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Fourth Grade Social Studies

Fourth Grade Social Studies. Teaching Unit 4 Forming a New Nation Marlo Mong November 20, 2008. How do I know what concepts to teach?. Use your curriculum map! Unit One on every map lists the concepts used for the rest of the year

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Fourth Grade Social Studies

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  1. Fourth Grade Social Studies Teaching Unit 4 Forming a New Nation Marlo Mong November 20, 2008

  2. How do I know what concepts to teach? • Use your curriculum map! • Unit One on every map lists the concepts used for the rest of the year • Every piece of content for the rest of the year is listed under a relevant concept • These are suggestions – make them work for your class! • Keep up with it all using a concept wall.

  3. Incorporating the Standards and the Skills Matrix • Political Cartoons • In small groups or with a partner, students will examine political cartoons published during the Revolutionary War period in both colonial and British newspapers and pamphlets.  Students will infer the point of view of the cartoonist held regarding American independence, and the meaning of the political message.  Students will create political cartoons to share an opinion that may have been held by either a British subject or an American Patriot. • Attachment 5 Political cartoon analysis

  4. Political Cartoons These can be found at the Library of Congress website. TITLE:An analysis of modern patriotism performed by public opinion & displayed by public indignation / PH [crossed out] ; AW sct. CALL NUMBER:PC 1 - 6207 (A size) [P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER:LC-USZ62-45469 (b&w film copy neg.) RIGHTS INFORMATION:No known restrictions on publication. SUMMARY:Print shows two views of Charles James Fox, on the left, as a member of parliament supporting the policies of Lord North, and on the right, when out of office, on a platform before a crowd arguing against the policies of Lord North. TITLE:The American rattle snake CALL NUMBER:PC 1 - 5973 (A size) [P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER:LC-USZC4-4598 (color film copy transparency)LC-USZ62-1531 (b&w film copy neg.) RIGHTS INFORMATION:No known restrictions on publication. SUMMARY:Cartoon shows "American" snake, the emblem used by Americans as a device on their flag before the adoption of the stars and stripes, with two of three coils around units of British soldiers, commanded by Burgoyne and Cornwallis at time of their surrender. Gillray is lampooning the British war effort. The verse printed below the image reflects the widespread sympathy in England for the American cause.

  5. Political Cartoons These can be found at the Library of Congress website. TITLE:The bloody massacre perpetrated in King Street Boston on March 5th 1770 by a party of the 29th Regt. CALL NUMBER:FP - XVIII - R452, no. 1 (A size) [P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER:LC-DIG-ppmsca-01657 (digital file from original item)LC-USZC4-4600 (color film copy transparency)LC-USZC4-110 (color film copy transparency)LC-USZC2-4913 (color film copy slide)LC-USZ62-35522 (b&w film copy neg.) SUMMARY:A sensationalized portrayal of the skirmish, later to become known as the "Boston Massacre," between British soldiers and citizens of Boston on March 5, 1770. On the right a group of seven uniformed soldiers, on the signal of an officer, fire into a crowd of civilians at left. Three of the latter lie bleeding on the ground. Two other casualties have been lifted by the crowd. In the foreground is a dog; in the background are a row of houses, the First Church, and the Town House. Behind the British troops is another row of buildings including the Royal Custom House, which bears the sign (perhaps a sardonic comment) "Butcher's Hall." Beneath the print are 18 lines of verse, which begin: "Unhappy Boston! see thy Sons deplore, Thy hallowed Walks besmeared with guiltless Gore." Also listed are the "unhappy Sufferers" Saml Gray, Saml Maverick, James Caldwell, Crispus Attucks, and Patrick Carr (killed) and it is noted that there were "Six wounded; two of them (Christr Monk & John Clark) Mortally." TITLE:The alternative of Williams-burg CALL NUMBER:PC 1 - 5284A (A size) [P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER:LC-USZC4-5280 (color film copy transparency)LC-USZ62-9488 (b&w film copy neg.) RIGHTS INFORMATION:No known restrictions on publication. SUMMARY:Print shows a "Virginian loyalist" being forced to sign a document, possibly issued by the Williamsburg Convention, by a club-wielding mob of "liberty men". On the left, a man is being led towards a gallows standing in the background on the right and from which hangs a sack of feathers and a barrel of tar.

