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  2. MANDATE OF THE TEACHING TASK FORCE The overall mandate of the Task Force was to examine how OISE can enhance its recognition of and support for excellent teaching, in ways that will serve students well, help faculty with continuous improvement, recognize problems and reward successes.

  3. IMPROVING INFRASTRUCTURE • Creation of Office of Teaching • Appointment of faculty member to head the Office of Teaching • Designation of resources for administrative assistance • Support for the implementation of the Task Force recommendations

  4. INCREASING TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS • Expand course-based approach for preparing graduate students for teaching roles • Expand opportunities for students to acquire teaching experience in paid positions (teaching assistants, sole responsibility instructors)

  5. ENHANCING ASSISTANCE TO FACULTY • Link all new faculty with teaching mentors • Provide all new faculty with an initial consultation on educational technologies and other innovative teaching strategies • Inform all faculty about University and divisional resources for teaching in general and for the use of academic technology

  6. REFINING POLICY (RELATED TO THE ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING) • Maintain teaching portfolio • Provide a range of evidence on teaching (including information from/about course evaluations, student supervision, peer review, written assessments from students taught, advised, or supervised) • Organize evidence on teaching in relation to two, three, or all four areas: teaching practice (skills), student supervision, integration of teaching and scholarship, and leadership in teaching

  7. ACKNOWLEDGING EXCELLENCE • In general, coordinate how we develop nominations for teaching awards • Use similar criteria for internal and external awards • Develop external nominations on the basis of successful internal ones • Increase the support for and the coordination of resources (e.g., Office of Teaching Advancement) dedicated to developing nominations

  8. APPENDIX DOISE GUIDELINES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING (OGAT) The Guidelines clarify and provide directions for the following: • Sources of Information on Teaching Effectiveness • Information Required for Decisions Regarding PTR/Merit, Third Year Review, Tenure and Promotion of Tenure-Stream Faculty, and Promotion to Senior Lecturer for Teaching-Stream Faculty • Criteria for Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness • Individual, Departmental and Divisional Responsibilities in Supporting Teaching Effectiveness • OISE Teaching Evaluation Form

  9. DEVELOPMENT OF OGAT: TEACHING TASK FORCE GOALS To develop guidelines that will provide: • Faculty members with a framework for representing their teaching activities/accomplishments in their applications for tenure and/or promotion (highlighting strengths, noting various dimensions, etc.) • Tenure and promotion committees with a framework for the assessment of applications • Chairs with a framework that can be used to organize and explain the assessment of teaching as part of the Statement of Reasons submitted to the Dean, Provost, or President

  10. PROVOSTIAL GUIDELINES: COMPETENCE Evaluation of competence in teaching requires demonstration of: • Success in stimulating and challenging students and promoting their intellectual and scholarly development • Strong communication skills • Success in developing students’ mastery of a subject and of the latest developments in the field • Success in encouraging students’ sense of inquiry and understanding of a subject through discover-based learning • Active engagement with students’ learning progress and accessibility to students • Promotion of academic integrity and adherence to grading standards of the division and, as appropriate, the ethical standards of profession • Creation of opportunities which involve students in the research process • Creation of supervisory conditions conducive to a student’s research, intellectual growth and academic progress consistent with the School of Graduate Studies Guidelines for Graduate Supervision

  11. PROVOSTIAL GUIDELINES: EXCELLENCE Evaluation of excellence in teaching requires, in addition to the criteria for competence, demonstration of some combination of the following: • Superlative teaching skills • Creative educational leadership • Successful innovations in the teaching domain, including the creation of new and innovative teaching processes, materials and forms of evaluation • Significant contribution to the technological enrichment of teaching in the given area, for example, through the development of effective new technology or the use of new media to fullest advantage • Publication of innovative textbooks and/or teaching guides • Development of significant new courses and/or reform of curricula • Development of innovative and creative ways to promote students’ involvement in the research process and provide opportunities for them to learn through discovery-based methods • Significant contribution to pedagogical changes in a discipline

