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Apprenticeships Never mind the quantity, feel the depth Prof Bill Lucas

Explore the evolution of apprenticeships and the importance of fostering desirable capabilities in learners. Discover the role of craftsmanship, broader literacies, and collaborative pedagogies in shaping high-quality apprenticeship programs.

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Apprenticeships Never mind the quantity, feel the depth Prof Bill Lucas

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  1. Apprenticeships Never mind the quantity, feel the depth Prof Bill Lucas @LucasLearn @EducatingRuby

  2. Don’t throw the medieval baby out with the modern bathwater

  3. ‘The orginal meaning of [the 3Rs] was completely different in Regency times, at the beginning of the 19th century. The three Rs were reading, wroughting and arithmetic - in other words, literacy, making things and numeracy…And then in the era of MrGradgrind and the Great Exhibition of the 1850s, the wroughting got dropped in favour of writing.’ Sir Christopher Frayling, Rector of the Royal College of Arts, interviewed in The Guardian 29/6/04

  4. Resourcefulness • Craftsmanship • Broader literacies • Wider skills

  5. ‘A good diamond cutter has a different disposition than a good dog trainer. The one is careful, the other commanding. Different kinds of work attract different human types, and we are lucky if we find work that is fitting… the term [dispositions] captures something important I want to explore, namely, the mutual entanglement of intellectual qualities with moral qualities. This entanglement shows itself in the work we do.’ Matthew Crawford (2009) The case for working with your hands. London: Penguin

  6. Highly skilled people do things differently….

  7. When? Which? Where? How?

  8. ‘Learners must demand high quality pedagogy which will necessitate that stronger links are built between employers, teachers and teaching.’ Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, 2014

  9. Apprenticeships What are their ‘signature pedagogies’?

  10. Desirable capabilities – 7Cs Confidence Craftsmanship Commitment Curiosity Collaboration Creativity Communication

  11. bill.lucas@winchester.ac.uk www.cityandguilds.com/remakingapprenticeships www.cityandguilds/learningtobeemployable www.cityandguilds/apracticalguidetocraftsmanship www.winchester.ac.uk/realworldlearning www.educatingruby.org @LucasLearn @EducatingRuby

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