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Curriculum Night

Curriculum Night. Waggoner Elementary Second Grade Mrs. Kiefer. Welcome!. Thank You for coming! Enjoy your child’s note (take home). Write a love note back! Leave it on your child’s desk. Introduction Website info Classroom Routine (Schedule). Language Arts.

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Curriculum Night

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Curriculum Night Waggoner Elementary Second Grade Mrs. Kiefer

  2. Welcome! • Thank You for coming! • Enjoy your child’s note (take home). • Write a love note back! Leave it on your child’s desk. • Introduction • Website info • Classroom Routine (Schedule)

  3. Language Arts • Focus on the Common Core Standards • Major Components of our Reading Program are: • Print concepts, phonemic awareness, phonics, • vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension • Flexible groupings: whole group, small guided reading groups, partner reading, independent reading • Adopted Reading Series: Harcourt TROPHIES (Visit their website: www.harcourtschool.com) • Ongoing reading assessments • Grammar skills are integrated each week. • Goal: We strive to increase student vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Daily practice (both at school and at home) is essential for reading success.)

  4. Spelling • Compliments the Harcourt Trophies reading and language program. • Basic skills taught: phonics, spelling rules, patterns, word origins, prefixes/suffixes. • Spelling is assessed and evaluated on an ongoing basis through classroom writing samples, daily spelling lessons, dictated sentences, and tests. • The true test of spelling mastery is its transfer to and application in student writing on a daily basis. • Spelling lists will come home each week.

  5. Writing • Writer’s Workshop • Steps in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing • Forms of writing: narrative, story, poetry, expository (observations, journals, etc.) functional (friendly letters, thank-you notes, experiments, posters, etc.) literary response, research (simple report) • Adopted Writing/Language program: Units of Study for Second Gradeby Lucy Calkins

  6. Handwriting • Scott ForesmanD’Nealian Handwriting • Emphasis on correct handwriting in all written work • Cursive is not taught in 2nd Grade. Cursive is part of the 3rd Grade curriculum.

  7. Listening and Speaking Skills • Students will be taught to effectively use listening and speaking skills in a variety of situations: • For example: oral reports, Reader’s Theatre, Writer’s workshop (author’s chair)

  8. Math • Focus on the Common Core Standards • Numeration: number sense, counting, place value, money, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies • Problem Solving/Higher level thinking strategies • Data Analysis and Probability • Patterns and Algebra • Geometry • Measurement and Time • Adopted Math Programs: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space by Scott Foresman and Mathematics by Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley • Dreambox Learning

  9. Science • Major Components of our science program: • Earth and Space: Weather • Life Science: Insects, Human Body, Mammals • Physical Science: Solids, Liquids, Gases • Hands-on encouraging active learning • Units involve cooperative skills and learning the scientific method.

  10. Social Studies • Major Components of our social studies program: • Adopted social studies program: Social Studies: People We Know by Harcourt • Students will… …explore the human experience through time and recognize the relationships of events and people; …Learn about ideals, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship …analyze locations, regions, and spatial connections; economic reasoning skills

  11. Health Major components of our Health program: • Adopted Health Program: Health and Fitness by Harcourt • Students will study safety and injury prevention, nutrition, personal health, hygiene, and disease prevention.

  12. Library and Technology • Students will visit the Library weekly to check out books and learn library/media skills. • We visit the Computer Lab every week and use the 6 classroom laptops to create multimedia projects, do research using the Internet, and explore various computer programs.

  13. Specials • Library is scheduled on Monday. • Music is scheduled every Tuesday with Mrs. Weissberg. • Art is every Wednesday with Mrs. Pope. • P.E. is every Thursday with Mr. Colson. (Please have your child wear tennis shoes .) • Computer Lab is every Friday.

  14. Classroom Management • Based on cooperation and respect of all. - Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be respectful! • Praise rewarded for positive behaviors. • PAW-sitive slips, classroom bingo, high fives • Popcorn pieces - whole class rewards • Consequences: • Verbal reminder • Refocus – fill out think sheet • Time out – in class/pod/another class • Parent e-mail or phone call • Visit to the principal. • Weekly reports will be sent on Friday.

  15. Homework Homework Expectations: • Weekly homework will be assigned on on Monday, due on Friday. Please look in your child’s Communication Folder. (Note: If you need an extension over the weekend, just send a note in on Friday to inform me of the change.) • Students are to do homework thoroughly. Parents and students sign the contract. • Students are to do homework neatly. • The Harcourt Trophies reading book must be brought back to school each day. We do not have extras. -Math practice on Dreambox will support the same curriculum we are learning at school. Feel free to use other resources (learning games, paper/pencil, computer games etc. to practice math skills.

  16. Volunteers • We appreciate any time you can spend with us! • Work with students, workroom, and help with special projects. • Sign up each month on SignUp Genius. Thank you!

  17. School Policies • Snacks/Class Parties • Please do not send in any homemade treats. When asked to donate snacks/party supplies, please send in store bought items only. • Please sign up to send in store bought healthy snacks. • Birthdays • Please mail all birthday invitations (don’t send them to school), this helps avoid anyone getting their feelings hurt. The class directory will be published soon. • Please do not send in any birthday treats. • Your child will receive birthday acknowledgment from administration, morning announcements, and myself.

  18. Miscellaneous • Label items (backpack, lunch box, jackets, etc.) • Always send in lunch $ in an envelope with child’s name • Car Pick-Up: USE tagboard name plate in car window…include all last names of students in car pool (only driving through) • Ramada Pick-up (Park and designate a specific meeting spot. • Return library books each Monday(or Friday). • Bus passes will only be issued for emergencies and parents who call the Transportation Department (480-541-1700). • Please do not call the office after 1:00 to make an unscheduled after school change unless a true emergency arises. Stuffed Animal Day is this Friday 

  19. Communication • Weekly newsletter included each week with Homework Assignment sheet. • Send a note with your child • Call me at (480) 541-5717 • Email – lkiefe@kyrene.org • Front office (480) 541-5600

  20. Thanks for Coming!! Do not forget to visit the Book Fair in the library this evening. We’re looking forward to a great year!!! Thanks!

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