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Webification o f Science Data

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Zhangfan Xing. Webification o f Science Data. July 10, 2014. Scope of Our Work. Enable digital resources for the web platform Resource Virtualization Webification (w10n): exposure of data Servicification (serv10n): exposure of libs and exes

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Webification o f Science Data

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  1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory Zhangfan Xing Webification of Science Data July 10, 2014

  2. Scope of Our Work Enable digital resources for the web platform • Resource Virtualization • Webification (w10n): exposure of data • Servicification (serv10n): exposure of libs and exes • Resource Visualization • Libraries and widgets • End user applications • Resource Discovery Examples of resources: • directories, files, data bases, remote services, etc. • class methods, scripts, command line executables, etc. This talk only covers w10n of science data

  3. W10n Specification (I) Idea:An arbitrary data store is virtualized as a tree. Its inner components, such as attributes and data arrays, are made directly addressable and accessible by meaningfulURLs. They are exposed in a fully ReSTful way. Summary: • Resource is viewed as a tree of nodes and leaves. • Nodes and leaves are accessible via semantic URLs. • A node has meta info; A leaf has meta and data info. • Fully ReSTful style HTTP request/response. Read/Write. Where it has been applied: • Science: Earth, Planetary, Astronomy, Heliophysics, etc. • Mission operation: engineering, system control, etc. • Business information: documents, databases, etc.

  4. W10n Specification (II) URL Syntax: conventional with two extensions • Forward-slash ‘/’ denotes meta info of a node or leaf • Square-bracket pair ‘[…]’ denotes data info of a leaf node meta: http://host:port/path/store/../node/?query_string leaf meta: http://host:port/path/store/../node/leaf/?query_string leaf data: http://host:port/path/store/../node/leaf[indexer]?query_string where indexer denotes a portion of leaf data info. Request: • Standard HTTP methods: GET, PUT, etc. Response: • Meta info always in JSON; Data info in JSON or others. Node meta info: {'name':string, 'attributes':[...], 'nodes':[...], 'leaves': [...], 'w10n':[...]} Leaf meta info: {'name':string, 'attributes':[...], 'type':string, 'w10n':[...]} Leaf data info: {'name':string, 'type':string, ’data’:..., 'w10n':[...]}

  5. A Simple W10n Example File system directory as a data sotre: • Sub-directories  w10n nodes • File entries w10n leaves • Attributes include timestamp, size, etc. More URL syntactic sugar: extended to supports GLOB (aka wildcard) pattern. http://example.com/test/data/ http://example.com/test/data/*/ http://example.com/test/data/*/*/ http://example.com/test/data/*/*/*/ http://example.com/test/data/*/*p*/*/ http://example.com/test/data/[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]/*/ http://example.com/test/data/[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]/*.nc/

  6. W10n of Science Data (I) It is w10n applied to science data stores, thus w10n-sci. Science data store examples: • A remote sensing granule file in HDF format • A climate model outputin NetCDF format • A CSV file with field work records • A Mysql database with in-situ observations • A data model, e.g., GDAL, ImageIO, etc. • A remote service such as OPeNDAP • W10n-sci maps an arbitrary science data store into a hierarchical tree, with leaves that are multi-dimensional arrays of • primitive type, e.g., int16, float32, etc. • composite type, e.g., {int16, float32}

  7. W10n of Science Data (II) Request: • HTTP GET method with unambiguous w10n URLs as • node meta: http://host:port/path/store/../node/?query_string • leaf meta: http://host:port/path/store/../node/leaf/?query_string • leaf data: http://host:port/path/store/../node/leaf[indexer]?query_string • where indexer can be: • range: start:stop:step,start:stop:step,… • list: n0,n1,n2,… • specific constraint: -20<=lon<=20, -45<=lat<=45, quality>3 • any declarative language you want to support • and query_string can be output=*, traverse, flatten, etc. Response: Meta info always in JSON Data info in JSON, big/little-endian binary, NetCDF Leaf (array) meta Info: {'name':string, 'attributes':[...], 'type':string or {...}, ’shape’:[...], 'w10n':[...]} Leaf (array) data Info: {'name':string, 'type':string or {...}, ’data’:..., 'w10n':[...]}

  8. A W10n-Sci Example • Extensions to classic URL syntax: • forward-slash '/’ denotes meta info • square-bracket '[]’ denotes data ino blue: classic URL path red: w10n meta/data info identifier green: classic URL queryString orange: w10n data indexer sample.h5 === SMAP_L3_SM_P_20010501_D04003_001.h5 Meta of root node http://…/sample.h5/ Meta of sub nodes http://…/sample.h5/Metadata/ http://…/sample.h5/Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/radiometer/ Meta of a sub node containing leaves http://…/sample.h5/Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data/ Meta of a leaf http://…/sample.h5/Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data/soil_moisture/ Data of a leaf http://…/sample.h5/Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data/soil_moisture[] http://…/sample.h5/Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data/soil_moisture[]?output=json http://…/sample.h5/Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data/soil_moisture[]?output=nc Sliced data of a leaf http://…/sample.h5/Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data/soil_moisture[0:406,0:964] http://…/sample.h5/Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data/soil_moisture[10:20:2,60:80:3]

  9. Selected Implementations Server Pomegranate (http://pomegranate.nasa.gov) Formats supported: NetCDF, HDF 4/5, GRIB, FITS, etc. Output format : NetCDF, big/little-endian binary, JSON. Juneberry Formats supported: Vicar/PDS, FITS, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, etc. Output format: common image format like GIF, PNG, etc. Client Any http-aware programming language or environment works, e.g., • command line tools, e.g., curl and wget • python, php, java, and javascript • Matlaband IDL • Mobile applications • Advanced html5 applications such as http://rex.jpl.nasa.gov

  10. Enable Earth Science Data via W10n-Sci Contact: xing@jpl.nasa.gov Step 1. Install Server • Visit http://pomegranate.nasa.gov to install and configure Pomegranate. Or, alternatively, • Download Taiga, a turnkey solution, from http://scifari.org/taiga. • Run command taiga-service config with a directory of your data files. • Run command taiga-service start to start up web service. Step 2. Use Your Browser • Type in service endpoint URL from Step 1 above • Explore Or, alternatively, • Go to http://rex.jpl.nasa.gov • “Tools” -> “File Finder” • Type in the URL reported by last command in Step 1 c • Explore and plot Helpful URLs: • http://data.jpl.nasa.gov/earth-science • http://data.jpl.nasa.gov/earth-help • http://data.jpl.nasa.gov/planetary-science • http://data.jpl.nasa.gov/planetary-help

  11. Acknowledgements • Over years, our effort has been kindly supported by many NASA/JPL sponsored projects/tasks, including • ACCESS/Altimetry Service and Tools • AIST/OSCAR • MLS/Task Plan #88-9539 Rev A • MGSS-IOS/Web services • MSL/OPGS • PO.DAAC/Technology • SMAP/PHASE CD Implementation • PDS System Operation

  12. Simple, but not simpler! Thank you very much! Questions? Contact: xing@jpl.nasa.gov

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