virtual Enterprise Virtual Ecosystem Virtual Datacenter Service-Oriented IT (Grid + SOA + Web 2.0) Virtualization Spectrum Rack/Cluster & Desktops Processor Platform (macro) (micro) Virtualization Spectrum VM (today) “The Grid” Enterprise Grid (today) 4

  5. Internet Outsourcers Enterprise Digital Government Comm Service Providers Suppliers Data Center Digital Homes Factory / Warehouse Firewall Customers Firewall Sensors RFID Digital Offices (SMB) Digital Office SOA Mobile Workforce Mobile Consumers Business Processes & Workflows MOTE Application and Data Services Virtualized Compute, Network & Storage Virtualization in the Future 5

  6. Utility Computing Services Utility Computing Services Load Load Metering Metering Accounting Accounting Orchestration Orchestration Optimization Optimization Billing Billing Balancing Balancing Grid Middleware Services Grid Services WSRF Web Services Web Services Security Security Resources Resources Orchestration Orchestration Directory Directory Messaging Messaging Data Data Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Grid Enabled Compute Compute Compute Communication Communication Communication Storage Storage Storage Next Generation IT Infrastructure Grid Virtualize, Provision, and Aggregate Shared Resource Pools Utility Computing Policy-based SLA/QoS, dynamic resource allocation, and pay-for-use 6

  7. Blade/Server CPU CPU CPU … Core Core Core … VM VM The Virtual Datacenter Grid of VMs (or service containers) 7

  8. 2002 - 2005 Server Consolidation Shared Landing Single-core processor systems App A App B App C Common Application Components Multi-Core processor-based system Operating System Intel Host Platform 2004 - 2007 Enterprise Grid OS Partitioning App C App A App B App A Grid Middleware OS OS OS OS OS OS App B App C App D App E VMM VMM Evolving Toward The Virtual Datacenter IT Infrastructure Evolution 8

  9. App 3 App 2 App App App App App OS OS … OS OS OS OS OS The Business Value of Virtualization Server Consolidation R&D Production VMM VMM HW HW HW HW Enables rapid deployment Multiple App/OS – 10:1 in many cases Dynamic Load Balancing Disaster Recovery App 4 App 1 OS OS VMM VMM HW HW VMM VMM CPU Usage CPU Usage 30% HW 90% HW Upholding high-levels of business continuity Balancing utilization with head room Higher Utilization, Isolation, Lower TCO 9

  10. # 1 # 2 # 3 # 5 C#4A C#4B C#4C App A App C App B App D App F App E App E App E OS A OS B OS B OS B OS B OS B OS B CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU Consolidated Environment • Dissimilar configurations • Low System Utilization (<20% on avg.) 10

  11. # 1 App A App B App F OS A OS B SW VMM CPU # 1 # 2 # 3 # 5 # 2A App A App C App B App D App F App C App D App E App E App E OS A OS B OS B OS B OS B OS B SW VMM CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU SW OS Partitioning Grid Starting on Virtualization App E Grid SW #4A #4B #4C OS B OS B OS B • Dissimilar configurations • Cluster or silo heterogeneous environment enabled for maximal performance & server utilization CPU CPU CPU 11

  12. # 1A App A App B App F OS A OS B VT Enabled VMM VT CPU # 2A #4A #4B #4C App C App D OS B OS B OS B OS B OS B SW VMM SW VMM VT Enab. VMM VT CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU HW Assisted OS Partitioning SW OS Partitioning Better Virtualization App E Grid SW • HW assisted OS Partitioning • Better reliability over SW based OS Partitioning Grid 12

  13. # 4VA OS A OS B VT Enabled VMM VT CPU # 4VB # 2A #4A #4B #4C App C App D App A App B App F OS A OS A OS B OS B OS B OS B OS B OS B VT Enabled VMM VT Enab. VMM VT CPU VT CPU CPU CPU CPU OS Partitioning Grid + OS Partitioning Grid Grid + OS Partitioning App E App E Grid SW Grid SW • Enhanced virtualization • Resources available on demand 13

  14. App C App D # 2A # 4VA # 4VB #4C OS B OS B OS A OS A OS A OS B OS B OS B VT Enab. VMM VT Enabled VMM VT Enabled VMM VT CPU VT CPU VT CPU CPU Grid + OS Partitioning Completing Virtualization App A App B App F App E Grid SW Grid SW • Extending cross enterprise • Resource allocation shifted based on SLA and QoS 14

  15. # 4VA # 4VB #4C # N1 OS A OS A OS B OS A OS A OS B OS B OS A OS B VT Enabled VMM VT Enabled VMM VT Enab. VMM VT CPU VT CPU CPU VT CPU Future Scaling App C App D App A App B App F App E Grid SW Grid SW # 2A OS B OS B VT Enab. VMM VT CPU • Much simpler scale-out 15

  16. Enterprise Grid OS Partitioning App C App A App B App A Business Grid SW OS OS OS OS OS OS App B App C App D App E VMM VMM The Best Combination Application Modification May Be Required (many vendors) No Application Modification Required Source: Intel Customers including Hewitt, Wachovia, CSFB and others 16

  17. Summary and Conclusion • Grid and VM technologies are mainstream • Grid and VM work together to provide better optimization and new capabilities of the IT datacenter • Grid setups for extending optimization and new capabilities beyond the datacenter 17

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