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Chapter 10

Chapter 10. Waves. Chapter Outline. 10.1: Waves move energy, not water 10.2: Wave classification 10.3: Water depth influences wave behavior 10.4: Wind generates ocean waves 10.6: Deep-water waves approach shore 10.10: Seiche 10.11: Tsunamis. Waves move energy NOT water.

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Chapter 10

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 10 Waves

  2. Chapter Outline • 10.1: Waves move energy, not water • 10.2: Wave classification • 10.3: Water depth influences wave behavior • 10.4: Wind generates ocean waves • 10.6: Deep-water waves approach shore • 10.10: Seiche • 10.11: Tsunamis

  3. Waves move energy NOT water

  4. Parts of a Wave

  5. Wave Orbitals

  6. Wave Classification

  7. Capillary Waves

  8. Wind Waves

  9. Seiche

  10. Seismic Sea Wave (Tsunami)

  11. Tides

  12. Wave Energies

  13. Waves Approaching Shore

  14. Calculating Wave Celerity • Deep water waves: C = L/T C = speed (celerity), L = wavelength, T = time (seconds) • Shallow water waves: C = 3.1d C = speed (celerity), d = depth (in meters)

  15. Wind Generates Ocean Waves

  16. Big Waves

  17. Deep-Water waves move to shore

  18. Wave Refractionand Diffraction

  19. Seiche- standing waves

  20. Tsunamis

  21. Various Wave Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXnp4a1t6y8&feature=related – Japanese pool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPdq-QAB-cU&feature=player_embedded --rogue wave http://www.popsci.com/adam-weiner/article/2008-10/physics-surfing-part-one-dropping# --big wave surfing http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12725646 - Japanese tsunami hit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDOuwMj7Xzo&feature=related –Indonesia tsunami http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYI1zIjJr4g –seiche Indonesian tsunami vid CH 10 Plate tectonics tsunami vid CH 3

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