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Introducing the new BTEC Level 2 Firsts from September 2012

Introducing the new BTEC Level 2 Firsts from September 2012. BTECs are evolving for 2012 Presenting a new generation of BTECs. Rod Smith. Managing Director of Edexcel International and MD Vocational and Applied Pearson. Agenda. 1. 2. 3. Questions & Feedback.

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Introducing the new BTEC Level 2 Firsts from September 2012

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  1. Introducing the new BTEC Level 2 Firsts from September 2012

  2. BTECs are evolving for 2012Presenting a new generation of BTECs Rod Smith Managing Director of Edexcel International and MD Vocational and Applied Pearson BTECs are evolving for 2012 l November 2011

  3. Agenda 1 2 3 Questions & Feedback BTECs are evolving: our new proposition for 2012 UK Education policy: the latest developments

  4. 1 UK Education policyThe latest developments BTECs are evolving for 2012 l November 2011

  5. Vocational learning – a secure future in the 14-19 curriculum Vocational learning has a strong, secure future in the 14-19 curriculum Wolf report re-inforced that vocational learning must remain an “essential part of a balanced curriculum” A new generation of BTEC qualifications: supporting the Wolf agenda by guaranteeing the place of high quality vocational learning. Tried and trusted: BTECs have a proven track record over more than a quarter of a century in delivering results – and progression.

  6. Performance and Accountability 1 Outcomes of recent 14-16 consultation All qualifications will be reported in performance tables Only GCSEs and selected other qualifications in headline measures Non-GCSE qualifications have to demonstrate 7 characteristics Up to 2 non-GCSEs allowed, and will have an equivalence of 1 GCSE A ‘year’s grace’ for many existing qualifications List for 2014 headline measures to be published in January 2012

  7. Performance and Accountability 2 Outcomes of recent 14-16 consultation The 7 characteristics: 1. At least as big as a GCSE (120 GLH) 2. External assessment – minimum 20% 3. Synoptic assessment 4. Graded 5. Content appropriate for 14-16 year olds 6. Evidence they support progression 7. Proven track record

  8. Performance and Accountability 3 What does that mean for your BTEC provision? Good news: Existing BTEC Level 2 Firsts already meet most of the criteria Seeking extension for existing BTEC Firsts: last registrations Dec 2012 New, fully compliant BTEC Firsts available in 8 sectors from September 2012 Plans to redevelop remaining sectors at Level 2 from September 2013 Level 1 qualifications with a compliant Level 2 “parent” will count in headline measures and feature in the 5 A*-G tables Start redeveloping new BTEC Level 3 National suite from September 2013

  9. Performance and Accountability 4 Headline measures – “The List” “The List” – Jan 12 (for Sept 12 first teaching) DfE List of qualifications compliant for headline measures – how it works What that means for BTEC Level 2 Firsts “Grace Year” list Year 9

  10. 2 BTECs are evolving for 2012Presenting … BTEC Level 2 Firsts from 2012 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00


  12. Principles 1

  13. BTEC Level 2 Firsts: 7 key principles 1 7 3 4 2 6 5

  14. 14-16 CONSULTATION: BTECS from 2012 match all 7 characteristics 2

  15. 14-16 CONSULTATION: Size 2.1

  16. BTEC Level 2 Firsts – 4 sizes Extended Certificate Diploma Certificate Award 480 GLH 4 GCSEs size From September 2013 240 GLH 2 GCSEs size From September 2012 120 GLH1 GCSE size From September 2012 360 GLH 3 GCSEs size From September 2012

  17. 14-16 CONSULTATION: Grading 2.2

  18. Unit grading: rigour & progressive achievement . Mastery Model (No change) To earn each grade, learners much achieve all the criteria for each grade up to – and including – the attained grade. Unit grades remain: Distinction, Merit & Pass at Level 2. NEW: Level 2 qualification: allows a Level 1 pass to recogniseachievement. NEW!

  19. Qualification grading: reflecting overall achievement . Compensation Model(New) Qualification grade is calculated across the whole qualification using a points-based scale. Core: Learners must achieve an overall pass on the core to pass the qualification. Distinction*: recognising high achievers - half way between Distinction grade boundary and “full marks”. NEW!

  20. 14-16 CONSULTATION: External Assessment (Maximum 25%) 2.3

  21. BTEC Level 2 Firsts: Assessment Internal Assessment External Assessment Supporting teacher-led assessment: the right assessment for the sector. Maximum: 25% Teacher-led assessment remains at the heart of BTEC learning. Minimum: 75%

  22. Internal Assessment Teacher-led assessment remains at the heart of BTEC learning. 75% of the course is still assignments set – and assessed – by teachers and tutors. Clarified assessment criteria to make them even more accurate, particularly for Merit & Distinction - means increased confidence in rewarding high achievers. Assignment checking service: free support service to help ensure assignments enable learners to demonstrate appropriate evidence across the required criteria.

  23. What will the External Assessment look like? The right amount: supports - does not replace - teacher-led assessment Always applies to one core unit (50% of the total core) RIGHT FOR THE SECTOR for example: Award Certificate ExtendedCertificate Diploma (from Sept 13) TESTS (including Onscreen) (Sport; IT;Business; Science; Engineering; H&SC) TASKS (Art & Design) PERFORMANCE (Performing Arts) 480 GLH 360 GLH = 16% 120 GLH = 25% 240 GLH = 25% • Paper-based or online. Online can include video clips and short-answer questions Project from brief supplied Observed and marked by an external examiner

  24. 14-16 CONSULTATION: Synoptic Assessment 2.4

  25. Synoptic Assessment “ A form of assessment which requires a candidate to demonstrate that s/he can identify and use effectively in an integrated way an appropriate selection of techniques, concepts, theories, and knowledge from across the whole vocational area, which are relevant to a key task.”Qualifications for 14-16 Year Olds and Performance Tables, November 2011 How does BTEC meet the requirements for synoptic assessment? Synoptic doesn’t mean “at the end of the course”: BTEC is by its very nature synoptic in approach. Synoptic assessment can be marked by teachers and tutors in the centre – it doesn’t need to be externally assessed.

