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Positive Relationships with Self and Others: Group-work in Schools

Positive Relationships with Self and Others: Group-work in Schools. Schools Group-work: Aims. To raise awareness about youth homelessness, in schools/colleges especially those Nightstop get most referrals from and of support services locally available to young people.

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Positive Relationships with Self and Others: Group-work in Schools

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  1. Positive Relationships with Self and Others: Group-work in Schools

  2. Schools Group-work: Aims • To raise awareness about youth homelessness, in schools/colleges especially those Nightstop get most referrals from and of support services locally available to young people. • As conflict is the main reason for homelessness amongst young people- (60%) to deliver conflict resolution workshops in schools • To raise the profile of sessions which address conflict resolution emotional literacy in schools/colleges/youth groups • To help schools deliver key areas of PSHE requirements, Years 7-13 • Can work with colleges, youth groups and other organisations into young adulthood.

  3. Youth as a time of development The period between 16-21 is known as late adolescence. During this period, people experience radical development in five key areas:

  4. Physically They are: • between teenage-hood and adulthood • growing rapidly • experiencing new powers and emotions

  5. Emotionally They are: • easily upset • difficult to control • enthusiastic • impulsive, crazy! • self-conscious • self-centred • in need of recognition and acceptance • wanting opportunities to express themselves.

  6. Socially They are: • moving away from their parents, in the process of interdependence to independence • feeling the need to conform to their peer group • needing to relate to significant adults • wanting special friends of the same sex • increasingly interested in the opposite sex

  7. Intellectually They are: • questioning norms, values, traditions • wanting to argue, keen to find out “why?” • not good at learning by rote • likely to see things in black and white • in need of much encouragement

  8. Spiritually They are: • open to new ideas • demanding something more than religion; authentic experience • developing their own philosophy of life • making life-changing decisions

  9. How can we support young people through these areas of development? • we need to accept them as young adults • be understanding, show empathy • be patient • provide helpful guidance • encourage them to take responsibility and make decisions • understand the complex influences in their lives • be alongside them as they determine a value system and world view • allow them to make mistakes • use clear and direct language • be willing to share, discuss, explore • be available • be willing to learn with them • give appropriate trust

  10. ‘Teenage Brains’ • MRI research in the last decade has shown that experience actually creates physical changes in the brain • The more we experience certain things, the more permanent they are. In adolescence: • There is a significant production of myelin, or ‘white matter’ compared to other developmental stages • Myelin makes connections between neurons and determines our habitual responses to emotions, relationships, thinking and reasoning. This is developing significantly during adolescence. Taken from Howard Sercombe’s article: ‘Teenage Brains’, CCYP, March 2010

  11. Bitumen pathways Taken Howard Sercombe’s article ‘Teenage Brains’, CCYP, March 2010

  12. What does this mean? • The more we help young people have positive experiences of relationships, we are helping equip them with the skills to have positive relationships themselves. • Most young people have contact with school or college at this age, and therefore there is a great opportunity to work with them and improve their ability to relate to themselves and others.

  13. PSHE(Personal, Social and Health Education) • PSHE not yet an essential part of the curriculum as a subject in its own right • There are ‘over-arching statutory requirements’ that would be difficult to meet without PSHE • Every Child Matters • Wellbeing requirement • National Healthy Schools Programme • Section 351 of the Education Act (1996) Taken from: Pshe-association.org.uk See also: DfE website- ‘The National Curriculum’

  14. The National Curriculum • Pupils' spiritual development “the growth of their sense of self… foster their own inner lives and non-material wellbeing” • Pupils' moral development “able and willing to reflect on the consequences of their actions and learn how to forgive themselves and others” • Pupils' social development “acquiring an understanding of the responsibilities and rights of being members of families and communities (…) and an ability to relate to others” Taken from the DfE website- ‘The National Curriculum’

  15. Moral Development Reflect on their actions forgive themselves and others Social Development Being members of families & communities: Relating to others Spiritual Development Growth of sense of self, foster non-material wellbeing Statutory requirements: personal identities healthy lifestyles relationships Key concepts: critical reflection developing relationships working with others Key processes: from the DfE website Enjoy and Achieve Stay Safe Be Healthy Every Child Matters: Develop Communication & Anger Management skills Improve Emotional Awareness Normalise Emotions Increase Self-Esteem & Confidence Increase Respect/ Understanding of Others & Self Improve Inter-Relational Skills Address Relationship Issues Reduce Feelings of Isolation Schools work outcomes

  16. Our expectations of a teacher: • Co-facilitating • Commitment • Model respectful behaviour to the students, including healthy communication and conflict resolution skills • To empower and be non-judgemental • To work inclusively, promoting equal rights

  17. What schools can expect from us: • Plan and provide the resources • Make time to evaluate informally with the teacher after each session • Evaluate formally the success of the group at the end of the course • Be open to development, discussion and differences of opinion

  18. The 6 stages of conflict solving 1. Knowing yourself 2. Willingness 3. Communication 4. Empathy 5. Negotiation 6. Compromise/Collaborate

  19. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  20. Where do you stand? Angry Irritated Indifferent Calm

  21. What the Young People Say!

  22. (The class) …made me feel valued and like the things I said weren’t silly (the group taught me) it is important to accept people’s point of view in life I will now accept other people’s opinion and not judge them I learnt how to accept the fact people have their own opinion even thought I might not agree with it It made us more of a group and learnt that people have been through similar things I underestimated the emotions of the people in my class Learned about self esteem and it was great to know and share feeling At first I wasn’t really sure if I was brave enough to have the confidence to sit in the circle and talk to everyone but it was fun after a while and I can do that now It has helped my confidence more and its given the whole class more time to get to know each other more and know a little about their lives The class got on better in other lessons too

  23. Demonstrable Outcomes Increase Self-Esteem & Confidence 50% Address Relationship Issues 31% Improve Inter-Relational Skills 69% Develop Communication & Anger Management skills 44% Increase Respect/ Understanding of Others & Self- 69% Reduce Feelings of Isolation- 56% Improve Emotional Awareness- 63% Normalise Emotions 69%

  24. Outcomes 94% of students showed development in at least one outcomes 75% of students showed development in 4 or more outcomes 100% of students answered yes when they were asked if they had enjoyed the group 100% of the students had something positive to say about the experience 100% of students reported that they had learnt something of use to them in their lives

  25. In summary: • What are we offering?

  26. Depaul offers schools: • PSHE curriculum requirements • Improved relationships in classes • Better cohesion of class group • Improving the emotional health of the pupils

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