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Physical I&IT Infrastructure Proposal

This presentation proposes the implementation of new technology and equipment in CSU classrooms to meet the growing demand for computer projection systems and improve the quality of image projection. The proposal includes additional funding requests and a three-year plan for continuous upgrades.

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Physical I&IT Infrastructure Proposal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Physical I&IT Infrastructure Proposal Presentation to the UTFAB Monday, November 8 2004, 5-6:30 PM, Library Tom Maher, Dir. of OIS, Tom.Maher@Colostate.edu, 1-1325 Andre Smith, Manager, CSS-OIS, Andre.Smith@Colostate.edu, 1-1325

  2. Background

  3. CSU GA Classrooms Status • 154 total GA (General Assignment) classrooms at CSU • All have Internet access • 74 have technology (49%) • Insufficient number to meet a growing demand • Need more mid to small-sized classrooms with computer projection systems • Many have old, dim projectors and older optics resulting in a less sharp image • New computer projector technology can avoid expensive lighting modifications Classroom Technolopgy Status

  4. Comparison to Peers – GA Classrooms with Technology • CU Boulder has 160 GA classrooms – about the same number as CSU • About 100 (60%) have computer projectors • About 30 of these (20%) have “all the bells and whistles” • AHEC in Denver has 100% of GA classrooms equipped with technology Classroom Technolopgy Status

  5. Summary of Status for FY 05 • 11 rooms for new technology • 5 rooms for technology refresh • 720 student seats total, mostly smaller rooms to meet most pressing demand • Project is ahead of schedule and on budget Classroom Technolopgy Status

  6. Additional Funds Requested for FY 05 • 9 rooms for technology refresh • 1,211 student seats total, mix of large and medium-sized rooms Classroom Technolopgy Status

  7. FY 05 - Proposed Additional Technology Refresh • Updated Doc. Cams, Projectors, Projector Lifts, Wireless Mics and misc. • Budget for additional technology • Non-capital equipment $36,801 • Materials and supplies $675 • Installation $7,786 • Total additional $44,542 • Just in case UTFAB wishes to consider this, and we would be happy to come back should the UTFAB so desire Classroom Technolopgy Status

  8. Proposed Technology Refresh Classroom Technolopgy Status

  9. FY 05 University Cost Share • Agreement was that for every $1 of student funding for classroom infrastructure, the University would fund $1 of building rewires • Completed VTH rewire @ > $580,000 • 8 additional buildings, in process • AERC, Alder Hall, GSB, Industrial Science, NRRL, Painter Center, Physiology, Spruce Classroom Technolopgy Status

  10. 3-Year Plan

  11. 3-Year Plan or Process • That the UTFAB consider funding technology in classrooms for 3 additional years, for both some new rooms and some technology refresh • 21 New rooms (7 annually plus 11 in FY05) • 24 rooms for technology refresh (8 annually after 5 in FY05) • 120 (78%) total smart rooms by Fall 2008 Classroom Technolopgy Status

  12. UTFAB Funding Criteria • Benefit as many students as possible • Est. 20,000+ students will pass through these classrooms in any single semester • CSUIITE eventually will benefit all students, faculty and staff • Current rewire proposal mostly benefits occupants of Wagar, Music and VTH, but the network is bi-directional • Ability to effectively utilize the fee - judgment • Not funded by CFT - correct • Adherence to budget and accountability – quotations for classroom equipment, accounting in arrears for rewires • Potential for direct student use - judgment • Effort and thought reflected in the plan - judgment • Justification and clarity of the project plan - judgment Classroom Technolopgy Status

  13. Summary Thank you for your support. Discussion and questions are most welcome. Classroom Technolopgy Status

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