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NSW PLANNING SECTOR. Transforming the culture of planning. The journey so far. May 2014. Measures. Outcomes. The Case for Change. Delivery of strategic plan DA decisions align with policies Performance Monitoring Surveys.

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  1. NSW PLANNING SECTOR Transforming the culture of planning The journey so far May 2014

  2. Measures Outcomes The Case for Change Delivery of strategic plan DA decisions align with policies Performance Monitoring Surveys Significant growth in houses, infrastructure and jobs, so need to: Engage the community Reconcile short and long term needs Integrate strategic plans and infrastructure at regional and local levels Use sound evidence base for decisions Make rules simpler Streamline decision making Drive for outcomes Strategic alignment Leaders driving change Partnerships with shared understanding of roles Balanced decision making Increased community understanding of decisions Increased implementation Local government Partnering with local government Collaborating with associations and educators Transforming Planning and Environment Developing planners Associations Planning and Environment THE JOURNEY Engaging with community Coordinating across agencies Community Vision Principles for working together Collaborate from the start Share what we know and learn Seek feedback to keep improving Have positive intent Balance personal position with the vision Be transparent Collaborating to create a ‘can do’ culture delivering outcomes for sustainable growth Agencies Privateindustry Engaging private industry

  3. The Case for Change Significant growth in houses, infrastructure and jobs, so need to: Engage the community Reconcile short and long term needs Integrate strategic plans and infrastructure at regional and local levels Use sound evidence base for decisions Make rules simpler Streamline decision making Drive for outcomes Local government Partnering with local government Collaborating with associations and educators Transforming Planning and Environment Developing planners Associations Planning and Environment Engaging with community Coordinating across agencies Community Agencies Privateindustry Engaging private industry

  4. As you know, planning needs to change PLANNING NEEDS TO CHANGE: Encourage community to get on board Reconcile short versus long term Integrate strategic plans and infrastructure at regional and local levels Providing sound evidence base for decisions Make complex rules simpler and easier to navigate Streamline decision making Drive for outcomes SIGNIFICANT GROWTHin NSW by 2031 35,000 more houses per year 800,000 more jobs 2 MILLIONmore people 70% GROWTHin economy Many of these opportunities are CULTURAL

  5. The Case for Change Significant growth in houses, infrastructure and jobs, so need to: Engage the community Reconcile short and long term needs Integrate strategic plans and infrastructure at regional and local levels Use sound evidence base for decisions Make rules simpler Streamline decision making Drive for outcomes Local government Partnering with local government Collaborating with associations and educators Transforming Planning and Environment Developing planners Associations Planning and Environment Engaging with community Coordinating across agencies Community Vision Collaborating to create a ‘can do’ culture delivering outcomes for sustainable growth Agencies Privateindustry Engaging private industry

  6. Our vision Trust Partnership COLLABORATING

  7. Our vision Trust Partnership Fair and balanced Accountable Efficient Transparent COLLABORATINGto create a ‘CAN DO’ CULTURE

  8. Our vision Trust Partnership Flourishing communities, a thriving economy and protecting the things we value Fair and balanced Accountable Efficient Transparent COLLABORATINGto create a ‘CAN DO’ CULTURE delivering outcomes forSUSTAINABLE GROWTH

  9. Measures Outcomes The Case for Change Delivery of strategic plan DA decisions align with policies Performance Monitoring Surveys Significant growth in houses, infrastructure and jobs, so need to: Engage the community Reconcile short and long term needs Integrate strategic plans and infrastructure at regional and local levels Use sound evidence base for decisions Make rules simpler Streamline decision making Drive for outcomes Strategic alignment Leaders driving change Partnerships with shared understanding of roles Balanced decision making Increased community understanding of decisions Increased implementation Local government Partnering with local government Collaborating with associations and educators Transforming Planning and Environment Developing planners Associations Planning and Environment Engaging with community Coordinating across agencies Community Vision Collaborating to create a ‘can do’ culture delivering outcomes for sustainable growth Agencies Privateindustry Engaging private industry

  10. By 2019, we will have a diverse and vibrant planning system that balances competing interests… MEASURED BY Leaders driving change M E W • Delivery of strategic plan • DA decisions align with policies • Performance Monitoring • Surveys • Community • Culture change PARTNERSHIPS Increased community understanding of decisions TRANSPARENCY Increased implementation

  11. How will we get there? Just as a city has many CENTRES AND CONNECTIONS, so culture change across a sector requires many people to lead

  12. Planning and Environment is driving change FEB-JUN ‘14 JUL-DEC ‘14 JAN-DEC ‘15 • DRIVEP&E culture change • Strategic alignment • Leadership • Customer and partnership focus – collaboration • STREAMLINE and DIGITISE processes through ePlanning COMMUNICATE and ENGAGE across the sector • PROVIDE tools and resources • PlanEd • Future Cities • Strategic plans • State-wide profiling • Urban Feasibility Model • Planning Advisory Service • Schools program • Planner of the Future WORK WITH agencies and local government to solve problems