  12. TEACHING TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE PROVOSTIAL GUIDELINES The Teaching Task Force engaged in the following: • To determine the extent to which the Provostial Guidelines are directly applicable to the assessment of teaching at OISE • Where appropriate, to adapt or supplement the Provostial Guidelines in ways that are relevant to the assessment of teaching at OISE • To reframe and further define what constitutes “excellence” • (For the tenure-stream faculty members) to differentiate how the criteria for “excellence” are applied for someone being considered for promotion to full professor from how the criteria are applied when someone being considered for tenure • (For lecturers) to clarify the criteria for “excellence” when someone applies for promotion to senior lecturer






  18. PROMOTION FROM LECTURER TO SENIOR LECTURER For a judgment of “excellence” on the part of Lecturers, they must demonstrate exemplary practice in teaching skills and in at least one of the other three criteria.

  19. POINTS OF EMPHASIS AND/OR CLARIFICATION • Applicants for tenure and/or promotion can choose which areas to address in their submission on teaching. In many cases, faculty members will focus on teaching skills and student supervision. They will include evidence on Integration of Teaching and Scholarship and on Leadership in Teaching as applicable. • In each area, wherever feasible, evidence will be submitted or gathered from more than one source (e.g., Teaching Skills will include course evaluations, peer reviews, written assessment from students with completed coursework and graduates). • In the assessment of Teaching Skills (and other areas as relevant) every effort will be made to provide and seek contextual information relevant to the circumstances and conditions of an applicant’s teaching responsibilities. • Following the approval of OGAT, the guidelines for the promotion to senior lecturer will be revised.

  20. WHAT HAS CHANGED? Many of points in Appendix D (OGAT) reflect current or recent practice. For example: • Criteria for assessing “competence” and “excellence” are either the same as or consistent with the criteria (and/or indicators) currently in use • Two, three, or all four broad areas are addressed, as appropriate, in recent applications for tenure and/or promotion • An assessment of “excellence” has required more than a strong record in course/classroom teaching Those proposed aspects of OGAT that are “new” include: • Four-part framework itself (name and intent of some areas, indictors, etc.) • Requirements for “excellence,” including demonstrated exemplary practices in courses (teaching skills) and the specification of the number of areas needed for an assessment of “excellence” in tenure and promotion • Common course evaluation form

  21. NEXT STEPS • Establishment of the Office of Teaching • Appointment of the Director of the Office of Teaching • Development of timelines for the implementation of the TTF recommendations (see box below) • Coordination of responsibilities among the Office of Teaching, the Departments, and the Dean’s Office • Organization of periodic review of OGAT, initially after the first two years, and thereafter on a five-year cycle The application of the OISE Guidelines for the Assessment of Teaching will begin in 2009/2010. For those applying for tenure or promotion in 2008/2009, they can choose the current guidelines (Provostial Guidelines) or the OGAT

  22. DEPARTMENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES Departments are responsible for: • Facilitating faculty members’ awareness of and access to resources and services available from the Office of Teaching Advancement and other OISE and campus support services • Providing mentoring on teaching and supervision for pre-tenure faculty • Developing resources that describe the ways in which criteria for tenure and promotion have been operationalized within the departmental setting • Monitoring the preparedness of pre-tenure faculty for the third-year review and tenure review • Establishing departmental procedures for peer classroom observation • Customizing course evaluation forms as needed and guidelines for interpretation of course evaluation data • Maintaining a secure archive of written course evaluations

  23. DEAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES The Dean’s Office is responsible for: • Maintaining an ongoing and reciprocal relationship with the Office of Teaching Advancement • Facilitating faculty members’ awareness of and access to resources and services available from the Office of Teaching Advancement and other OISE and campus support services • Ensuring all faculty are aware of relevant university policies on teaching and evaluation of teaching • Providing “best practices” guidelines for building and organizing teaching portfolios • Develop common core items for course evaluations and provide guidelines for contextualized interpretation of course evaluation data • Maintaining a data processing facility and data archive for close-ended course evaluations

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