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Social , Cultural, Political Context

The GEM framework. Social , Cultural, Political Context. National Framework Conditions. Outcome/Impact (socio-economic development). Existing Economic Activity (Primary Economy). Basic Requirements. Entrepreneurial Output (new jobs, new value added). Efficiency Enhancers. + -.

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Social , Cultural, Political Context

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  1. The GEM framework Social, Cultural, Political Context National Framework Conditions Outcome/Impact (socio-economic development) Existing Economic Activity (Primary Economy) Basic Requirements Entrepreneurial Output (new jobs, new value added) Efficiency Enhancers + - Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions Entrepreneurship Activity + - + - Aspirations Attitudes Personal Values and Background

  2. The GEM framework Social, Cultural, Political Context National Framework Conditions Outcome/Impact (socio-economic development) Existing Economic Activity (Primary Economy) Basic Requirements Entrepreneurial Output (new jobs, new value added) Efficiency Enhancers + - Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions Entrepreneurial Activity - Independent entrepreneurial activity - Employee entrepreneurial activity - For-profit entrepreneurial activity - Social entrepreneurial activity -Quantity: Expected and Realised - Quality: Expected and Realised + - Personal Values , Attitudes and Motivations + -

  3. The GEM framework Existing Economic Activity (Primary Economy) Outcome/Impact (socio-economic development) National Framework Conditions Basic Requirements Entrepreneurial Output (new jobs, new value added) + - Efficiency Enhancers Entrepreneurial Activity - Independent entrepreneurial activity - Employee entrepreneurial activity - For-profit entrepreneurial activity - Social entrepreneurial activity -Quantity: Expected and Realised - Quality: Expected and Realised Individual Values , Attitudes Motivations + - + - Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions + -

  4. The GEM framework Outcome/Impact (socio-economic development) Entrepreneurial Output (new jobs, new value added) National Framework Conditions + - Basic Requirements Existing Economic Activity (Primary Economy) • Entrepreneurial Activity • Phases of activity • Nascent, new, est, disc, etc • Types of activity • High growth, innovative, etc • Sectors of activity • TEA, SEA, EEA etc. Efficiency Enhancers + - Social values + - Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions Individual Attributes + - + -

  5. The GEM framework Existing Economic Activity (Primary Economy) Outcome/Impact (socio-economic development) Entrepreneurial Output (new jobs, new value added) National Framework Conditions + - Basic Requirements Social Values - general - specific • Entrepreneurial Activity • Phases of activity • Nascent, new, est, disc, etc. • Types of activity • High growth, innovative, etc. • Sectors of activity • TEA, SEA, EEA etc. + - + - Efficiency Enhancers Individual Attributes - general - specific + - + - Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions + -

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