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Using 21st Century Technology to Plan, Monitor, and Advocate Locally

Using 21st Century Technology to Plan, Monitor, and Advocate Locally. Brenda LeTendre, Ed.D. Branagh Information Group External Evaluator to The Cal-SAFE Program.

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Using 21st Century Technology to Plan, Monitor, and Advocate Locally

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  1. Using 21st Century Technology to Plan, Monitor, and Advocate Locally Brenda LeTendre, Ed.D. Branagh Information Group External Evaluator to The Cal-SAFE Program The script that Brenda LeTendre used as she presented this slide show is included on the notes page of each slide. To view the script and the accompanying slide at the same time, go to the View menu in the Tool Bar for PowerPoint and click Notes Page.

  2. Brenda’s Numbers • 37 • 1986 • 25

  3. Why collect the data? • For legislative report • To guide services to students and their children • To provide numbers for local advocacy • To complete the Con App

  4. Why evaluation? • Legislative Report • After 1st 5 years -- March 2005 • After 2nd 5 years -- March 2010

  5. Report on Status on the Legislative Goals • # students who earn a high school diploma or its equivalent • #who transition to postsecondary education or into the world of work. • # who did not have a repeat birth before graduating from high school • # who had normal weight babies • # children who are on their immunizations

  6. Why Legislative Report so important – will sway the decisions about future funding

  7. Typical Cal-SAFE student: • Female • Single • Hispanic • Aged 16 or 17 • In the 10th or 11th grade

  8. If she was parenting at entry, • Had only one child • And held custody

  9. If she birthed her child while in the Cal-SAFE Program, • Delivered a healthy baby • Began prenatal care in her 1st trimester • Received prenatal care in a health care clinic • Paid for her prenatal care through Medi-Cal

  10. Typically, the child of a Cal-SAFE Program student was: • An infant • A boy • Healthy with no serious medical condition • Developmentally normal • Up-to-date on his immunizations

  11. The typical child of aCal-SAFE Programstudent: • Normal weight at birth • Stayed at Cal-SAFE sponsored child care center • English primary language in the home • High level of involvement with both his parents

  12. The Typical Cal-SAFE Program Student Who Exited the Program • Left having received a high school diploma • Was 18 years of age • Planned to enroll in a local community college • Was not pregnant • Was parenting only one child

  13. March 2005:Substantive progress on the program goals established by the Legislature

  14. Graduation Rate:

  15. n = 7,967

  16. The March 2005 drew from an extremely RICH database created using the original GradStar software.

  17. A Bit of History: Cal-SAFE Data Collection 2000-01 No data collected other than number served 2001-02 Original GradStar software 2002-03 Original GradStar software BUDGET CUTS 2004-05 Consolidated Application data 2005-06 Consolidated Application data 2006-07 Consolidated Application data 2007-08 Consolidated Application data 2008-09 Data from Revised online GradStar forms 2009-10 Data from Revised online GradStar forms March 2010 Legislative Report due

  18. Original GradStar: TOO expensive • Consolidated Application: TOO basic • Solution: Use an inexpensive off-the-shelf, canned piece of software to gather and store data state-wide

  19. TIP to SAVE TREES: In print dialog box, specify that 2 or 4 pages get printed on one sheet; some will even allow for printing front & back.

  20. Suggest that keep a local log of which students and children entered online Will post some Excel templates on www.gradstar next week

  21. Demo of GradStarDataEntryLogV1LeT08Sept18.xls

  22. NOTE: Once start a form MUST finish it. Can't come back at a later time & finish it.

  23. This same procedure for all the online forms: • Student Enrollment • Child Information • Pregnancy Outcome • Student Exit • Child Care Enrollment • Support Services RECEIVED (Oct 2008)

  24. NOTICE Needs Assessment/Support Services is NOT available online. • ONLY available in paper version • Will never be entered online • Scheduled for revision in Oct 2008

  25. “Will I ever see my data again after hitting the SUBMIT button?” YES: 3x a year

  26. After the Quarter (cut off date Oct 31, Excel file to you Week of Nov 3) • After 1st Semester (cut off date Jan 16, Excel file to you Week of Jan 19) • Around June 1

  27. Will send “RAW” Excel data file • May need to do some “polishing” • Can create reports, tables, and graphs of YOUR data DEMO LeTendreUSD08Oct.xls

  28. Other possibilities: • Sort by Student Exit form follow-up date on the Student Exit form and create a list of students who need to be contacted after they leave your program • Create a roster of students with contact information for home visits • “Marry” all the information for a family, mother/father/baby • Add additional information locally to the downloaded data set

  29. COMING OCT to www.gradstar.com • Today’s script & slides • Excel templates to trackwhich students & children you have entered into the online state-wide GradStar Database • Paper versions of the forms with * showing the online mandatory items • Revised Needs Assessment/Support Services Form • Support Services RECEIVED Form (new) • Step-by-Step instructions on how to polish the raw data Excel files • Expanded instructions (including helpful Tips) on how to complete each of the forms • Frequently Asked Questions document • Some options for tracking child care attendance

  30. AGENCY CODE • Make sure you're using the correct agency code - see list on www.gradstar.com • 7 digits can be entered as 15-63529 with the hyphen OR 1563529 without the hyphen

  31. If use OLD FORMS before Aug 22: No need to complete new forms, EXCEPT must feed info into online system

  32. Q: Can we enter babies before we enter the mom? A: Yes. The two forms are in two SEPARATE databases. Later you can then "marry" the children's info with the parents' info.

  33. Q: If I have the mom and dad in Cal-SAFE, what do I do about the Child Info sheet? A: Complete ONLY ONE Child Information Sheet. You don’t want to count the same child twice. Same goes for the Child Care Enrollment Sheet.

  34. Q: Will the online system be able to help us track child care attendance like the original GradStar software could do? A: No. However, during October I will post some options agencies can use to track child care attendance for the P1, P2, and Annual reports.

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