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Areas to cover:

Areas to cover: . I. UW – when Madison was all the UW there was . . . II. UW vs. the normal schools III. The beginnings of a UW “system” Milwaukee Parkside Green Bay . IV. The “imperial presidency” of Fred Harvey Harrington (1962-1970)

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Areas to cover:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Areas to cover: • I. UW – when Madison was all the UW there was . . . • II. UW vs. the normal schools • III. The beginnings of a UW “system” • Milwaukee • Parkside • Green Bay

  2. IV. The “imperial presidency” of Fred Harvey Harrington (1962-1970) • V. Merger of UW campuses with the normal school / WSC/ WSU campuses • VI. Role of UW-Parkside today

  3. “In the beginning . . .”1848: The University of Wisconsin in Madison

  4. At the same time: a series of Normal SchoolsPlatteville 1866 merged w/Wi Mining Trade SchoolWhitewater 1868 commercial/bus edOshkosh 1871indus/vo tech ed; excep. Ed River Falls 1874 agedStout 1893Milwaukee 1895Stevens Point 1894conseration, rural, home ecedSuperior 1896LaCrosse1910 physical education Eau Claire 1916

  5. UW President Charles van Hise • 1903-1918 • Attitude towards Normal Schools • (in light of recent effort to separate Madison from UW System . . . )

  6. Four Stages of Development:1. Normal Schools2. 1926 – Bachelor degrees in education only two year college parallel transfer curriculum, altho Madison balked . . . 3. 1951 – B.A. and B.S. degrees Wisconsin State College System 4. 1964 – with addn. of graduate degrees, schools of nursing, etc. : Wisconsin State University System

  7. Characteristics of WSU campuses:lack of Ph.D.s among facultyautomatic tenure after four yearsno research expectation12-15 credit load local supervision by regents textbook rental

  8. “The Imperial President” and the first UW “System” • President Fred Harvey Harrington (1962- 1970) • Bringing Milwaukee in under the UW banner –1956 • From “single university - branch campus” to autonomy • Resurrecting the “chancellor” title: • J. Martin Klotsche / 1964

  9. “UWM thus began as a sort of super-college of the University, with its degrees indistinguishable from those earned by students enrolled in Madison.” (Cronon, vol IV, 103).

  10. The Next Step: 1965: By act of state legislature:University of Wisconsin campuses to be created in Northeastern and Southeastern Wisconsin building on Extension campuses (“centers”) in each regionUW-Green Bay UW-Parkside

  11. Meanwhile: • Remember the WSC campuses renaming themselves WSU. • Harrington: on not resisting that: “We had been using up our fight in order to get the new campuses [Parkside and Green Bay] . . . . Besides it didn’t seem to me to be all that important . . . . I knew it was going to happen, and we were trying to be friendly and all that . . . .” (Cronon, vol. 4, 193)

  12. By 1970: Two SystemsUniversity of Wisconsin Madison Milwaukee Green Bay ParksideWisconsin State Universities Eau Claire La Crosse Stout Whitewater Oshkosh River Falls Superior Platteville Stevens Point

  13. 1971 -- Merger!!!!

  14. Pushed it as making econ sense, in time of recession and budget-cutting. • “Retaliation” for Madison campus student turmoil • Why two separate and unequal systems? • Gov. Lucey applies the screws to the UW: either merger, or a slashed higher ed budget

  15. Meeting with UW (Madison) faculty, July 8, 1971: • “I think that we have reached the point now where the only way to preserve the ‘jewel in the crown’ -- . . . that is the Madison campus – is by going to one system, one board of regents, and one central administration . . .” (Cronon, 4, 583)

  16. Identity and Mission today: The State Comprehensive University 1. Institutions of access and opportunity 2. Student-centered institutions 3. “Stewards of place:” Engaging faculty, staff, students with the communities and regions we serve. 4. A creative tension between teaching-focus and research-focus; between institution and professional discipline.

  17. In the aftermath of the state budget battle: How to explain “The people’s university” concept??

  18. Some Political History • Dr. Irvin G. Wyllie 1966-1974 • Dr. Alan Guskin 1975-1985 • Dr. Sheila Kaplan 1986-1993 • Dr. Eleanor Smith 1994-1997 • Dr. John Keating 1998-2008 • Dr. Deborah Ford 2009-

  19. Reorganization(s) • I. College of Science and Society • School of Modern Industry • II. Eight Divisions (Teacher Ed., Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences, Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Science, Engineering/Computer Science, Business)

  20. III. Four Schools: Liberal Arts, Education, Science and Technology, Business • IV. A College of Arts and Sciences, and a School of Business. • What next??????

  21. Some Social History • Commuter campus, until 1985 • Non-traditional/adult students – 21% • Ethnic Diversity – 23% (incl. internatl) • First generation college students

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