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Sakai 2.4.x System Administrator’s Guide

Sakai 2.4.x System Administrator’s Guide . Tony Atkins <tony.atkins@uhi.ac.uk>. 7th Sakai Conference Amsterdam, Netherlands June12th, 2007. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. Introduction. What is the 2.4.x Admin Guide?

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Sakai 2.4.x System Administrator’s Guide

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  1. Sakai 2.4.x System Administrator’s Guide Tony Atkins <tony.atkins@uhi.ac.uk> 7th Sakai Conference Amsterdam, Netherlands June12th, 2007 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License

  2. Introduction • What is the 2.4.x Admin Guide? • A collection of tips for administrators to assist in moving Sakai from an out-of-the-box installation to production. • An evolving document reflecting the diverse practices of admins running 2.4 in production.

  3. Prerequisites The guide assumes that you’ve completed a full installation (preferably from source). For help in getting to that point, see the Sakai 2.4 Install Guide or the Developer’s Walkthrough Guide, both in Confluence.

  4. The sakai.properties file Central text file used to override configuration defaults. Controls the behaviour of tools and components. Stored in TOMCAT_HOME/sakai Simple Examples:sampleboolean=truesamplestring=set to a string value with one or more spaces, ending in a new line Hierarchical Property Example:sampleproperty.count=3sampleproperty.1=peassampleproperty.2=porridgesampleproperty.3=hot

  5. sakai.properties (continued) 6th Sakai Conference - Atlanta, Georgia • Start with reference/docs/sakai.properties • At a minimum, review and edit: • Branding • Database Settings • Content Settings • Email Settings

  6. Config Viewer Tool A tool to display settings and usage information. For more information, see the tech demo on Thursday from 14:05-14:35

  7. Branding and Identity • Branding options for sakai.properties (text): • ui.institutionThe name of the organization associated with this Sakai installation (such as "My University"). • ui.service The local brand for Sakai within the institution. Among other things, this text is displayed at the root of the bread crumb bar that appears within Sakai. • serverId A unique identifier for the particular application server Sakai is running on. This is used to distinguish nodes in a clustered environment from one another. • serverUrl The full service URL for this installation of Sakai • serverName The server name for this installation of Sakai (this should match the value for serverUrl).

  8. Skinning • All style sheets and images are stored in a skin directory under webapps/library/skin • To get started, copy one of the bundled skins to a new directory name and make your changes • The default skin and site icons are controlled through sakai.properties: • skin.defaultThe default skin to use. This directory must exist in webapps/library/skin/. • iconName, iconURLs, iconSkinsTogether make it possible for users to select a skin for their site. • For more info, visit: http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/oA8

  9. Database Configuration and Tuning • Database settings:# MySQL settings - make sure to alter as appropriate vendor@org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService=mysql driverClassName@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect url@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=jdbc:mysql:// validationQuery@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=show variables like 'version' defaultTransactionIsolationString@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTEDusername@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=sakaipassword@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=******** • Uncomment the appropriate block for your database • Edit the username and password properties

  10. Binary Content and Filesystem Settings • Filesystem settings: • bodyPath@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService The directory in which content will be stored in the filesystem. Leave unset to store in the db. • bodyVolumes@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingServiceA comma-delimited list of subdirectories under the above with NO SPACES. • siteQuota@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingServiceThe site quota, in bytes, with no commas. • convertToFile@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingServiceUse to migrate content from the db to the filesystem. One way. • storagePath@org.sakaiproject.archive.api.ArchiveServiceThe directory in which site archives are stored.

  11. Email Configuration sakai.properties entries:# enable James smtp.enabled=true # configuring the port on which James listens. smtp.port=8025 # James will only accept messages for this hostname serverName=service.my.edu # You'll get more meaningful feedback if you configure serverIDserverID=node.my.edu James or another MTA needs to listen on port 25 Admin Guide contains information on integrating with Postfix and Sendmail Admin Guide has tips on using telnet to troubleshoot

  12. Configuring Sakai from within the Web Application Changing the Admin password Adding Administrative Users Manually adding a Tool (stealthed or otherwise) to a site Permissions

  13. JVM Tuning • Default JVM options are not adequate to run Sakai. • At a minimum, you need to increase the Heap and PermGen size, by editing TOMCAT_HOME/setenv.bat (or .sh) and adding something like: • Windows (all one line):set JAVA_OPTS=-server -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m -Djava.awt.headless=true • Unix (all one line):export JAVA_OPTS="-server -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m -Djava.awt.headless=true"

  14. Load Balancing and Scaling • Approaches to server scaling: • Standalone • Thin Client • Load Balanced Thin Client • Thicker Client • Big Iron

  15. Standalone server configuration Server Apache* Tomcat Database File Storage*

  16. Thin client configuration Database File Storage* Server Apache* Tomcat Server Server*

  17. Load balanced thin client Database File Storage* Load Balancer Server Server Server Apache* Apache* Apache* Tomcat Tomcat Tomcat Server Server*

  18. Thicker client Database File Storage* Load Balancer Server Server Server Apache Apache Apache Tomcat Tomcat Tomcat Tomcat Tomcat Tomcat Server Server*

  19. “Big Iron” Database File Storage* Load Balancer “Big Iron” Server Virtual Server Virtual Server Virtual Server Apache Apache Tomcat Tomcat Tomcat Tomcat Server Server*

  20. Scaling and Tuning • Estimate Load • Establish Metrics (load level, response time, etc.) • Test Configuration (Jmeter, Load Runner) • Analyze • Revise Configuration • Repeat • Monitor once you move to production • More Info: • https://content.cc.vt.edu/confluence/display/DEV/Tomcat+JVM+tuning+tips

  21. Advanced Tomcat (and Apache) Configuration Redirecting tomcat traffic to the portal Configuring tomcat to use APR Configuring tomcat to handle SSL Configuring tomcat to require SSL Configuring Apache to proxy connections for tomcat using mod_jk and mod_proxy

  22. Advanced Configuration Topics • Web Services • Quartz • Authorization/Authentication Providers • LDAP • CAS • Shibboleth/Guanxi

  23. Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Sakai Installation As with any subsequent change, it is critical to test your initial Sakai configuration QA test cases Automated testing Troubleshooting/Logging

  24. Operations Best Practices Maintenance Schedules Test Instance Monitoring Hot Deployment of Changes Patches/SVN Automated Deployment

  25. Joining the Community Confluencehttp://confluence.sakaiproject.org/ JIRAhttp://issues.sakaiproject.org/ Collab Mailing Listshttp://collab.sakaiproject.org/ Registering Your Installationhttp://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/AL

  26. Questions?

  27. Contact Information and Links • tony.atkins@uhi.ac.uk • Sakai 2.4.x Admin Guidehttp://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/9Z4 • Sakai 2.4.x Install Guide http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/IKQ • SakaiPedia Admin Guidehttp://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/WwM • Config Viewer • More extensive demo on Thursday from 14:05-14:35 • https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/config-viewer/

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