  13. A number of other ideas have been proposed LOCAL GOVERNMENT SHARElearnings RUNpilots for change FORMgroups of champions to drive change ENGAGE with associations to leverage ideas DEVELOPMOU between state government and local government ENHANCE communications PROMOTEthe role of planners DEVELOPskills in our people

  14. A number of other ideas have been proposed PRIVATE SECTOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENGAGEthe community, environmentalists and regulators on why industry invests and how developers operate within corporate governance guidelines ENCOURAGE and IMPLEMENT evidence-based planning SHOWCASE partnerships and success stories e.g. Wollongong, City of Sydney, Camden SHARE learnings RUN pilots for change FORM groups of champions to drive change ENGAGE with associations to leverage ideas DEVELOP MOU between state government and local government ENHANCE communications PROMOTE the role of planners DEVELOP skills in our people

  15. A number of other ideas have been proposed PRIVATE SECTOR ENGAGEthe community, environmentalists and regulators on why industry invests and how developers operate within corporate governance guidelines ENCOURAGE and IMPLEMENT evidence-based planning SHOWCASEpartnerships and success stories e.g. Wollongong, City of Sydney, Camden

  16. A number of other ideas have been proposed PRIVATE SECTOR AGENCIES ENGAGEthe community, environmentalists and regulators on why industry invests and how developers operate within corporate governance guidelines ENCOURAGE and IMPLEMENT evidence-based planning SHOWCASE partnerships and success stories e.g. Wollongong, City of Sydney, Camden • FORM task forces to align strategies and solve coordination issues • Gain commitment from agency CEOs • Create teams focused on specific issues and then disband when done • Share information • DEFINE and ACTION customer improvements

  17. A number of other ideas have been proposed AGENCIES • FORM task forces to align strategies and solve coordination issues • Gain commitment from agency CEOs • Create teams focused on specific issues and then disband when done • Share information • DEFINE and ACTION customer improvements

  18. Measures Outcomes The Case for Change Delivery of strategic plan DA decisions align with policies Performance Monitoring Surveys Significant growth in houses, infrastructure and jobs, so need to: Engage the community Reconcile short and long term needs Integrate strategic plans and infrastructure at regional and local levels Use sound evidence base for decisions Make rules simpler Streamline decision making Drive for outcomes Strategic alignment Leaders driving change Partnerships with shared understanding of roles Balanced decision making Increased community understanding of decisions Increased implementation Local government Partnering with local government Collaborating with associations and educators Transforming Planning and Environment Developing planners Associations Planning and Environment Engaging with community Coordinating across agencies Community Vision Principles for working together Collaborate from the start Share what we know and learn Seek feedback to keep improving Have positive intent Balance personal position with the vision Be transparent Collaborating to create a ‘can do’ culture delivering outcomes for sustainable growth Agencies Privateindustry Engaging private industry

  19. We’ll work together to change the culture COLLABORATEfrom the start SHAREwhat we know and learn SEEKfeedback to keep improving BALANCEour personal position with the vision have POSITIVE INTENT areTRANSPARENT WE:

  20. Principles of culture change Startswith me Must be measured Is led from the top CHANGE

  21. How you can get involved SHARE LISTEN IDENTIFY DEVELOP CLARIFY best practice and learn from others and see the situation from the other person’s point of view your own culture challenges and develop a culture change plan your own personal leadership plan behavioural expectations

  22. What now? HERE’S WHAT WE ARE DOING WHAT CAN YOU DO? Point one Point two Point three Point four Point five Point one Point two Point three Point four Point five

  23. Measures Outcomes The Case for Change Delivery of strategic plan DA decisions align with policies Performance Monitoring Surveys Significant growth in houses, infrastructure and jobs, so need to: Engage the community Reconcile short and long term needs Integrate strategic plans and infrastructure at regional and local levels Use sound evidence base for decisions Make rules simpler Streamline decision making Drive for outcomes Strategic alignment Leaders driving change Partnerships with shared understanding of roles Balanced decision making Increased community understanding of decisions Increased implementation Local government Partnering with local government Collaborating with associations and educators Transforming Planning and Environment Developing planners Associations Planning and Environment THE JOURNEY Engaging with community Coordinating across agencies Community Vision Principles for working together Collaborate from the start Share what we know and learn Seek feedback to keep improving Have positive intent Balance personal position with the vision Be transparent Collaborating to create a ‘can do’ culture delivering outcomes for sustainable growth Agencies Privateindustry Engaging private industry

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