  6. Give Me Liberty…! American Revolutionary:  Patrick Henry • The teacher will introduce the following vocabulary words and post the words and their definitions in a visible location. • adversary - enemy; brethren - brothers; delusive - false; extenuate - to try to make less serious; formidable - causing fear; idle - inactive; invincible - incapable of being conquered; irresolution - uncertain how to act; submission - surrender; supinely - passively, inactively; vain - useless • The teacher will provide the question prompt:  Why is Patrick Henry a symbol of the American struggle for liberty?  The students will sit in small groups and listen to the closing remarks made by Patrick Henry in his famous speech.  (It may be necessary to listen to it more than once.) • The event:  A meeting of Virginia's colonial leaders.   • Listen to the speech: http://www.history.org/Almanack/people/bios/biohen.cfm#speech • The students will be given a copy of the speech to take turns reading with their small group.   The students will share ideas and responses to the following questions: Who was Patrick Henry?  What does his speech mean? Why is he giving such a speech?  How does the speech make you feel? How do you think it made the American colonists feel?   • Attachment 6 Closing Remarks in Patrick Henry's Famous Speech • Attachment 7 Patrick Henry: Before/During/After the American Revolution

  7. Using Geography to Teach History • This activity is the third part of a series of activities called Three Revolutionary Battles • Part 1: Planning the research • Part 2: Researching the battle • Part III:  Battle Scene Presentations • Students will work with their research teams to create a 3-D model, battle map, or illustration of the battle they studied in Part I. Students will prepare team presentations addressing the points covered in Part II.   • Each team will have the opportunity to share their work at a designated time.   The students will act as a museum curator and create information cards to be placed next to their visual product. The cards should have the following components:  • Battle name, date, and location • Colorful illustration or symbol that represents the battle • How the physical geography of this battle impacted those fighting • Brief description of the battle and why this battle was significant • Explanation of the factors leading to American or British victory or defeat

  8. Maps of Lexington/Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown • Note: These maps are not primary source maps, but recreations from battle plans. • http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/american%20revolution/index.htm • The maps from this website are from the History Department at the United States Military Academy. They were created by the United States Military Academy’s Department of History and are copies of maps originally printed by the United States Defense Printing Agency. This electronic atlas of various military campaigns was created as part of the department’s outreach program. • Also included in this link are power points with notes about Saratoga and Yorktown. Use a physical map of the region to compare the terrain with the movements of the American & British forces. Battle of Yorktown Battle of Saratoga The Battle of Lexington & Concord

  9. Internet Resources • The Library of Congress has created a digital collection of documents and artifacts from the American Revolution. • http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/revolution/home.html • ThinkQuest's "A Journey Towards Freedom," has background information about the American Revolution battles, as well as battle maps. • http://library.thinkquest.org/10966/ • Colonel Williamsburg's Role Playing Game: Loyalty or Liberty: This award-winning site contains virtual field trips and web adventures that immerse students in the Revolutionary War. • http://www.history.org/history/teaching/revolution/loyalty.html • This website has information about battles, transcripts of documents and the original copy of those documents, and leaders of the revolution. • http://www.theamericanrevolution.org/hvpts.asp • From Kidport Reference Library, this website gives quick summaries of the major topics taught during the study of the American Revolution. • http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/USAHistory/AmericanRevolution/AmerRevolution.htm • Visit different places significant to the American Revolution by visiting the National Parks Service. This link lets you choose where you want to visit and see where history was made. • http://www.nps.gov/revwar/revolutionary_parks/pop.htm • From the National Archives, teachers have access to documents and teaching activities that accompany the images. • http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/revolution-images/#documents

  10. Trade Book Ideas Landmark Books has written another book that discusses the American Revolution. This is not a picture book like The Liberty Tree, and it goes into greater detail about the causes and events that took place during the war. This book tells the story of the revolutionary movement from the early days of colonial life, the causes of the American Revolution, and the years of battle. Although this is a picture book, the text is written like short chapters that focus on specific events of the time period. The American Revolution: How We Fought the War…: This book features accounts of the different battles; maps, illustrations, and paintings; as well as interesting facts about the different people usually studied during the American Revolution. This book is a unique way of learning about the leaders of both sides of the Revolutionary War. This book examines the life of General Washington and King George and the decisions that each George made during the American Revolution. Jean Fritz has created several different stories about the major names studied during the American Revolution. In this story, Fritz tells about the life of King George before, during, and after the war for independence. Another book in the If You Lived series, this time discussing the war for independence from England. In this book, students will learn about the causes, battles, and what life was like for everyone living during that time period.

  11. More Ideas… Avi has written a fictional account of what happens when you fight in war. In spite of the injury his father suffers and the tales he hears from other soldiers, Jonathan wants to be a soldier in the continental army. Jonathan’s original idea of what it is like to be a soldier changes as he learns firsthand the realities of war. This is a picture book is an account of one of the early battles of the American Revolution. The author sets the stage with some background information about the causes and key players and includes full page illustrations to draw students into the story. Use this for a novel study or literature circle. In this story, Colonel Knox must get some needed weapons from Ft. Ticonderoga to Boston. According to reviews, Will Knox is a character that many readers will enjoy in the Revolutionary War adventure. In this book, a young boy has a patriot father and loyalist mother. After some problems at home, Teddy enlists in the army. He joins the wrong company, though, and must learn how to overcome his ideas of who is the “enemy” and learn about loyality to those in his unit.

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