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Migratory Species: Working Together towards a Vision for 2O2O Opportunities and Challenges for Conservation through Sustainable Use Kai Wollscheid Director General CIC – International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation. Content. A M agazine A R evolution ary M odel

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  1. Migratory Species: Working Together towards a Vision for 2O2OOpportunities and Challenges for Conservation through Sustainable UseKai WollscheidDirector GeneralCIC – International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation

  2. Content A Magazine A Revolutionary Model 3. A Challenge

  3. „If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” Henry David Thoreau

  4. This gathering could offer an ideal opportunity to further such foundations…

  5. 1. A Magazine

  6. 1871... ...a new monthly newspaper appeared in the US: “The American Sportsman” Amasing shift in social and civic conscience to rescue and support wildlife for generations to come

  7. 2. A Revolutionary Model

  8. The North American Wildlife Conservation Model • Cause and concern: hunters’ voices echoed across the continent, demanding a codified approach to the taking of wildlife – a prescription for both, human conduct and motivation

  9. The North American Wildlife Conservation Model (2) • Launch of a social and intellectual revolution • Wildlife became tied to identity, sense of nationhood and civic responsability • This doctrine relied on the taking of nature, not on simply viewing it

  10. The North American Wildlife Conservation Model (3) Concept based on „Seven Sisters”: 1. public trust, 2. prohibition of commerce, 3. democratic rule of law, 4. hunting opportunity for all, 5. non-frivolous use, 6. international resources, 7. scientific management

  11. The North American Wildlife Conservation Model (4) 6. International resources: 1916: Great Britain (on behalf of Canada) and the US sign the Migratory Bird Convention 1918: Migratory Bird Treaty Act implements Convention in the US Similar agreements with other nations followed

  12. 3. A Challenge

  13. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro (1992) applied the concept of sustainable development. During the last years, the sector of tourism for example has developed different concepts for environmentally friendly forms of tourism. A so-called “environmental management” can assure that negative impacts of tourism are reduced to a minimum. A number of regional and global initiatives do exist that have one aim in common: to further sustainable use of all resources (http://www.cbd.int/default.shtml).

  14. Use of Resources The concept of “Sustainable Development“ 1992 2002 2004 2007 . Sustainable Use

  15. IUCN Policy Statement Amman 2000Sustainable Use of Wild Living Resources “Use, if sustainable can serve human needs on an ongoing basis while contributing to theconservation of biological diversity” “Use of wild living resources, if sustainable, is an important conservation tool because the social and economic benefits derived from such use provide incentives for people to conserve them”

  16. CBD has developed two very significant Guidelines: the Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development and the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (AAPG). The Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development(http://www.cbd.int/programmes/socio-eco/tourism/guidelines.asp): CBD recognizes that sustainable tourism can provide significant benefits to biodiversity conservation. The guidelines cover all forms of tourism. Special focus lies on indigenous and local communities. Tourism can also play a crucial role in incorporating sustainable use and equity strategies within and around protected areas. The Convention furthermore asks for feedback on the effectiveness of these Guidelines.

  17. Use of Resources The concept of “Sustainable Development“ 1992 2002 2004 2007 . Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development “ADDIS ABABA“ Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Tourism Use of Biodiversity Principles and Guidelines for Sustainable Hunting Tourism Hunting Tourism Sustainable Use

  18. The Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (AAPG)(http://www.cbd.int/programmes/socio-eco/use/addis.asp) were developed and finally adopted by the Parties to the CBD in February 2004. The CIC, like IUCN, was right from the beginning a partner in this process and assisted in the development of the AAPG. The AAPG in fact represent the latest state of the art on sustainable use of biodiversity, and provide a framework for assisting stakeholders on all geographical levels, as well as institutional levels such as the UN System, Conventions, Governments, development agencies, local and indigenous communities, resource managers, the private sector and NGOs, on how to ensure that their uses of biodiversity will not lead to its long-term decline.

  19. Important Notes • The Principles: • apply to consumptive and non-consumptive use • are intended to be of general relevance • but not all apply equally to all situations or apply with equal rigour • Full version: www.biodiv.org • www.cic-wildlife.org

  20. In a nutshell • Sustainability of use of biodiversity • will be enhanced if there is: • Supportive & linked governance at all levels • Empowerment & accountability of local users • Adaptive management using science, monitoring, local knowledge and timely feedbacks • Equitable sharing of benefits for local people • Transparency & international co-operation • Public awareness of the benefits Full version: www.biodiv.org

  21. European Sustainable Hunting Initiative European Charter on Hunting & Biodiversity IUCN ESUSG WISPER Guidelines For Sustainable Hunting Conservation Hunting Best Practice Manual Sustainable Migratory Bird Hunting inthe MTC Global: Addis Ababa Principles & Guidelines (AAPG) “Hunting Tourism: A Red Rag?” Sustainable Hunting Tourism Programme Premium Hunting (Conservancies) Namibia IUCN-ZSL Symposium on Recreational Hunting Initiatives for sustainable hunting

  22. Sustainable developmentis a process...

  23. Sustainable tourism management: Strasdas 2001 modified

  24. Conservation needs data…

  25. Harvest Data... • ...in many regions and for many species not sufficient enough • Even if data does exist – sharing remains critical (provision of data regarded as threat for further use of species) • Many organisations involved in monitoring of harvest (AEWA, WI, etc.)

  26. Conservation needs finance…

  27. Sustainable Financing • If wildlife and protected areas do not contribute to poverty reduction but instead limit availble resources which otherwise could be used to alleviate poverty, then their conservation has no political future.

  28. Sustainable Financing • Sustainable use options for wildlife (including migratory species) are many and varied • Photo tourism, hunting, meat production, use of by-products, etc.

  29. Sustainable Financing • Empirical experience shows: combination of different forms of utilisation usually renders highest income! • In some instances environmentally friendly wildlife utilisation can brin equal/greater revenue per unit area then other land use options (e.g agriculture)

  30. Conclusions • conservation concepts must be sustainable in all aspects: politically, economically, ecologically • Provision of harvest data must be seen as carrot, rather then a stick

  31. Conclusions (2) • Increased education of resource users on biological impact of use during different life cycles • Why not creating a „Sustainable Use CHM” to increase credibility of data management?

  32. Conclusions (3) • More equaty in reporting success! Ciritical role of (conservation) media in presenting successes and failures in both, consumptive and non/consumptive use of migratory species • Broad coalition required for developing tangible standards and criteria for SU

  33. Acknowledgements Special thanks to CIC Expert Prof. Shane Mahoney, Newfoundland, for his advise on the North American Wildlife Conservation Model. For further reading: http://www.rmef.org/Hunting/HuntersConservation Contributions to this presentation came also from Kolja Zimmermann, Coordinator CIC Sustainable Hunting Tourism Programme.

  34. Thank you for your sustainedattention!

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