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Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Author : Mildred D. Taylor Literature Circle Extension Project by Lance LoConti Cassie Logan A Young, naïve girl with a temper. She is hardly aware to the ways of racism. Cassie’s Faimly Mama Mary Logan - Cassie’s Mom, a teacher.

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Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Author : Mildred D. Taylor Literature Circle Extension Project by Lance LoConti

  2. Cassie Logan A Young, naïve girl with a temper. She is hardly aware to the ways of racism.

  3. Cassie’s Faimly Mama Mary Logan - Cassie’s Mom, a teacher. Papa David Logan - Cassie’s Dad, who is very independent and set not to lose his family’s land. Stacey Logan - Cassie’s oldest brother is thirteen. Christopher-John - A shy, timid seven year old. “Little Man” Clayton Chester - Cassie’s very ordered youngest brother. Big Ma Caroline - Cassie’s Grandmother, she runs the farm. Uncle Hammer - David’s brother who lives in Chicago.

  4. Neighbors, Friends, and others T.J. Avery - Stacey’s friend who often finds himself in hot water. L.T. Morrison - An older man who works on the Logan farm. Jeremy Simms - A white boy that has befriended the Logan children. He is often mistreated because of this. Melvin and R.W. Simms - The oldest Simms boys who pretend to be friendly with T.J., but have other motives. Lillian Jean Simms - A girl who spends time with Cassie, but does not treat her well. Harlen Grangar - A Wealthy Plantation Owner that wants to buy back the Logan family land. Mr. Jamison - A white lawyer whose family had purchased land from Granger, and eventually sold it to the Logans. Understands the battle of racism in the community. The Wallace Family - A brutally violent family that runs the local general store.

  5. Family Values

  6. Passiveness

  7. Racism and Human Rights

  8. Brotherhood and Responsibility

  9. Credits http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.n01-in-flowers.com/Flower-images/filler-images/Springtime%2520Jubilee.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.n01-in-flowers.com/index.html&h=184&w=150&sz=13&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=Te5LqLVYzRV9CM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflowers%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DG http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/NGSPOD04/108912~Flock-of-Birds-Lined-up-on-Overhead-Wires-Posters.jpg http://www.oxbowinc.org/images/Beaver_Family_2.jpg http://www.iabeef.org/May/D.%20Clip%20Art%20&%20Photos%5CFarm%20family.jpg http://kiddiefarmfamilydaycare.com/images/GraphicGarden/kids/kd1sg1a.gif peace - http://static.flickr.com/53/146929767_e6d2c8af91.jpg http://kinkadeartwork.net/productimages/Peaceful%20Retreat,%20A.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e0/1943_Colored_Waiting_Room_Sign.jpg/200px-1943_Colored_Waiting_Room_Sign.jpg http://www.kawvalley.k12.ks.us/brown_v_board/images/segregation.jpg http://ordoesit.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/segregated.jpg http://www.upenn.edu/aarc/mlk/mlk2.jpg http://www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/files/2006/05/shaking-hands.jpg All pictures from google image search

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