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Chapter 7 Mutation Breeding Using Induced Variation for Crop Improvement

Chapter 7 Mutation Breeding Using Induced Variation for Crop Improvement. Mutation: Mutation is a sudden heritable change in the genetic material at the gene or chromosome level. Such a change in the base sequence of DNA leads to a plant with altered character(s) called as mutant. mutant.

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Chapter 7 Mutation Breeding Using Induced Variation for Crop Improvement

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  1. Chapter 7 Mutation Breeding Using Induced Variation for Crop Improvement

  2. Mutation: Mutation is a sudden heritable change in the genetic material at the gene or chromosome level.

  3. Such a change in the base sequence of DNA leads to a plant with altered character(s) called as mutant.

  4. mutant

  5. contrast mutant contrast mutant Radiation induced apple red skin mutant mutant contrast Radiation induced resistance of barley mutant

  6. contrast mutant Radiation induced awn of barley mutant contrast mutant Radiation induced height of barley mutant

  7. Using induced mutants in the breeding programs for developing superior varieties is known as mutation breeding which use some physical induced factors such as X-rays, Gamma-rays, β-radiation(β-particles), Neutrons, laser, electron beam, Particles from accelerators, UV radiations and some chemical induced factors such as alkylating agents, antibiotics, acridines, azides, base analogues and related compounds, hydroxylamines, nitrous acid, and some biological factors .

  8. 1.Histroy and characters

  9. (1)physical induced mutation: 1904: De.Vries had a foresight to suggest the use of radiation to induce mutation. 1908: Gager reported the result of induced mutation. 1927:Muller HJ. found a large number of mutant in fruit fly by X-rays.

  10. erectoides 1928: Stadler LG. worked with barley and demonstrated mutation frequency can be enhanced with the help of X-rays and Ra. 1930:The X- ray treatment to two-rowed barley by Swedish Nilson-Ehle and Gustafsson was observed to produce mutants having characters of dense ear and very stiff straw.

  11. 1934:Tollenear the first man who use radiation induced mutation bred a tobacco cultivar “Chlorina”.

  12. 1942:Freisieben and Lein first used induced mutation method to improve barley’s disease resistance, and proposed the mutation breeding scheme, but on the effect of the war, they hadn’t gone on the study. 1942 or so:Nilson-Ehle and Gustafssonmade a systematic study on the best condition for physical induced mutation breeding. 1958 and 1960:Nilson-Ehle and Gustafsson used X-ray treated barley Bouns,and bred early maturing variety Palas and Mari

  13. Later 20 century:laser breeding and space breeding .

  14. 太空育种 啊,又一颗卫星飞上太空, 人类的生活进入新的日程—— 卫星载着地球的种子, 让稻麦蔬菜去享受新生…… 多么奇妙!遨游数日以后, 种子再回来便有了特异功能! 经过选育的青辣椒, 一个就会长到半斤重! 哈!最大的青辣椒! 一个就能炒一盘美味佳肴, 而且它那维生素C的含量, 会有百分之十五以上的提高…… 哈!小麦的种子也因此而变异, 新的麦苗可早熟又抗病抗倒。 科学真好!太空育种真妙! 这其中的奥秘谁能知道?

  15. 太空育种 啊!这种变异实在太奇妙, 其中的奥秘还不完全知道; 不过对这项太空育种的探索, 人类正在研究思考。 也许,你将来能把这奥秘掀开? 但愿你刻苦成才,越早越好! 也许,通过这遗传变异的揭秘, 还会发现更珍奇的奥妙…… 人类知道!科学家知道! 太空里的独特环境确有奥妙: 有高真空和微重力做外部条件, 强宇宙射线的辐射也挺重要。 这样,遨游在太空的种子, 便在毫无压迫中自在逍遥, 这样,种子就发生遗传变异, 这在地球上绝对无法做到。

  16. (2)chemical induced mutation: 1943:Auerbach and Robson observed the use of chemicals like mustard gas to be highly mutagenic.

  17. 1948:Gustafsson used mustard gas and induced barley mutant. 1967:Nilan used DES to tread the seed of barley and bred short straw, higher yield cultivar Luther.

  18. 3. Achivement Karim Ammar

  19. Table 1 some important varieties of selected field crops released in different countries through mutation breeding (Contd.)

  20. (Contd.)

  21. According Micke and Donini(1993),1363 cultivars have valuable characters through mutation. among them 744 were corn.

  22. In China, mutation breeding began in 1960,up to 1989,in 29 different crop 325 varieties had been released. The whole spreading area were 1.4 hundred million Mu,among of them wheat cultivar ShanNong Radiation 63,had ever been to 13 million Mu;LuMian No.1 has ever been over to 30 million Mu.

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