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Sikkerhed og lovkrav – web og mobil

Sikkerhed og lovkrav – web og mobil. Kort om DIBS. Founded 1998 Acquisiton of iDEB AB (2005) and Cardia AS (2007), DIBS- Debitech merger (2006) Leading payment sercvice provider for e-commerce in Nordic countries

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Sikkerhed og lovkrav – web og mobil

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  1. Sikkerhed og lovkrav – web og mobil

  2. Kort om DIBS • Founded 1998 • Acquisiton of iDEB AB (2005) and Cardia AS (2007), DIBS-Debitech merger (2006) • Leading payment sercvice provider for e-commerce in Nordic countries • Headquartered in Stockholm – branches in Gothenburg, Oslo, Copenhagen and Helsinki • Integrations to all leading card acquirers and banks in Nordic countries • PCI certified since 2005 • Listed on Stockholm Exchange (First North)

  3. Card not present • Reglerne er de samme • Web • Mobile web • App

  4. Abonnement (gem kort) Generelt: En abonnementsaftale er en aftale mellem din forretning og kunden. Det vil sige at kunden skal kunne tilmelde sig et abonnement, hvor der løbende leveres ydelser f.eks. et avis abonnement. Det er derfor vigtigt, at udarbejde en abonnementsaftale indeholdende betingelser, som kunden skal godkende. Det giver din forretning tilladelse til at gennemføre transaktioner på kundens kort. Bemærk: Kortnummer, udløbsdato og kontrolcifre må aldrig gemmes i forretningens systemer. Abonnementsbetingelserne skal indeholde: • Oplysning om kriterierne (betingelserne) for at gennemføre træk på kundens kortnummer. • Oplysning om hvordan kvittering leveres/stilles til rådighed (f.eks. mail eller pr. post). • Oplysning om kortindehavers ansvars- og hæftelsesforhold (f.eks. hvilke forpligtelser kunden har). • Information om proceduren for fornyelse og sletning af kortnummer (f.eks. hvis kunden skifter kort). Procedure: • Kunden skal aktivt acceptere kundevilkår (abonnementsbetingelser) og prisen (f.eks. via et flueben). • Der skal sendes en skriftlig bekræftelse til kunden via mail eller almindelig post, hver gang der indgås en abonnementsaftale eller den nuværende abonnementsaftale ændres. • Vilkår og priser skal være tilgængelig for kunden ved tilmelding.

  5. Før købet The following information must be visible to the customer before payment takes place: • The shop’s contact info (name, address, e-mail and/or telephone number including the shop’s CVR number). • A complete description of the services/products offered. In other words, the customer must never doubt what he/she is paying for. • A clear itemization of the total amount charged to the credit card, including freight, value added tax, etc. • Specification of the currency used for the transaction (e.g. DKK, SEK, NOK or EUR). • Terms of sale and delivery, including the right to terminate the purchase agreement. • A clear statement of shipping policies (when will the customer receive the merchandise). • All credit card types honoured by the shop must be displayed in graphic form on one of the shop’s pages. Customers use various types of browsers and screen resolutions which should be taken into consideration. Card logos may be found here. • 3-D Secure should be displayed wherever this is used. • Export restrictions, if applicable.

  6. Kvitteringen Immediately following the payment (on the shop’s website): • Transaction status (completed/accepted/declined) AFTER the purchase (on the e-mail order confirmation / e-mail receipt) the customer must be able to find: • The name of the shop. • The shop’s e-mail address. • A complete description of the services/products purchased. • An order number (the shop’s internal order reference number). • The transaction number (DIBS transaction number). • The transaction date. • The transaction currency (must show the standard international 3-letter code, e.g. DKK, EUR, NOK or SEK). • The total amount to be charged to the customer’s credit card (incl. charges, value added tax, freight, etc.). • The expected date of delivery. • The transaction status (completed/declined). • The amount indicated must not exceed the amount quoted in the order form.

  7. DIBS tjekker det hele • Site inspection før shoppen slippes live • Teknisk sparring i forløbet • Hjælp med indgåelse af aftaler

  8. Mobile tendenser

  9. E-stores offering mobile commerce 21% of the stores are about to launch m-commerce

  10. Mobile paymentmethodsconsumersused in Denmark In Denmark, 58% of m-consumers have paid via SMS

  11. WhatDanish mobile consumersbuy with theirphone Travel is a large part of the m-commerce market

  12. Standard eller stylet?

  13. DIBS Mobile – standard design

  14. Mobile app/page - customized

  15. Internet payment – standard design

  16. Internet payment - custumized

  17. Internet payment - custumized

  18. Internet payment - custumized

  19. Thanks for your time Bo Knoblauch bk@dibs.dk +45 2788 9220

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