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Studying English at the Language Centre

Studying English at the Language Centre. Tom Toepfer 19 April 2011. Language Centre. Studying English at the Language Centre. Background: legal Obligatory courses: EAPS CEFR curricular goals Upper secondary schools University Advanced courses: AdvEAPS Discussion.

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Studying English at the Language Centre

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  1. Studying English at the Language Centre Tom Toepfer 19 April 2011 Language Centre

  2. Studying English at the Language Centre Background: legal • Obligatory courses: EAPS • CEFR curricular goals • Upper secondary schools • University • Advanced courses: AdvEAPS • Discussion

  3. background: legal requirements

  4. background: legal requirements Tutkintoon vaadittavat kieliopinnot • Opiskelijan tulee alempaan tai ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon (asetus yliopistojen tutkinnoista 794/2004) sisältyvissä opinnoissa tai muulla tavalla osoittaa saavuttaneensa • 1. suomen ja ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) 6 §:n 1 momentin mukaan vaaditaan valtion henkilöstöltä kaksikielisessä viranomaisessa ja joka on tarpeen oman alan kannalta; sekä • 2. vähintään yhden vieraan kielen sellaisen taidon, joka mahdollistaa oman alan kehityksen seuraamisen ja kansainvälisessä ympäristössä toimimisen.

  5. 1. EAPS courses

  6. 1. EAPS courses • valmentava opetus • English Academic and Professional Skills (EAPS) -kurssit, joilla voi suorittaa tutkintoonvaadittavat kieliopinnot (eli tiedekuntakohtainen opetus) • Advanced English Academic and Professional English (AEAPS) -kurssit, joilla tähdätään syvällisempään eri yhteyksissä käytettävään kielitaitoon. Näistä englannin suorituksista voi koota itselleen englannin kielen opintokokonaisuuden.

  7. 1. EAPS: courses offered

  8. 1. EAPS: courses offered • Agriculture and Forestry • Arts • Behavioural Science • Biosciences • Law • Maths and Science • Medicine / Dentistry • Pharmacy • Social Science • Swedish School of Social Science • Theology • Veterinary Science

  9. 1. EAPS courses: Faculty of Arts

  10. 1. EAPS courses: Faculty of Arts / aim The aim of the course is for students to activate and develop all-round skills in the academic and professional English of their field and to gain confidence to communicate in situations relevant to their studies and professional life.

  11. 1. EAPS courses: Faculty of Arts / aim AIMS • understand general and academic spoken language, extract information and identify viewpoints • discuss academic topics, presenting ideas and opinions • read and understand academic texts and extract information • write clear and structured academic texts using the vocabulary of their field • communicate more fluently, clearly, spontaneously and accurately • take responsibility for their own learning, through active engagement and self-evaluation.

  12. 2. CEFR curricular goals • Upper secondary schools • general English • English as curricular aim • Universities • English for Specific Purposes (ESP) • Tool / instrument • For learning • For studies • For acquiring and maintaining academic and professional competences • Skills-based • Work life

  13. 2. CEFR curricular goals Differences between MEB and universities Sources: MEB: Matriculation Examination Board FINELC: The Network of Finnish University Language Centres / projects Polytechnics: incomplete info 13

  14. 2. CEFR curricular goalsReading: postmodernistic text

  15. 2. CEFR curricular goalsReading: genomic biology

  16. 3. Advanced courses: AdvEAPS • Advanced English Academic and Professional English (AEAPS) -kurssit, joilla tähdätäänsyvällisempään eri yhteyksissä käytettävään kielitaitoon. • Näistä englannin suorituksistavoi koota itselleen englannin kielen opintokokonaisuuden. (15-25 op.)

  17. 3. AdvEAPS: course offerings

  18. 3. AdvEAPS: course offerings • Writing for Study Purposes • Academic Writing • Writing for Scientists • Writing in English for Career Purposes • Creative Writing • Academic Writing for Students in English-Medium Master’s Degree Programmes I / II* • Translation

  19. 3. AdvEAPS: course offerings • Critical Reading • Oral Fluency • Presentation Skills • Conference English I / II • Conference Presentation • Video Conferencing for Law Students • Cross-Cultural Communication • Preparatory Course for Students going Abroad

  20. 3. AdvEAPS / ex: Writing for Scientists / aims • The aim of this course is for students to improve their knowledge and understanding of the planning and writing up of scientific texts. Particular emphasis is put on writing the discussions sections and abstracts of scientific texts. More specifically, the aim of the course is that students will improve their ability to

  21. 3. AdvEAPS / ex: Writing for Scientists / aims • express and write scientific concepts, processes and contextualise data • describe and write up results in simple scientific English • read and critique academic texts in their own research area in order to write their own texts • use relevant grammar structures for scientific texts • write coherent and structured texts in a scientific style and format • use general and specific scientific vocabulary

  22. discussion: yup, it’s tricky!

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