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Title IX

Title IX. What is Title IX?. Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendment

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Title IX

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  1. Title IX

  2. What is Title IX? Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendment • “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

  3. More on Title IX • Signed into law by President Gerald Ford in 1972 • Affects Secondary Schools and Colleges

  4. Recruitment Admissions Athletics Counseling Employment Financial Aid/scholarships Facilities & Housing Course offering and access Educational programs/activities Health Insurance Benefits Marital & Parental Status Employment Assistance What does Title IX cover?

  5. Why was (and is) Title IX needed? • Females were frequently denied enrollment in traditionally male courses and activities. • Women were denied equal educational and employment opportunities • Women like Patsy Takemoto Mink (Rep Hawaii) were not allowed in medical schools and were not hired by law firms.

  6. Why was (and is) Title IX needed? • Girls and women were either not allowed to participate in sports or to participate in sports that were not funded at the same level as men’s sports

  7. Why was (and is) Title IX needed? • Women did not receive equal pay for equal work in educational institutions (Teachers & Coaches) • Women were not in administrative positions in secondary schools

  8. Why was (and is) Title IX needed? • Perpetuating traditional gender roles

  9. How has Title IX helped in Education? • 1999 – Increase women taking math and science courses. • Increase in the rate of women who want to attend college (surpassed men) • Women have outnumbered men on college campuses since 1984 • More women have completed Bachelors Degrees • Increase in women in Medicine and Law.

  10. What has happened in classes/athletics because of Title IX • Classes must be organized on a coeducational basis • Sex cannot be the criterion fro groupings in class • Schools must provide equal opportunities for both sexes • Schools and colleges must spend funds in an equitable manner

  11. What has happened in classes/athletics because of Title IX • No discrimination in respect to personnel standards for employment, promotion, retention, salaries, recruitment, job classification, or fringe benefits – based on • Sex • Marital status • Parental status

  12. What has happened in classes/athletics because of Title IX • Financial Aid must be awarded equitably – not because of sex • Title IX takes precedence over state, local, an conference regulations • If an institution receives federal aid – they must be in compliance

  13. Where has Title IX received the greatest attention? Athletics

  14. How does an Athletic Department comply with Title IX? • Provide athletic opportunities to females and males in proportion to their academic enrollment • Consistently expand enrollment for the underrepresented gender • Show it fully and effectively meets the interests of the gender that is underrepresented www.now.org/nnt/05-97/titleix.html

  15. How does an Athletic Department comply with Title IX? • Colleges must annually submit a report on athletic participation • Demonstrate that women have equal opportunity as a whole – not on an individual basis.

  16. Football Basketball Baseball Soccer Tennis Cross Country Golf Volleyball Basketball Softball Soccer Tennis Cross Country Cheerleading Shepherd College Athletics 2003-2004

  17. Football Basketball Baseball Golf Swimming Track Cross Country Tennis Cheerleading Shepherd College 1972

  18. What positive effects has Title IX had on Women's sport? • More women than ever competed in the most recent Olympics • Women’s professional Sports • Increased women’s sports participation in high school and in colleges • Increased participation in marching band Reference: www.now.org/nnt/05-97/titleix.html

  19. What positive effects has Title IX had on Women's sport? • Greater variety of activities for women in sport – no longer just gymnastics, dancing, skating & cheering • 1655: football • 3032: wrestling • 1610: baseball • 5063: ice hockey

  20. Why do we need to continue to fight for equal rights for women in sport?

  21. YES

  22. Benefits of Women participating in sports.

  23. Women need to know that they can participate in any activity

  24. They can run a marathon • (despite years of believing that it was not physically possible for women chepchumba

  25. It is important to have fit female role models (and respectable) vs

  26. You, your daughter, or granddaughter can go to college for free!

  27. You can get a job in sports! • Paid to play • Sport journalism • Team management • Coaching • Athlete Representation (Agent) • Athletic Administration

  28. You are dressed for success! • Healthier, more self confidence, better chance for success. • High school athletes get higher grades than non-athletes • 80% of women leaders in fortune 500 companies participated in sport as children

  29. Live Longer! • Physical Activity reduces your risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. • Physically active women lowered their risk of dying by 20%

  30. Male and Female myths* • Men have bigger brains and, thus, are smarter than females • Women’s heads are generally smaller than males,  however, brain size is not related to intelligence. • Myth: Males’ frontal lobe is better developed than females’ so males must be smarter. • there is no difference in the development of male vs. female  frontal lobes.

  31. Male hormones keep men’s minds cool and “dry”, thus they have a clever “dry” wit. •  fact:  male hormones have no effect on the  "temperature" of their minds. • Myth: Females should not be educated because it drains them of vital (reproductive?) fluids. • fact: there is no connection between sex hormones and fluid levels of the brain.

  32. Title IX insures that women as well as men, strong, alive and kicking!

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