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Vitamin C

Vitamin C. Objectives. After reading Chapter 6, completing a concept map and class discussion, you will be able to: Describe characteristics of Vitamin C Identify food sources of Vitamin C Discuss roles of Vitamin C Antioxidant Collagen formation cofactor Stress reaction

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Vitamin C

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  1. Vitamin C

  2. Objectives After reading Chapter 6, completing a concept map and class discussion, you will be able to: Describe characteristics of Vitamin C Identify food sources of Vitamin C Discuss roles of Vitamin C Antioxidant Collagen formation cofactor Stress reaction Relationship to common cold

  3. Vitamin C Sources SOURCES Functions

  4. Vitamin C Functions Other Facts

  5. Vitamin C Other name: ascorbic acid 2000 RDA Men: 90 mg/day Women: 75 mg/day Smokers: + 35 mg/day Upper level for adults: 2000 mg/day

  6. Characteristic of Vitamin C • Destroyed by: • Heat, high temperature • Exposure to • light, • oxygen • alkali • Antioxidant-prevents discoloration of cut fresh fruit.

  7. Functions Collagen synthesis Strengthens blood vessel walls, forms scar tissue, provides matrix for bone growth Antioxidant Thyroxin synthesis Amino acid metabolism Strengthens resistance to infection Helps in absorption of iron

  8. Antioxidant Function

  9. Deficiency Symptoms Poor wound healing, bruising, irritability Reduced resistance to infections Spongy, swollen, bleeding gums and loose teeth Bone and joint pain Anemia and Scurvy

  10. Vitamin C & Scurvy Vitamin C deficiency known since biblical times Most common on long sea voyages Prevented by lemon (lime) juice British sailors nickname “limeys”

  11. Vitamin C & Common Cold Frequent claims of Vitamin C as a cure for the common cold Research is conflicting and controversial Dose of 1 gm/day decreased duration of less than one day “Placebo effect” Vitamin C deactivates histamine

  12. Adverse Effects of C Side effects: nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea Formation of kidney stones Interference with medical regimens Urine testing in diabetes Anticoagulation therapy Iron overload

  13. Food Sources Citrus fruits

  14. Food Sources Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers Fruits: Cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, kiwi

  15. Vitamin C The End!

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