  26. 14-16 Consultation: Evidence of support for Progression 2.5

  27. Support for progression 1. Quantitative evidence for progression: 2010 statistics In 2010, of the learners studyingon BTEC First Certificates: In 2010, of the learners studying on BTEC First Diplomas: 81% went on to further study in 6th form or FE colleges 76% went on to further study in 6th form or FE colleges 71% of these learners continued their studies in the same subject 34% of these learners continued their studies in the same subject 2. Qualitative evidence – further research in schools and colleges in 2012

  28. Support for progression Nathan’s story Nathan achieved his BTEC National Diploma with overall Distinction and has just completed his first year at Leeds University. He has recently been named IT Student of the Year by the Royal Society of Arts. The practical experience and knowledge Nathan gained through his BTEC course enabled him to identify – and confidently follow – his vocation. Read Nathan’s story at: btec.co.uk/Nathan

  29. 14-16 Consultation: Proven track record 2.6

  30. Proven track record … for learning In the Academic Year 2010-2011, BTEC Level 2 Firsts achieved: 0.5 million registrations in 3,000 centres on 15,000 programmes with an 80% pass rate (400,000 successful learners)

  31. Proven track record … for progression In October 2010, the independently commissioned London Economics Report confirmed that: The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data from 2010 analysis confirmed that: Over 100,000 BTEC students successfully progressed to higher education in 2010 BTEC helps students do better in their GCSEs. Over 60% of BTEC learners also achieve five A*-C GCSEs.

  32. 14-16 Consultation: Appropriate content for 14-16 2.7

  33. Content appropriate for 14-16 year olds • New generation BTECs on the NQF provide: • broad, balanced introduction to the sector, keeping all possible progression pathways open • appropriate content for pre-16 delivery Mandatory core knowledge Flexible progression pathways Contextualised English and maths Transferable employability skills • Balanced core of underpinning knowledge and applied learning. • Supports progression through choice of option units. • Mapped to GCSE functional areas • Generic units supporting work- related skills.

  34. BTEC Level 2 Firsts: an example Award(120 GLH=1 GCSE size) Certificate(240 GLH=2 GCSEs size) Extended Certificate(360 GLH=3 GCSEs size) Core unit (Internal assessment) Core unit (Internal assessment) Mandatory Specialist unit(External assessment) Core unit (Internal assessment) Mandatory Specialist unit (External assessment) 30 GLH 30 GLH 30 GLH 30 GLH 30 GLH Core unit (External assessment) Specialist units(Internal assessment) Can include Generic units (if appropriate) up to 60 GLH Specialist units(Internal assessment) Can include Generic units (if appropriate) up to 30 GLH Core unit (External assessment) Specialist units(Internal assessment) Can include Generic units (if appropriate) up to 90 GLH Core unit (External assessment) 30 GLH To atotal of 360 GLH To atotal of 120 GLH 30 GLH To atotal of 240 GLH 30 GLH

  35. Subject Sectors 3

  36. BTEC Level 2 Firsts from 2012 8 new BTEC qualifications: Phase 1 Business Engineering Applied Science Art & Design Health & Social Care Information & Creative Technology Performing Arts Sport

  37. BTEC Applied Science 4

  38. BTEC Science from 2012 Qualifications structure

  39. BTEC Science from 2012 Content – Assessment - Progression Content Based on current (2010) units 1-6: no optional units Assessment External 25% Internal 75% Progression Maintain current routes and consult on developing additional units to support progression to other qualifications e.g. GCE. Optional units for 2013 Interested in joining our trial? Contact: peter.canning@edexcel.com

  40. Support for planning, delivery & assessment 5

  41. Support Planning, delivery & assessment Find out more in the next session about: Digital and print resources for planning & delivery Support through the first year of teaching Support for the lifetime of the qualification Quality Assurance: support and training

  42. Looking ahead 6

  43. BTEC Level 2 Firsts 8 new BTEC specifications proposed for 2013 Construction & the Built Environment Childcare Hospitality & Catering Creative Media Production Music Land-Based & Environment Public Services Travel & Tourism

  44. BTEC Level 3 Nationals Redevelopment begins for 2013 Policy context for development taken from 16-19 consultations 16-19 Funding 16-19 Study programmes UCAS Qualifications and Information Review (QIR) Raising the Participation Age (RPA) in 2013 Redevelopment begins for first teaching in September 2013 More news in spring 2012 We will be consulting with you prior to the first phase of development

  45. BTEC keeps evolving in 2012: Timeline 2012 MAY JUL SEP NOV MAR JAN BTEC Level 2 Firsts Specs & SAMs available in centres BTEC Level 2 Firsts Phase 1: First teaching Headline Measures in schools List publishes for 2012 starts BTEC Level 2 FirstsTraining BTEC Level 2 FirstsResources publish Headline measures in schools List publishes for 2103 starts BTEC in FE FEC events & consultation 16-19 Consultations Report

  46. In summary Timely BTEC Level 2 Firsts in 8 key sectors in time for first teaching in September 2012. The best BTECs ever Widest ever consultation – match Government’s criteria for excellence in vocational learning. More support Support how, when, and where you need it for the lifetime of the qualification. Real learning for life Students who have a BTEC Level 2 qualification and five good GCSEs increase their lifetime earning potential by 5.9%, compared to those who have just five or more GCSEs.

  47. Any Questions?

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