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241-211 OOP (Java)

241-211 OOP (Java). Semester 2 , 2013-2014. Objectives explain classes and objects introduce fields, constructors, and methods go through two examples. 3 . Classes and Objects. Topics. 1. What are Classes, Objects? 2. The Contents of a Class 3. A Stack Class 4. Creating a Stack Object

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241-211 OOP (Java)

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  1. 241-211 OOP (Java) Semester 2, 2013-2014 • Objectives • explain classes and objects • introduce fields, constructors, and methods • go through two examples 3. Classes and Objects

  2. Topics 1. What are Classes, Objects? 2. The Contents of a Class 3. A Stack Class 4. Creating a Stack Object 5. Understanding a Stack Object 6. A Bad Stack Interface 7. Good vs. Bad Interfaces 8. Creating Two Stack Objects 9. Object Types vs. Primitive Types 10. A Ticket Machine

  3. 1. What are Classes, Objects? • A class is a factory for objects. • e.g. a Car class is a factory for Car objects • A Car class is not a Car object • e.g. a Car factory is not the Cars it makes Car class Car objects

  4. Very Important Slide • A class consists of data (fields) and methods. • Each object gets a copy of the class's data (fields). • An object uses the methods stored in the class • the class is a kind of method library for all of its objects

  5. A Class Involves at least 2 People • A class is implemented by one person. • A class is used by other, different people. • The implementor wants to make a class that is easy to use. • A user does not care how a class is implemented. He only wants to know the operations that it can carry out (its interface).

  6. A Class for a Stack push pop • This interface helps the implementor decide on the class's operation/methods. Other operations: isEmpty topOf A Stack (of plates)

  7. 2. The Contents of a Class public class ClassName { Fields // variables used by all methods Constructor(s) // method(s) that initialize an object Methods (functions) } 3 main parts of a class

  8. Fields • Fields are the variables (data) used by an object. • Also known as instance variables. public class Stack { private int store[]; private int max_len; private int top; // all methods can use fields } type visibility variable name private int top;

  9. Constructors • A constructor is a special method which initializes an object's fields. • A constructor has the same name as the class. public Stack(int size) { store = new int[size]; max_len = size-1; top = -1; }

  10. Methods • Methods are functions very like C/C++ functions/methods. • The methods that are visible to the user (public) in a class depend on the interface of the thing being implemented • e.g. the stack interface → public methods that a user can call

  11. 3. A Stack Class // Stack.java// Written by the Stack implementorpublic class Stack {private int store[]; // hidden dataprivate int max_len;private int top;public Stack(int size) // visible method { store = new int[size]; max_len = size-1; top = -1; } : continued

  12. public boolean push(int number) { if (top == max_len) return false; top++; store[top] = number; return true; } : continued

  13. public boolean pop() { if (top == -1) return false; top--; return true; } public int topOf() { return store[top]; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (top == -1); }} // end of Stack.java

  14. Stack Class Diagram class name fields methods constructor '-' means private '+' mean public

  15. 4. Creating a Stack Object // TestStack.java// Written by the Stack userimport java.io.*;public class TestStack { public static void main(String args[]) { Stack stk1 = new Stack(10); stk1.push(42); stk1.push(17); stk1.pop(); System.out.println(“Top value is “ + stk1.topOf() ); }} hello object!!

  16. Compilation and Execution $ javac Stack.java$ javac TestStack.java$ java TestStackTop value is 42 Stack.class is in the same directory as TestStack.class.

  17. Notes • The user cannot directly access the object's data (fields) because it is private. • The user can call methods because they are public • the methods are the object's user interface continued

  18. Object creation: Stack stk1 = new Stack(10) has three parts: Stack stk1 // create a variable name, stk1 = new // create a Stack object Stack(10) // call the constructor to initialize the object state

  19. Stack Object Diagram Just after object creation: private means the user of the object cannot directly access the fields. stk1 0 1 2 9 . . . . store[] max_len 9 -1 top The stack object has a copy of the class' fields (data), but uses themethods in the 'class library'.

  20. Meaning of a method call: • stk1.push(17) means call the push() method stored in the Stack class, but apply it to the stk1 object • Methods work on an object's fields even though the methods are stored in the class.

  21. Stack Object Diagram (later) Just before the call to pop(): stk1 . . . . store[] 42 17 max_len 9 1 top

  22. 5. Understanding a Stack Object • What does the user need to understand in order to use a Stack object? • He only needs to understand the interface • e.g. push pop isEmptytopOf 17 42 continued

  23. The user does not need to know how things are implemented • the user is happy since the interface is simple • the implementor is happy since he can change the implementation (e.g. make it faster), and the user will not complain (so long as the interface does not change)

  24. 6. A Bad Stack Interface //BadStack.java// Written by the ฺBadStack implementorpublic class BadStack {private int store[]; private int max_len;public int top; // constructor and methods same as in Stack :

  25. Creating a BadStack Object // TestBadStack.java// Written by the BadStack userimport java.io.*;public class TestBadStack { public static void main(String args[]) { BadStack stk1 = new BadStack(10); stk1.push(42); stk1.push(17);stk1.top = 0; stk1.pop(); System.out.println(“Top value is “ + stk1.topOf() ); }} hello object!! ?

