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Communication skills & Interview Techniques

Communication skills & Interview Techniques. How to talk to patients ? How to talk to relatives? How to talk to collegues ? …. overview. Introduction – Interview Techniques Why does a nurse need communication skills ? Exploration of Thoughts & Feelings

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Communication skills & Interview Techniques

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  1. Communication skills & Interview Techniques Howtotalktopatients ? Howtotalktorelatives? Howtotalktocollegues? …

  2. overview • Introduction – Interview Techniques • Whydoes a nurseneedcommunicationskills? • Exploration of Thoughts & Feelings • Attending and Listening; • Restatement • Open Questions • Reflections of Feelings • Conclusion

  3. 1. Introduction - Interview Techniques

  4. Whydoes a nurseneedcommunicationskills? Take 5 minutesanddiscusswithyourpartner! • Nurse hastocommunicateeffectivelywithpatientsandtheirfamilies (Clear explanationandempathy) • Patientsoften find iteasiertodiscusswithnursesthanwithdoctors • Nurseshavetohelppatientsunderstandthemselves, theirfeelings & thoughtsandcopebetterwiththeirillness • A goodcommunication will improvethenurse- patientrelationshipandincreasepatientsatisfaction • Nurse hastocommunicateeffectivelywithindividualsandgroupsandmembersofthehealthteam -> Team work

  5. Group WorkAttending & Listening (भाग लेने & सुनना) Sit in a group of 3 and follow the instructions: 1 person will be the Listener 1 person will be talking about a personal problem 1 person will be the Observer and take notes

  6. 1. Attending & Listening (भाग लेने & सुनना) Positive attending & Listening behaviour • Eye contact (आँख से संपर्क करें) • Body language (शरीर की भाषा) • Lean slightly toward the client, maintainrelaxed but attentive posture, mirroring (matching the clients facial Expression and body posture) • Vocal qualities (गायन गुण) • Pacing = matching the client’s vocal qualities • Verbal tracking (मौखिक ट्रैकिंग) • Use your words to demonstrate that you’re following what the client is saying. Restate or Summarize what your has been said.

  7. 2. Restatement (पुन: कथन) Definition: Repeating a message with fewer words by getting to the point. Purpose: • show that you are trying to understand what the person is saying. Ask yourself: • What is the person’s basicthinking (सोच)message? • What is the person’s basic feeling (भावना)message? Example: S: I just don’t understand, one minute she tells me to do this, and the next minute to do that. X: She really confuses you.  S: I really think he is a very nice guy. He’s sensitive, and kind. He calls me a lot. He’s fun to go out with.  X: You like him very much, then.

  8. Group WorkRestatement(पुन: कथन) Sit in a group of 3 and fill in the handout!

  9. 3. Open Questions(खुला प्रश्न ) • Closed question: questions that can be answered with either a single word (Yes/No) or a short phrase (I agree etc.) • Open Question: questions that seek longer answers, and are the opposite of closed questions. Purpose of open questions: • They ask the respondent to think and reflect. • They will give you opinions and feelings. • They hand control of the conversation to the respondent • Example: • Closed Questions: • Are you happy today • Do you like the treatment • Open Questions: • How do you feel today? • What do you like about the treatment? • -> begin with words such as: what, why, how, describe.

  10. 4. Reflectionoffeelings(भावनाओं का प्रतिबिंब) Definition: A Reflection that goes beyond surface feelings or emotions and seeks to uncover deeper underlying feelings Purpose: • show that you’re understanding the speaker’s experience = EMPATHY • speaker can evaluates his/her feelings after hearing them expressed by someone else

  11. Group WorkOpen questions & Reflectionoffeelings (खुला प्रश्न & भावनाओं का प्रतिबिंब) Sit in a group of 3 and follow the instructions!

  12. Conclusion • A nurseneedsgoodcommunicationskillsandempathy in ordertoincreasepatientsatisfaction • Usefulcommunicationtechniquesare: 1. Attending and Listening 2. Restatement 3. Open Questions 4. Reflections of Feelings

  13. Nowyouhavetheskills…. USE THEM!!!

  14. Literature • http://www.taft.cc.ca.us/lrc/class/assignments/actlisten.html • http://people.wku.edu/rick.grieve/Clinical%20Interviewing/pp/ChapterThree.pdf • http://changingminds.org/techniques/questioning/open_closed_questions.htm • Bhatiaand Craig- Elements ofPsychologyand mental hygienefornurses in India

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