  26. Understanding the BadStack Object • What does the user need to understand in order to use the BadStack object? • He needs to understand the interface and implementation • e.g. push pop + store[], top, max_len 17 42

  27. 7. Good vs Bad Interfaces • A good interface hides the class's implementation • all fields are private • A good interface can be visualized by the user (e.g the stack diagram) • A good interface has easy-to-understand public methods.

  28. Kinds of Methods in an Interface • Aside from the constructor, most public methods can be grouped into two types: • accessor (get) methods • they return information to the user • e.g. in Stack: isEmpty(), topOf() • mutator (set) methods • they change the object's state (its fields) • e.g. in Stack: push(), pop()

  29. An Accessor (Get) Method return type visibility modifier method name parameter list (usually empty) public int topOf() { return store[top]; } return statement start and end of method body (block)

  30. A Mutator (Set) Method return type visibility modifier method name parameter(s) public boolean push(int number) { if (top == max_len) return false; top++; store[top] = number; return true; } fields being mutated

  31. 8. Creating Two Stack Objects • Many objects can be created from a class: :// in main() of TestStackStack stk1 = new Stack(10);Stack stk2 = new Stack(20);stk1.push(27);stk1.push(13);stk2.push(10);el = stk2.topOf(); : create two objects

  32. Stack Objects Diagrams stk1 . . . . store[] 27 13 max_len 8 1 top Just before the call to topOf(): . . . . stk2 store[] 10 max_len 19 0 top

  33. Notes • The two objects have two copies of the class's data • changes in one object do not affect the other object • Both objects use the methods in the class • stk1.push(13) means call push() and apply it to the data inside stk1

  34. 9. Object Types vs. Primitive Types Foo object a Foo a = new Foo(); object type primitive type 32 int i; i = 32; i Primitive types include: int, float, double, char, byte

  35. Assignment Differences Foo a = new Foo(); Foo b; b = a; copy the link (the reference) a b Foo object int a = 32; int b; b = a; copy the value 32 32 a b

  36. 10. A Ticket Machine show balance (the amount of money entered) • The required interface helps the implementor decide on the class’s methods. show price (and other info) print ticket insert money give change

  37. 10.1. Class Diagram accessor methods accessor/mutator methods (tricky to understand) mutator method constructor

  38. 10.2 Ticket Machine Class public class TicketMachine { private int price; // price of a ticket private int balance; // amount entered by customer private int total; // total money in machine public TicketMachine(int ticketCost) { price = ticketCost; // set the ticket price balance = 0; total = 0; } continued

  39. public int getPrice() { return price; } public int getBalance() { return balance; } public int getTotal() { return total; } continued

  40. public void insertMoney(int amount) // process money inserted into the machine { if (amount > 0) balance = balance + amount; else System.out.println("Use a positive amount: " + amount); } continued

  41. public void printTicket() { if (balance >= price) {// if enough money inserted // Simulate the printing of a ticket. System.out.println("##################"); System.out.println("# Ticket"); System.out.println("# " + price + " baht."); System.out.println("##################"); System.out.println(); // Update the total collected with the price. total = total + price; // Reduce the balance by the prince. balance = balance - price; } else // report error System.out.println( "You must insert at least: " + (price - balance) + " more baht."); } // end of printTicket() continued

  42. public int refundBalance() { int amountToRefund; amountToRefund = balance; balance = 0; //clear ticket machine's balance return amountToRefund; //return balance amount } } // end of TicketMachine class

  43. 10.3. Local Variables • Fields are one sort of variable • they store values through the life of an object • they are accessible by all the methods • Methods can include shorter-lived variables: • they exist only as long as the method is being executed • they are only accessible from within the method

  44. Local Variable Example A local variable public int refundBalance() { int amountToRefund; amountToRefund = balance; balance = 0; return amountToRefund; } No visibility modifier

  45. 10.4. Using a TicketMachine Object public class TMDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { TicketMachine tm = new TicketMachine(10); // tickets cost 10 System.out.println("Ticket price: " + tm.getPrice()); System.out.println("Current total: " + tm.getTotal()); System.out.println("Insert 5 baht"); tm.insertMoney(5); :

  46. System.out.println("Insert 10 baht"); tm.insertMoney(10); System.out.println("Current balance: " + tm.getBalance()); tm.printTicket(); System.out.println("Current balance: " + tm.getBalance()); System.out.println("Current total: " + tm.getTotal()); :

  47. System.out.println("Request Change"); System.out.println("Change is: " + tm.refundBalance()); System.out.println("Current balance: " + tm.getBalance()); } // end of main() } // end of TMDemo class

  48. Compilation $ javac TicketMachine.java$ javac TMDemo.java TicketMachine.class is in the same directory as TMDemo.class.

  49. Output of java TMDemo Ticket price: 10 Current total: 0 Insert 5 baht Insert 10 baht Current balance: 15 ################## # Ticket # 10 baht. ################## Current balance: 5 Current total: 10 Request Change Change is: 5 Current balance: 0

  50. TicketMachine Object Diagram Just after object creation: tm price 10 0 balance 0 total The TicketMachine object has a copy of the class' data, but uses the methods in the 'class library'.

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